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Everything posted by cubbingcarol
Thought I'd be the first to say if you want to buy any popcorn just let me know and I'll fix you up! I'll be glad when it's all delivered and PAID for!! Oh, BTW, can't start selling until Saturday, but I'll be more than willing to start a waiting list! Carol
I just knew this was bound to happen! I totally agree with BW!!!!! I feel a fuzzy, warm feeling all over! Carol
kenk, jd is right about the parent participation thing. If I did that in my little den, I probably wouldn't have but my own son and 1-2 other boys still attending. Scouting is not that big down here so we do everything within legal Scout limits to keep what few boys and parents we have interested and coming. I'm not going to step on any of their toes and tell them if you don't participate go elsewhere. BTW I thought only Tigers did the parent rotation den meetings. acco40, I won't stoop to the point of disrespecting your state (although I didn't even know that Michigan had a history ) Ha got you back! Carol
Hey BW she said she was involved with Wolves, (as Homer Simpson would say, DOH:)) Yeah Wolves!! Definitely use Program Helps, I use about 80% of the ideas when planning my meetings. I too try to work on beltloop requirements in some of my meetings. We do something for gathering (active game or paper work ie.mazes, puzzles) then our opening ceremonies (Pledge, Cub Scout promise,etc.) then we work on various things out of the Wolf book and program helps or beltloop requirements. This year we are also going to try to earn our 'Texas Badge', I sent all the requirements home in a folder and we will work on it occasionally during the year in the den. Some will earn it and some probably won't. It will be fun regardless. We also practice our little skit or song (which ever) for the pack meeting. Then it is usually time to go home. Whew! But when we are done, I live on that 'high' until the next Monday! Carol
First pack meeting was like a dream come true
cubbingcarol replied to cajuncody's topic in Cub Scouts
Mondays are my high days, that's when we have our meetings. In fact, my assistant den leader, who I kind of had to beg to sign up, told me today that he's having fun working with the boys. Who wouldn't love it. One of my boys, very shy, slow and last to catch on, came up to me Monday and brought me a flower. It just touched my heart, just as your story has done, Cajun. We were meant for this job! Carol -
When I see someone in a Scout uniform in public
cubbingcarol replied to eagle-8-74's topic in Open Discussion - Program
HTU, I'm not going to blast you, but I will add my 2 cents worth (and that's about all the money I have till payday ). I love the uniform. Yes, it is too pricey, but so are the cigs I tell myself I have to buy. But when I see my son, my husband and even myself in uniform I know that we belong to a great thing. Something that my husband belonged to as a child, his father before him and his grandfather as well. The uniform has always been a part of the program and IMHO it always should be. As far as my Wolf den goes, the first question the new cubs ask is when do they get their uniforms. I will wear mine with pride! Carol -
I never throw away anything. We had some empty cans (like baby formula comes in) at work and I told everyone to save them for me. They asked why, I told them "I'm the mother of 4 and den leader of 8, I can always find some use for them!" Cajun, you make me wish we had those kind of stores in our town. But alas we only have Wal-Mart, and they don't even have film developing in house. Carol
I would not be in favor of the BSA doing what the GSA is doing with Brownies simply because boys typically mature more slowly than girls at that age. Carol
You have to look at your school district's cut off age/date. Down here in this part of TX, our cut off date for kindergarten is Aug 31. If the boy is 5 on Aug 31 then he may attend kindergarten (or be held back if the parent so chooses). That would put him in Tigers at age 6, Wolves at 7, etc. My son is 7 and is in the Wolves, in fact, he will earn his Wolf badge before turning 8, but only by 2 months. And then I have twins, that just turned 8, in the Wolves. Their parents chose to hold them back because they were born in later Aug. Carol
Sylvia, My in-laws live in West Babylon. It was an anniversary/reunion party. It was the first time in about 10 years that all of their children and grandchildren were all together. My father-in-law is still very involved up there with scouts as was his father. Carol
Welcome Sylvia, My husband is from LI, in fact all his family still lives there. We were just up there in June for family reunion/vacation. It's nice, but I sure was ready to get back to my little slice of heaven in TX. My sister-in-law can't fathom the slow way of life down here, where no towns are closer than 30 miles. And the way that everything shuts down by 6 pm. Except grocery store and Wal-Mart, they stay open until 9 pm. Sorry to bore your ears off, again welcome. Carol
Welcome TXeagle! Always good to hear from a Texan. At least I can understand your accent ! Carol
