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Everything posted by cubmaster73

  1. I want to tahnk you all again for the advice. I had a meeting tonight with the leaders of the den and some changes have been made. The old DL is now going to be my ACM and the ADL is now the DL. All around they agreed with the changes and it seems like a weight has been lifted from the den. My new ACM is really excited about me taking him under my wing, and besides we have 10 Webelos Moving to BS next year and I need him to help with recruiting. Again,I can't tell you how much I appreciate you advise. Thanks to all.
  2. Thank you for the advice. I had considered asking the DL if he had wanted to be ACM. Maybe that should be my course of action. Ask him to be ACM and make the ADL DL. that way everybody wins and everybody saves face. I think he would make a great CM when he gets a little experience and I get ready to move on.
  3. I have a great new Tiger Den Leader this year who was an Eagle Scout, and is very excited about scouting. I think he is a great guy and is really motivated about scouting and making sure achievments get done, but the den is falling apart and I need some advice. A little back ground on the pack. We are a small pack of about 23 boys total. Our Tiger Den usually is our biggest den but this year it seems to have fallen apart. There are about 3 or boys that are active in the den including the Den Leaders son, when the year began there were about 7. The first couple of den meetings went well then it started going down hill. One of the parents confronted the Den Leader over Den Dues, meetings every week, and so on during the den activities. Basically disrupted the whole meeting. That same parent pulled thier son from the den and quit scouting. This parent is friends with the assisstant den leader, and has called me and said that if I would place the assistant in charge of the den she would allowher son to come back. The den leaders son has very bad asthma and was in the hospital a couple of weeks and they were forced to cancel some meetngs and the assistant den leader took over some meetings. Ever since his son left the hospital they have been 1/2 hour late for meetings and some times don't show up at all. Now the assistant den leader calls me and says she is wanting to quit because the den leader is making things difficult on her. I think ever since the confrontation with the parent it kind of ruined the motivation of the leader, but the assistant den leader still wants to make the den run. She is just frustrated by the den leaders actions. the assisstant den leader asked to have a meeting with me and the den leader to sort things out. Has anyone been through this before? If so, how did you handle it, and what was the outcome? Thanks
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