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Everything posted by CSCC

  1. SSScout, I did make copies of everything that I have done so far and give him copies, and I also emailed him copies as I was working on different areas of my ticket, so he has seen the progress all along. When we meet again, I will bring more copies as we move throughout the rest of the year so he has all of the information up to date. I was just nervous , like I'm sure others are, for that first meeting, wanting things to be just as I hoped they would be when I wrote my ticket. Thank you for your advice as well, it all helps as I move through this. It was a great course, one I would highly recommend. I learned an awful lot during it. CSCC
  2. Yes, I am the Committee Chair for a Cub Scout Pack, and my ticket was centered around things that needed some big improvements or implementation in our Pack . When we wrote our tickets, all of our goals had to be SMART goals, with specific ways of measuring our successes. I think that I am pretty well covered in that area. I'm sure that we will meet at least once more, as I said he's been pretty busy with his job and his other council activities. Thank you for the advice. I will remember it when it is time for our next meeting. CSCC- a good ole Bear too
  3. Thank you all for your responses. It was pretty low key as some of you stated. I brought copies of the things that I have done toward my WB ticket and he was quite satisfied. He asked me how I felt about what I have done so far, and asked if I am satisfied with the outcomes. I did meet him during my course . In fact, I really liked him, his demeanor and how easy he was to talk with. Our Troop Guides did not have to approve our tickets, those were approved by the CD, and then mailed back to us after the course was over. Our Troop Guides were our helpers during the course, and they were invaluable, and the Ticket Counselors are not any of the Troop Guides. I would love to go back to WB and teach some of the material someday. Maybe start as a TG? I am not sure how that works, if you have to be invited or not, but maybe someday I will get asked. Anyway, thank you all for your help. I appreciate it. I was worried for no reason. Why, I am not sure....guess it must happen with a large number of us taking this course... CSCC
  4. I am meeting with my Woodbadge Ticket Counselor tonight. It's the first meeting, since he's been pretty busy with the 2010 stuff, but I'm a little nervous. Can you give me any ideas about what I should bring with me as far as documentation about what I've done on my ticket? Any ideas suggestions? I have been working my ticket diligently and am pretty satisfied with what I have accomplished so far, in fact I feel like I am mostly done with it. Thanks, Nervous CC/Bear
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