Between the issues she had with her son's troop and the tone of this thread, I'm not the least bit surprised she's not posted for some time. Again, I never read one inappropriate or rudely worded post by mdsummer. Even when the posts got tough, she responded time and time again with gratitude for the help she was receiving. Yet, evmori can't make a simple post regarding his take on this matter without slipping in a snide remark toward her. She never once claimed her son was a "little angel".
I'm really taken aback at some of the ridicule she's received at the hands of people who consider themselves scouters. A rereading of the scout laws might be, strike that, is in order. We expect our sons to live those laws, how about the adults that are among the biggest influences in their lives set the example?
I can appreciate that many of you spent a lot of time reaching out to help mdsummer, and you feel slighted because she's not followed up. However, we all have feelings, and given the situation of a boy who went so far as completing his Eagle requirements including a project, this whole situation has to be very painful. Possibly, she finally reached her limit, once the constructive criticism turned to ridicule, fun and games.