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Everything posted by cubbingcarol

  1. Another year has come and gone. Now it has been 65 years today. Let us remember not only those that were there that fateful day, but all military personel past and especially present in our prayers. Carol
  2. Our council as well encourages late spring (end of school) sign up for Tigers. Our pack also has planned activities for every month. We have had minimal to slightly moderate success with this. Carol
  3. These kits are of the simplest materials. They use small nails (almost like tacks) so it would depend on the age of the kids. Tigers and Wolves might not do as well with them simply because of the small parts and needing agility to handle them. Also, if you wanted to actually use the birdhouses outdoors for birds then I would not recommend these. They are simply for decorations. Carol
  4. I will add my own Tiger tidbit, at my last meeting I had 2 new Tigers. They enjoyed it so much they didn't want to go home. And when I went to my son's class yesterday to read to them one of the boys kept asking, 'when are we going to have scouts again cause it was fun!'. Gotta love 'em!! Carol
  5. I stand corrected in my choice of words, CC Tonya. If you plan a summertime activity and you and your son (or just your leaders) are the only ones to show up to conduct that activity then you have qualified for that month. What I mean is if you have planned a day hike and were standing at the meeting point ready to go and no boys showed up you still would count that towards the packs activity. You can't make them show up. Is that better?! Carol
  6. CCTonya, as far as the 'Pack' summertime award, all you have to do is plan those meetings. In other words, if you had NO boys show up to your PLANNED summer events (all three months) the pack would still get the award because you planned them. Carol
  7. Congratulations to your son and pat yourselves on the back from Cub master Fred and I down here in Texas! Carol
  8. Just finished watching 'The Longest Day' (again!) and can truly say I'm glad I didn't have to do what those men (and women) had to do. Thank God they did it though. To all out there that landed at Normandy or any of the hundred other D-Day landings (Pacific landings as well), THANK YOU, from the bottom of my heart. Carol
  9. Longhaul, here in our cemetery I have seen the types of markers you are describing (or at least I think they may be the same) and they are the spouses or significant loved ones of a military service person. The family has chosen their's to match that of the veteran. We do not place flags on their graves either. BTW we do not have a map with locations marked, our map is marked only with the sections. My husband and I have obtained burial records from a lady and have placed (or replaced) white poles to put the flags in. Over 800 veterans, even one who had served in not only the Civil War but had first served in the Texas Revolutionary War as a surgeon, how cool is that?! Carol
  10. I don't know if this is the kind of thing you are talking about but as for me I wish they had told me... Have a back up plan. Sometimes I plan things with all six boys in mind and that really can't be modified, it helps to have a quick substitute in case I only have 1 or 2 show up. Set time limits on crafts or other, sometimes tedious things. Send it home unfinished or save till next meeting. Every once in a while (maybe once a year) let the boys plan the next meeting. It doesn't have to go exactly as they planned, but at least let them do some of the things they wanted, i.e. do nothing but play games, work on a specific craft, eat ice cream sundaes, etc. I wholeheartedly agree with knowing your materials before you begin. If I had a nickle for every time I have heard a trainer say "I don't know, I'll have to look it up" I would be able to go to Woodbadge training for free!! Carol
  11. MaScout, the following was copied from this website http://www.scouting.org/nav/enter.jsp?s=ca 'In the Cub Scout program, all boys in a den work toward the same badge.' So the boys in a Webelos den would only work on the Webelos badge. But, in the Leader's Book on page 18-4 it states... "If a boy is close to earning a badge of rank when the school year ends, he may be allowed a few extra weeks to finish before going on to the next rank." Carol
  12. I take it that you are the den leader. Yes/no? If you are and feeling the way you do, why don't you step down and just be the parent of a scout. The pressure of being a leader and planning and carrying out a program may be getting to YOU. Perhaps if you didn't have this added stress it might relieve the burden on you, and your son could continue with something he enjoys and learns from. Just my $0.02 worth, Carol
  13. I want to be what Trevorum is when I grow up ! Carol
  14. I took the survey and answered Hispanic on my ethnic race so I guess I was the only one (and really I'm only 1/2). That is what disturbs me. Perhaps that is too harsh a word, maybe perplexed is a better word. I don't know. What can we do to encourage participation from other races besides caucasian in this wonderful thing called Scouting (at least in the adult roles)? I have the only black boy in our unit in my den. As far as Hispanics we have about 5 or 6 out of 30 boys. Any tricks to entice the 'other' races to join? Carol
  15. My ADL is my best friend from my work place. He has no children in the pack. He just wanted to volunteer his time (or shut me up one or the other ). Anyway, my point is, look for others to fill in, not just parents. How about grandparents? Carol
  16. I am currently registered as the Bear leader but also am the Tiger leader since no one else wanted to. My husband is the Cubmaster and is leading the WebII den because no one else wanted to. We both serve on several internal committees (B&G, Angel Tree, food drive, etc.). Yes it is stressful at times but I love it. We have a connection and bond that is very strong. We always have something to talk about (as if 4 of our own kids isn't enough) and we know we can fall back on each other if we need to. Sometimes I remind him that he needs to cut back on Scout time. And he is pretty good about doing that. We both work full time jobs (although mine is only about 30-32 hours a week). Scouting is not just a passing phase with us. It is something we both deeply believe in and we feel we can give 100% to it as well as our marriage and children. (We just celebrated 10 years of mostly blissful marriage;)) I wouldn't change a thing! Except to make myself rich and not have to work at all, but then I would just find something else to bit#@ about! Carol
  17. Let's face it, if we didn't plan our meeting with some requirements involved some kids would never make rank because some families just don't care. But anyway... I planned out my meetings for the year back in August. I had it so that if a boy came to every meeting the only thing he would have to do at home was the religious part (we are Bears). That's it, just show up to every meeting and you would fulfill your requirements. Pretty easy, plus it all could be done by our end of February Blue and Gold. Now we don't make it mandatory either. BTW our crossover is in March or April. Carol
  18. I do not remember anything like that in YP. Let us know by a link (if you can) so that we may come in line with the rules. Carol
  19. CubmasterFred and I have been married 10 years in January. Our youngest son will sign up in April bringing us to 4 registered in our family (immediate, my mother and both of his parents are registered leaders serving in some capacity or another). My son(s) are 4th generation scouts. Their great grandfather was in the troop that Theodore Roosevelt started. How cool is that! We too have our ups and downs when it comes to time spent with the program. At least we always have something to talk (or argue ) about. Carol
  20. For Tigers I made Tiger ornaments out of foam sheets. I got the pattern off of Kids Domain I think. On the back I put the year and name. Last year as Wolves I found dog plaster ornaments. I painted them and personalized them. They turned out great. I'm going shopping this weekend so hopefully I can find some Bear ornaments of some kind. It's fun to look at the ornaments and be reminded of those times. With the ornaments we (myself and ADL's) give a small bag of candy and fruit. Carol
  21. Don't you just love the natural 'high' you get after a great meeting?! Keeps me coming back, I have to have my 'fix'!! Carol
  22. What about Pictionary? We use a dry erase board (easier for everyone to see). I use words that are relevent to whatever we are working on. My guys love it. Carol
  23. Seeing my husband in his uniform makes me hot... Seeing my father-in-law in one I think not! Wearing my own uniform I'll say out loud That my son in one makes me proud! Carol
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