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    Dayton, TX

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  1. Does anyone know of any good websites that has "Cubs in the Future" or space related crafts?
  2. Our council changes Rangers every year I think. Three Rivers Council in Beaumont, TX 888-434-4140 or http://www.3riversbsa.org
  3. Watch out all you Corporate Giants the your phones will now be ringing off the hook now.
  4. Our CM designed an award called the "Helping Hand" Award. We present these at every pack meeting (which we call pack gathering b/c pack meeting sounds to business like) and it consists of a certificate and a wooden hand painted yellow on a piece of rope that thay can wear around their neck. We give one out every month for each den.
  5. We are a patrol called "RoadKill" in the our pack. The use the Armadilla Patrol Patch but they turned it upside down.
  6. Our pack only pays for the beltloops and pins if they are part of a rank requirement (like webelos) or if the pack plans a activity and the beltloops can be earned. The reason we have gone to doing it this way is because the boys were concentrating on beltloops and pins and not earning their rank. The current price of beltloops is $1.47 each (up from last year's price if $1.35) and the pins are $1.25.
  7. We are doing ours a little different this year. Instead of having the boys doing a skit or song, have the leaders and parents do a skit or song. The boys will remember that and always remind their parents of it.
  8. Hi Singmee, It sounds to me like you are doing a great job if your parents are "wowing" you. The other leaders probably asked each of boys to bring some craft supplies or something to that effect. As for the Bear Book... There is 4 sections in the book (God, Country, Family and Self) with a total of 24 requirements. In order for a boy to earn his rank he must complete the following # of achievements in each section...God 1 of the 2), Country 3 of the 5, Family 4 of the 6, Self 4 of the 11. Any additional achievements they finish counts towards Arrow Points. It takes 10 achievements for 1 Gold/Silver Arrow Point. The first 10 are for the Gold Arrow Point (only one can be earned per rank), the others will count towards Silver Arrow Points. Our dens incorporate the theme and achievements together. In other words they do a craft that has to do with the theme but would also count for an achievement or arrow point. As for a time range on completing a rank, as long as they complete it before the end of the school year. I hope this helps. Good Luck!
  9. I'm helping out a friend with her den's table decorations and we are do 75 B&G duct tape roses. 25 for each table.
  10. Our B&G will be on a Saturday 6-9pm We dont give out advancements because we use this time to recognize our leaders and they receive their knots and plaques. This year our leaders and parents will be doing skits instead of the boys. Our Banquet will be about an hour long and then we have a closing ceremony. The last 2 hours is for our cake auction.
  11. Sparkie is correct about the different shirt tails. But there is also a woman's tan shirt that has square tails and it may also be wore in or out. Our pack policy is if you have a square tailed shirt it may be wore in or out. If you have a long tailed shirt it must be wore in at all times. It should be the same for Troops and Crews.(This message has been edited by Advancement_Lady)
  12. Ebay has a few listing for complete uniforms. They are really cheap.
  13. Sorry for the delay in answering your questions. I really dont think they have decided where to go at this time. It's all still in the planning stage. It's supposed to be a weekend trip. I dont know if they will be canoeing the whole weekend or just for one day. 90% of the boys have never been in a canoe. I was just trying to make sure of what needed to be done before they decided where to do, so I could bring up every possible question. We do have one leader that is BSA Certified Lifeguard. Several other leaders are trained in Safety Afloat and Safe Swim Defense. But I'm not sure any of them know how to canoe. The boys have to take the First Class Swim Test every year. (This message has been edited by Advancement_Lady)
  14. Immediate recognition is always best. We have 12 wolves in our pack and only one of those has earned his wolf badge. Same goes for our bears. The others just dont care or the parents just dont have time to sit down with them and help.
  15. When it comes to opening, closing and sharpening a knife you will have to use a pocket knife. But for their first time whittling something you dont want to give them a pocket knife and piece of wood right away. You give them a bar of soap and a plastic knife to practice with.(This message has been edited by Advancement_Lady)
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