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Everything posted by crwhntr

  1. I'm looking for an answer to the question, 'What are the requirements for perfect attendance"? Is it just pack meetings, or pack, and den meetings, or pack, den,and events? I know that I have a couple of boys that have fulfilled this requirement no matter which way it goes. I would like to know for some of the other boys though. Thanks Bill Q,
  2. Hey gang, Just wanted to introduce myself to you My name is Bill Q, I am an Eagle Scout with two palms. I am currently the Asst. Cubmaster of my son's Pack. I am also a Warrior in the Tribe Of Mic-O-say.(An Honor Camping Program in Missouri.) On top of all of that I am on the District training staff and Roundtable Staff. As you can see i am not new to this thing called Scouting i am however new to this forum. Well thats enough about me. In Freindship and Warmth Bill Q,
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