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Everything posted by Crew21_Adv

  1. Fellow Scouters, Great find skeptic! http://www.scout.org/en/information_events/news/2011/3_000_american_scouts_distinguish_themselves_in_normandy http://boyslife.org/wayback (Search for Nov 2005 edition, pg 44-45) Here are a couple of links in English. The first is about the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO project), to identify the beaches of Normandy as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. (You can probably say it is more to limit and govern commercialization of a historic site.) The second links is a 2005 Boys' Life Article of the BSA Transatlantic Council Normandy Camporee (pg 44-45). Scouting Forever and Venture On! Crew21 Adv
  2. Mike F and fellow Scouters, Just my opinion.... I would be happy to see a Patrol wearing the same custom patch (in good taste) regardless if it was larger than the standards BSA 1.5 inch round. At least they are thinking like a patrol. They should have a flag and cheer to go along with the patrol patch, and begin holding Patrol meetings as well!! It could become contagious! Scouting Forever and Venture On! Crew21 Adv
  3. afscout, Greetings! At Gilwell, My family only had about an hour to visit. (Not being prepared) We did not have the luxury of having a map of the Gilwell Park, so it was again, a new discovery. http://1stgilwellpark.org/images/content/GilwellToday/Gilwell%20map.pdf Outside of the Summer Camping season, the closest parking lot we found takes you in front of the "White House" (Map point 3, 2, & 1). The White House is the former Scouting Association Headquarters, and currently a Scouting conference center. During my visit, there was a reception office/window at the white house, but it was closed and the window blinds rolled down. So we walked thru the main halls of the conference center and took a few photos. After exiting the back of the "White House" conference center, there was a larger conference center/restaurant (Map point 4). When we were there, it appeared that a local British Scouter was preparing for a wedding reception. Finally after half an hour of casually strolling around the conference center trails and displays, we found a friendly SubCamp Chief, which pointed us down the correct trail to the Camp Square and Trading Post. The Camp Square (Map point 11) is by the camp time clock. The Trading Post was large enough to hold about 20 Scouts, (maybe down to a dozen Scouts wearing daypacks). From the Wikipedia page, you can see the statue of the "Ideal Scout" presented by the BSA, with the Camp Square and camp time clock a few yards behind. The most amazing thing about the trading post, was the international neckerchiefs from troops around the world that lined the ceiling corners. That I thought was impressive. So with the luxury of a map and being prepared, after you park, walk over to the Camp Square Map point 11. Then check out the Trading Post for Gilwell Wood Badge Beads and Scouting souvenirs. Scouting Forever and Venture On! Crew21 Adv
  4. bigbovine, Greetings! I hope you do attend WB21C and enhance the Scouting trail for your own boys as well as the boys in your Pack & Troop. You have already received excellent advice about position requirements for WB21C and also a few comments about remaining in the Pack. So if I may make a few comments about other concerns. I would recommend before you attend. Do your own assessment of their programs. Maybe you can see where a need may occur. Possibly review the Den Leader and Cub Scout Handbooks as well as the SM and Troop Committee handbooks to read how a complete program may be demonstrated. Does the Troop camp once a year, or do they camp 12 times a year. Do they have a COH once a year, or approximately every quarter. Do they hold monthly PLC meetings. Does the Committee and parents communicate. Are meetings just merit badge meetings with the SM: or do they introduce a merit badge while covering a range of topics. Are they using seven parts to a meeting plan. Also, for the Pack. Is there a Summer Time Activity program. Do Den Leaders receive training from Roundtable or at least a Roundtable representative. Since Cub Scout rank is once a year, do the Cub Scouts earn all the academic and sports belt loops during their Tiger year, or do they earn approximately a belt loop a month. Do they use the appropriate paperwork or recreate the wheel every month. Many random questions. But can you find a few areas, where you can enhance your Pack and Troop programs or committees? Back to your question about remaining with the Pack. "Do or would you consider it wrong to still serve on the Pack Committee in this situation." Forum members can appreciate your sincerity that you desire to assist the Pack and Troop succeed. Eventually, you will have to "cut the apron strings" and allow the Pack Committee to make choices on the own. Some immediate parents in the Dens and on the Pack Committee may question, why you want to remain with a Pack, and what is your motivation. On the forum we may applaud your choices, but in reality of a home town, neighbors and friends may dislike your choices. And those are the neighbors and friends you have to live with. It sounds like you have concerns and want to provide wisdom and advice to the Cub Scout Pack Committee from a Boy Scout parents/Boy Scout Leaders perspective. My own personal advice. Depending on current relationship and if you qualify, possibly your Chartering Organization may be looking for a new motivated COR. Also, your District Commissioner may be looking for a Unit Commissioner for the pack. Both of these positions would provide excellent advice and sometimes some steerage to keep an okay Scout unit, on the path to becoming a great Scouting unit. Specifically as a COR, you would be heard in program decisions, when you needed to be heard. Good Luck with WB21C and I hope both the Pack and Troop benefit! Scouting Forever and Venture On! Crew21 Adv
