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  1. Just an update...She has been told to stop her antics and is now on her last chance. She came to a pack function this week with stains and dog poop on her uniform shirt, completely in disarray, yelling that she was going to resign because her dog had the runs. I have, on a happier note, found a few moms that are happy to help and offered their services anytime I need a hand so I am grateful. Anyone having similar issues, just take a breath and it will get better. (This message has been edited by cubsdenleader07)
  2. You are totally right, I contacted the CM and we're going to talk about the situation so they know exactly what is going on. I was thinking the same thing, that I'm also a parent and if I wasn't the den leader, it would certainly make me upset anyways, so I'm going to do what is right. I'll let you know what happens. Thanks again!
  3. I wanted to thank everyone for their quick response to my question. Everyone is really helpful here and I am really glad I found this site. I just wanted to update. I emailed one of the parents (who is very involved) and asked her to assist with some projects and brainstorm with me on things to do in the den. I am hoping this woman will basically take over the official assistants job, since anything she does will be more than what is done now. I am going to talk to the CC in private on Wednesday at the Committee Meeting on how to go about dealing with the assistant. Maybe she can tell her she needs her to help in another area, but the problem with that is, she will still be at the den meetings with her son, and continue to infuriate everyone. I am hoping one of the parents complains and I can wash my hands of the whole thing. I am just really into the program, I spend a lot of time on it daily to make sure I'm doing things right so I want to stay in it and finish the year without aggravation. Anyways, thanks again, and I'll let you know what happens
  4. What do you do when your assistant den leader wont assist? I can't get her to do anything. I am a new den leader, and she offered to help. She was excited about the program but has since lost all interest, and wont help me plan anything. Last one, she forgot it was her turn to bring snack and left for half the meeting to go buy one. She sits and watches me run around setting up the den meetings and wont control her own child who is constantly screaming and into everything. I mentioned this to her and if she could maybe help out more, she said she has Adult Attention Deficit Disorder and a list of other mental/physical/emotional issues and said I have to give her specifics to do or she can't remember. So I asked her to bring the game or craft. She shows up empty handed and when I ask if she brought it, she gives me a dirty look and says "NO!" and then my den plan is screwed up. She talks about inappropriate things in front of the parents (that her house is infested with mice, that she beats her husband, swears in front of the kids and parents, and constantly telling them last years den leader was useless). She missed the last pack meeting (a very important activity filled pack meeting), and emailed me afterward that she forgot. She has an unfortunate constant flatulance problem and doesn't leave the room to excuse herself, but passes gas right next to people. Lately, she is turning in achievements and belt loop requests for activities that she admits she "fudges". The problem is that she and I became friends earlier in the fall when we started being the leaders (before I got to know her well), and our kids are friends, so it is hard to hurt her feelings. I can tell the parents are uncomfortable around her and I don't want it to relfect on me or hurt the den. She also informed me as of late, that she has been in trouble with the law before (jail for traffic/alchohol violation). I feel that this behavior is totally inappropriate for a position like this. Wouldn't that show up when they screened her application? Sorry this is so long and I'm not trying to sound like a horrible person, but I really am at a loss and I'm afraid if I bring it up to the CM or anyone else, she will get talked to and get really irrate with me. Am I overreacting, or should I say something to someone...she told me she wants to do this again next year! Lord help me.
  5. Hi everyone! I was a Tiger parent last year and this year I volunteered to be the Wolf den leader. So far we are having a great year, and I am very excited about the scouting program. Looking forward to sharing ideas and learning new things here.
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