In my opinion, the comment, "I don't think "society" has changed to accept immoral behavior, I believe that "society" has changed the definition of what is considered immoral." has it backwards. I feel that society has changed to "accept" behavior, be it immoral or moral as a way of being "tolerant". Most people still view the behavior as moral or immoral, but in the name of tolerance, they do not pass judgement on the person. Society tends to change from time to time on what would be called normal behavior, but I don't think that means that behavior that was once was immoral, is now considered moral. Studies have shown that most college students still feel cheating is immoral, yet those same students reported cheating at all time highs. Does that mean that morality is at an all time low? No, just that, the individual's tolerance of behavior is more important now than an individual's morality.