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  1. We use it as well. The main program stays on my lap top but I sync up to the web so everyone else as "read only" access to the information whenever they want. Parents can only see their scouts info but the SM, ASMs, and SPL can look at all information.
  2. Curious when the clock starts for these awards? Do you count items the boys have all ready completed? Or do you only count items earned from this point on? I have two young Eagle scouts that seem to fit the Camping National Outdoor Badge. They have the rank, they have the camping/first aid merit badges. I am reading this correctly that they just need Cooking and five more nights camping?
  3. Our troop presents the advancement at the weekly meetings right before the closing flag ceremony as each rank/badge is earned. Most parents have arrived to pick up their son at this point and the boys are sitting quietly waiting for the close of the meeting. The SPL calls the scout up to present the advancement, the room claps, etc. Some weeks we have a ton of awards, other weeks we have none. (This weekly reminder has sparked some boys to "get moving" on advancement as they see their peers called up week after week.) We hold two formal Courts of Honor a year - in April and October. At these ceremonies each scout receives a sheet of paper listing his accomplishments since the last court of honor. The SPL calls up each scout and reads off his accomplishments in front of the families. This has helped the boys receive acknowledgement right away and again in front of the families.
  4. Our former Scout Master beleives that the Scout Master Conference cannot be on the same day as the Board of Review - that it has to be at least one day before (if not more). I cannot find that as a "rule" on the BSA website. (In some cases I can see it if a scout while able to answer the scout master's questions may need a little more time to face the BOR but in cases where the scout is well prepared I don't see why they can't meet with the SM and later that evening meet with the BOR) What does your troop do?
  5. Does your troop limit the number of merit badges a scout can earn with one counselor? I have heard that BSA regs state that you can earn unlimited merit badges but in practice, what does your troop do to inspire the boys to work with various adults?
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