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  1. The marshmallow gun is a good place to end this thread ... that's too funny.
  2. Talking to a local paintball guy he said in over 20 years he had only a couple of serious injuries. One adult from a church group took off his mask on the field and got shot in the eye. I'm sure it hurt like hell, but he was okay. The other was a guy who slid down a steep hill and caught a stick in the leg resulting in seven stitches. Other than that it's just scrapes and bruises.
  3. The last two years and this year we have gone to camp in another council. I have had some people jokingly harass me about not supporting the council. Personally I don't feel obligated. I would like to go to different camps for variety. However ... In our troop the youth decide where to go. I think the adults would take them anywhere within about a 4 hour drive which provides a number of options. Adults veto would only come into play if there were problems with logistics and finances.
  4. I talked to two local paintball places this month. Regarding liability, both places require substantial liability waivers. One requires notarized liability waivers. They are not responsible for any injury. They list possible injuries including everything from loss of vision to death. One paintball place said they get a lot of scout groups even though they have heard it's not allowed. The scout groups camp out nearby and "disband" the scout function to go play paintball. - Judging from the waivers, liability is a big deal - Despite the ban scouts playing paintball is happening regularly - The "It's not a scout event" wink-wink, nudge-nudge tactic is common Just sharing my recent experience ...
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