I am a ASM with two boys in Scouting, one is ADD and the other is ADHD. Last year at summer Camp an incident occurred that I wanted to share with this forum. One of my Scouts was sent home early from Camp because of statements he made to an ASM in our Troop. After being agitated by some other boys, he stated that he wanted to commit suicide. The ASM who was informed about this, not knowing the Scout's history pushed the panic button, notified the Camp Leadership and so began the process of shipping the Scout home ASAP. I was notified by the Camp Leadership to establish a Suicide Watch over this Scout and await the Parents arrival the following day.
This incident could have been avoided if a pre-requiste of Parents with ADD/ADHD Scouts had been established. Do you agree?
I am looking for information and resources that I can share at my District Roundtable that will help Scout Leaders understand kids diagnosed with ADD/ADHD.