As a new Tiger Cub dad I am just learning about the system and traditions involved in cub scouting.
We will be having our Blue and Gold banquet this Saturday. Most of the Tigers, including my son, have earned their badge and will be receiving it at the event. There was definitely a push to get as many of the boys as we could to meet the requirements by the date of the banquet. I assume it's because the event is the most celebratory, and the Webelos advancement is such a big event.
That said, I don't think any of the Tigers that are short on their requirements will be getting their badge. The Den Leader has been getting final updates on our progress this last week before the banquet, so I feel he is going to award the badges appropriately.
All of the parents have been working together to help all the Tigers meet requirements. I happen to work for the local police department, so I have been arranging tours for Tigers that missed the police/fire department go see it. One of the other dads works at the local paper, and he has been running tours there for boys who didn't make it when the den went.
I'm not in a leadership position, but I feel that the boy and his partner should at least put forth the effort to attempt the requirements before being awarded the badge. There are only 15 beads to earn to get the Tiger Cub badge. With the assistance of the rest of the den (the pack helps the Cub Scout grow) I don't see much problem with getting those 15 requirements met.
It might be nice to have all the boys get their badge at the same ceremony, but they didn't earn their Bobcat badge at the same time and that didn't cause any problems. As long as the den gets recognized as a group I don't see a problem with getting the Tiger Cub badge at the next pack meeting. I know I'll clap just as loud for the boys, no matter when they earn the badge.