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    Urbandale, IA

csmith1510's Achievements

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Junior Member (1/3)



  1. 2 more Scout: makes a circle while taping a stick on the ground. SM: What are you doing? Scout: Sticking around of course. Scout: runs on stage holding the stick up in the air. SM: What now? Scout: it's a stick up!
  2. "I used to be an Eagle, a good ol' Eagle too, But now I've finished Eagling, I don't know what to do, I'm growing old and feeble and I can Eagle no more, So I'm going to work my ticket if I can Back to GILWELL, happy land! I'm going to work my ticket if I can" Clayton Smith C-08-07
  3. It was stressed to us that as Cub Scouts/Boy Scouts have recognition, so should adults. A lot of my peers have been beaded at the Outdoor Coordinated training for Web leaders/SM/ASM. From my WB course, I think one had it at a district event. 2 will have them at Blue & Gold and I will have mine at our Troop's Court of Honor. To me it is important for the boys to see us also get recognition for the things we do. If you do this at a council event, they will have no idea of what you did to help better your pack/troop. For District level I would also do it at your local troop/pack events that you are involved with.
  4. I had my course in 2007. As we only had 5 in our group, I did it twice (1st and last day) as no one else wanted to. I found out at the PLC meeting that I would be the PPL, but no duties. Our Patrol flag hangs in our Council's Boy Scout camp mess hall. They go way back.
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