JD, As for our family, we (my husband and I) are our children's first and foremost role models. Their information and experiences will come from us in alot of instances. And just for the record I never said that women couldn't or shouldn't lead. But, I've never been a boy and therefore could not say, "I've been there done that, felt that way, etc." from the Scouts perspective. Carol
Anyone from Texas is welcome, and anyone not from Texas ought to wish they were! Ha-ha! Welcome fellow Texan! Carol
As a woman and den leader with 2 of my own boys, I would like to put my own perspective into the mix. I love doing things with my children that is why I am a leader. But when my boys become Boy Scouts and maybe even Webelos, I would be more than willing to step back and let a man lead them (assuming he was just as qualified). Maybe I too romanticize about living in another time, and if we could afford to live on one income, I would be happy to be the stay at home mother, who took care of her husband and children, but that is just the way I feel. I believe boys would benefit from positive male leadership, just as girls would from positive females. That is not to say that women couldn't or shouldn't lead them, just that men know what is like being a boy, just as I do a girl. As far as the Baden-Powell arguement of him being reared by his mother, perhaps that is why he himself started Scouts, so that other boys without a father could have that positive male influence in their lives. Just my honest, female, wife, den leader, motherly opinion, Carol
"The Passion of the Christ on DVD" and Video
cubbingcarol replied to htc1992eaglescout47553's topic in Issues & Politics
At what age (approximate) would you let your children see it? I'm considering letting my very mature almost 8 year old see it. The violence is no more than other more popular movies. JMO. Carol -
I hope no one takes me for an idiot. I would not in a million years ever give out addresses of my boys. If I chose to participate in this type of project I would do all the sending and receiving. Not so dumb Texan, Carol
How many boys in your den? I only have about 4 regulars in my Wolf den. I too think it would be interesting. Email me and we can discuss it more. Carol
Where abouts are you from? Carol
Does any others not do popcorn sales at all?
cubbingcarol replied to cubbingcarol's topic in Unit Fundraising
Sniff, sniff... Now I have a warm fuzzy feeling all over. -
Well in our little pack, my husband is Cub master, I am Wolf den leader, our Tiger leader is female and her husband is the Bear leader. Our Webelos (all 1st year) are lead by a single mother. Our DE is female and then in the upper echelon is pretty much male. Our leaders meetings are quite an experience. Carol
Oh please, having military bases all over Europe and certain parts of Asia are not going to affect the terrorists. Those terrorists responsible for 9-11 WALKED RIGHT INTO OUR COUNTRY AND BOARDED OUR PLANES ON AMERICAN SOIL. They had it planned out so well because they had spent so much time in America. So where again do we need military presence. I'm not saying pull them all out of the hot-spot, but having our military personel in Germany and South Korea and certain other places sure didn't do anything to prevent 9-11 and it sure won't now. Carol
First of all please forgive me if my history is not quite correct, because I am not a military expert by no means. Didn't the French help the U.S. in her fight for independence? How would we like it if they were still on our soil policing us or in any way participating in our security, so on and so forth. Not to mention the other countries who helped us during our fledgling years. My point is, we have to draw the line sometime and say "Now you have to do for yourselves" to these countries. That doesn't mean that we can't or won't help them if the need arises. But come on, parents (for the most part) don't keep supporting their kids their WHOLE lives. Eventually they kick 'em out on their own. My husband served in Germany before we were married and from his photo albums and by what he has told me, he did an awful lot of partying. Of course, now he is just a fuddy duddy. Did all of his partying before he met me. Why not bring them home? (Now she steps down off of her soap box gracefully) Carol
Does any others not do popcorn sales at all?
cubbingcarol replied to cubbingcarol's topic in Unit Fundraising
Thank you all for the responses, you have given me alot of food (popcorn) for thought! That brings up a good question about giving back 30% of profit to council when not selling popcorn. At least your unit would make out better in the end by keeping 70%. As far as the show and sell, that is risky, but if you went with mainly the caramel and microwave popcorn, seems like the best sellers down here, you might make out better. Thanks again, Carol -
Just curious if there is anyone out there that their pack or troop does not even sale popcorn. We do, but we got bit in the rearend when a few people ordered the $30 tins and then wouldn't pay for them or some other reason ie: moved. I'm considering telling people they have to pay when they order, unless I really trust them. What are ya'lls thoughts on this. We have also sold candy bars this last year and that went well. People seem to do better when it is an instant product. Carol