Resica is not the worst camp I've been to but its far from the best. My Troop attended Resica in 2009 and 2005. I was greatly underwhelmed - especially by the staff. Maybe I've just been spoiled or have high standards, but while the facilities were nice the camp didn't have as much Scout spirit and energy as I hoped.
My Troop has attended summer camp at many of the other camps in the area - Ockanickon, Goose Pond, Settlers, Hawk Mountain, and Minsi. While Resica is better than some of those, the BEST, by far, is Camp Minsi. We attended in 2004, 2008, 2010 and are already signed up for 2011. If you're looking for a great Scout camp in the Poconos, I would highly suggest taking a look at Minsi. They're located in Pocono Summit, PA - which is just minutes down the road from Resica. Their program, staff, and property is phenomenal. Camp Minsi, to me, examplifies what a Scout camp should be.