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  1. I recently read about the new BSA Alumni Award knot. The new red, blue, and gold square knot designates its wearer as a Scouting alumnus who has helped other Scouting alumni reconnect with the program. I am interested in finding out more about this award, but can't seem to find any information or requirements for it. The material I've received says that "for complete details on the new alumni square knot, visit http://bsaalumni.org. Note that youll need to be registered on the site (a free process) to access the award information." Now I've visited the site, I've registered, I've tried searching, I've tried browsing. But no luck. Anyone know what the requirements of this award are? Anyone know where I can find more information on this new award? Anyone know where on bsaalumni.org the complete details are? Thanks!
  2. Resica is not the worst camp I've been to but its far from the best. My Troop attended Resica in 2009 and 2005. I was greatly underwhelmed - especially by the staff. Maybe I've just been spoiled or have high standards, but while the facilities were nice the camp didn't have as much Scout spirit and energy as I hoped. My Troop has attended summer camp at many of the other camps in the area - Ockanickon, Goose Pond, Settlers, Hawk Mountain, and Minsi. While Resica is better than some of those, the BEST, by far, is Camp Minsi. We attended in 2004, 2008, 2010 and are already signed up for 2011. If you're looking for a great Scout camp in the Poconos, I would highly suggest taking a look at Minsi. They're located in Pocono Summit, PA - which is just minutes down the road from Resica. Their program, staff, and property is phenomenal. Camp Minsi, to me, examplifies what a Scout camp should be.
  3. Thanks. I checked my council website, however the "current" annual report they have posted there is from 2004. I guess I'll have to send out some emails or make some calls to track down a more recent one.
  4. Are councils required to publish annual reports with financial statements? Are these generally available to the public? Before giving to my local Friends of Scouting campaign, I'd like to see where my money is going. I've asked my unit commissioner and FOS chair but no one know if such a thing exists.
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