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    ASM for 19 years

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  1. What do any of you think this means. Thinking of making this a ticket item for Woodbadge. I think Section Training for Counselors, Means that Training for Counselors is mandatory for merit badge counselors! What do you think after reading the section? This is in the front of Guide to Advancement Mandated Procedures and Recommended Practices This publication clearly identifies mandated procedures with words such as “must” and “shall.” Where such language is used, no council, committee, district, unit, or individual has the authority to deviate from the procedures covered, without the written permission of the National Advancement Program Team. Recommended best practices are offered using words like “should,” while other options and guidelines are indicated with terms such as “may” or “can.” Refer questions on these to your local district or council advancement chairs or staff advisors. They, in turn, may request interpretations and assistance from the National Advancement Program Team. This is what I would like information on meaning from forum users. Training for Counselors The council or district advancement committee must assure counselors understand the Boy Scouts of America’s aims, methods, and mission. It is also important they know how Scouts can learn and grow through the merit badge process. To enhance the merit badge counselor experience, the presentation “The Essentials of Merit Badge Counseling” was developed. It can be downloaded from www.scouting. org/advancement and featured in merit badge counselor training events, or delivered as part of a wider experience covering several levels of Scout leader training. Where a counselor corps is organized into groups based on the popularity or subject matter of badges, with “head counselors” for each group (see below), there is also an opportunity for “on-the-job coaching.” This is helpful where individual counselors need a better understanding of the merit badge plan.
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