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Everything posted by cubdad4

  1. In case you haven't seen it, the new issue of Scouting magazine (May/June) has a good article on the new version of Cub Scouting. Most of our leaders have been running a version of this and it looks to be pretty well laid out. I like the focus on advancement, it does seem to be the most important thing to keep Cub Scouts in the program.
  2. Having seen the video, it seems to run true to what I've observed with the most successful dens- I think this kind of formalizes what most of us that keep the boys have worked out on our own. It does make sure that the boys LEGITIMATLY receive the rank advancement, which should ensure that the values are delivered. Heard and seen the same experience on themes at roundtable- most den leaders are not using them and most don't have 3 or 4 den meetings a month, rather 2. This makes program helps awkward to use, as well as if all dens aren't using it, the pack meeting doesn't work well. Overall, I'm a fan, hope it looks like the fast tracks we've been using online when it is done.
  3. You might consider asking your DE or Council if they would give you the leftover popcorn from their sale. You could then take it to a Walmart or other big store and do a sale- if you got the popcorn for free- they can't do much with it after the sale, you could make quite a bit.
  4. Mr. B, Have you sent these programs to national? They really should include them or work to update them with the new cub scout program- 2010, looks like it would provide more options. I called to see if there was more material beyond what is listed and they said a voluneer named Lucia from the midwest was working on the program with the scout executive from Pittsburg, but I couldn't figure out if it was just the resource book or if they were trying to add your "fun" items. Wondered if you knew more?
  5. Thanks for the great info! I just posted a question on the open program forum before I saw this. Looks like others have been doing similar things. Thanks for the resources, by the way, my cubmaster showed me a site for the new cub scouts 2010, supposed to be linked to the national site but I had to find it in google as cub scouts 2010.
  6. Are most people doing advancement in their dens? As a den leader, I've been doing this as it is hard to get parents to do them at home. My Cubmaster pointed me to a youtube video- in the search you have to put in seperate words cub scouts top hands, that talks about the "new" Cub Scout program. It is also on a new web site for "cub scouts 2010" - found it in google. The guy in the video seems to get it, not sure who he is and if he is in charge of cub scouts, it is the best stuff I've seen in a long time. Is this a new National trend to put advancement in all the dens activities and the question is- Will more parents participate? In my den, the more advancement, the more parents we get involved, but is this just us? Thanks, look forward to joining the discussions!
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