  5. moosetracker and Fellow Scouters, Greetings! Here is my take on old vs new NYLT. Before the 2004 NYLT, the previous JLTC course was identical to WB for Boy Scout Leaders. The curriculum was the exact same. After NYLT was presented, the ideals and methods (and nearly the same tool box) is closely identical to WB21C, although most of the topics are written differently. If you look at an hourly chart of six days (or two weekends), the similar themes occur on the same days and nearly same hours. My opinion, There is some prestige staffing WB, adults staffing NYLT does not carry that same camaraderie and prestige. It is incredibly easy to obtain staffers for WB, it is difficult to find an adult that will give personal time to staff NYLT. My only disappointment with NYLT was when the literature stated that Council legacy course names and totems will not be effected and councils are encouraged to maintain their legacy. Then two years later, the NYLT curriculum stated that all legacy names and totems were to be immediately removed from NYLT, and it will now be called "... Council NYLT". I was shocked that national put that in writing, only to change their minds entirely and change the policy again in writing. Within my troop, we have sent boys each year. All of our graduates have done well and help plan and carry out the annual plan within the troop. Nearly four years ago, one of our average Scouts recently elected as SPL was an average performer. (not bad, but definitely not the best) After NYLT he was phenomenal, and returned with a very positive influence during his remaining tenure as SPL. I have had recently discussions with fellow Scoutmasters, whom believe WB21C is the ultimate experience and have heard negative comments regarding NYLT. They actually told me all the problems with NYLT, and they did not approve of their Scouts attending NYLT. It sounded like the feedback they received from their Scouts was a negative experience. My only response to them is that while we pre-brief Scoutmasters and parents what the typical NYLT day is, Scouts are never told what to expect. Only a handful of Scouts seem to be disappointed, when it's not six days of video games and the good ole' swimming hole. I think that is where some of my local Scoutmasters receive a negative opinion of NYLT. Their Scouts don't receive what they are expecting going into NYLT, so even with planning, teamwork and leadership training to experience a troop program of one month, they report the short typical teenage feedback "It's horrible, it s..ks". Honestly, the feedback I received from a few Scoutmasters was more suprising. I think more Scoutmasters and Advisors should become aware of what NYLT is, select appropriate candidates to attend, and utilize their skills after their return. It seems most of our forum members in this thread is aware of NYLT and are sending their Scouts. But I think there is a confusion with most Scouters which don't understand and don't appreciate the value of NYLT. Scouting Forever and Venture On! Crew21 Adv
  6. DLister, Greetings! Regarding your question. I've never seen a similar situation happen like that. It wouldn't surprise me to learn a very (very, very) small percentage of Arrowmen have been appointed instead of elected (I hope far, far less that 1 percent). I'm glad that almost all BSA troops do abide by the election guidelines. But let's not try to shame or differential those Arrowmen/Scouts. They just camp, and are good Scouts. It would have been their Scoutmaster; meaning well, but stretching the guidelines. Hopefully this young Tenderfoot/Arrowman in Basementdwellers neighboring troop, grows to become a Life Scout then Eagle Scout, and helps his troop, and then staffs his local camporee, and then staffs the local summer camps. And by doing so, he earns his Arrowman sash. The path is there, it is up to the young Scout now. Scouting Forever and Venture On! Crew21 Adv
  7. Rev, Greetings! Great responses from Emb and Eagle92. I think they defined the red "Boy Scouts of America" on darker green fabric, more than answering your question. I've seen just a few of those shirts about 20 years ago. Are there currently green shirts with "Boy Scouts of America" embroidered or a green embroidered strip to purchase. No. Not currently. Maybe older shirts on ebay, maybe local embroidery shops, but Scoutstuff does not sell that style shirt any more (nor a green strip to sew over it). It would be nice if BSA Supply and Scoutstore offered it. But for now, No.. No Boy Scouts of America Strip on green cloth. Scouting Forever and Venture On! Crew21 Adv (This message has been edited by Crew21_Adv)
  8. afscout, Greetings! You've already received some great advice. A few more things to consider. Just prior to committing. Not all Packs (or Troops, Crews) are cookie cutter. It won't be exactly like the Den and Pack you are leaving. After arrival. Visit all the packs within the neighborhood. Of course, ask questions and survey the parents. But then also, check your work and social schedules. Ask what the sports schedule is like. A Pack or Den night, may severly conflict with other personal schedules and commitments. Finally. Figure out what new friends your son has in the new school. And then, if they are Cub Scouts. You may enjoy a Pack and Den, in what you consider is appealing. But then your son may insist on another Pack and Den where his friends are at. Possibly you may have to revert to your own second choice, to accomodate your Cub Scout's desire. Good Luck in the move! Scouting Forever and Venture On! Crew21 Adv
  9. Fellow Scouters, The current Boy Scout (tan/green) uniform is pretty good. But the newest version of the Venturing uniform has pleated pockets without a pocket flap. Its breathable, but I just don't like the appearance. Possibly a Venturing uniform more similar to the centennial Scout uniform. Also, I don't want to become paramilitary. But in recent years, the U.S. Armed Forces are wearing alot of velcro devices. With Scouts advancing ranks and positions of responsibility, don't you think it is time for BSA uniform manufacturers to consider velcro? Scouting Forever and Venture On! Crew21 Adv
  10. UCEagle72 and Fellow Scouters, Greetings! In my experience. I've served as a UC, ADC, and R/TC. Again, serving as a unit Scouter, I don't get to assign the UCs. I guess you can say I measure the UCs that visit. The highest measure is that I have a really good quality Commissioner, the lowest measure is that I have a good Scouting buddy (coming over for a visit). I gauge the difference, if I learn something new from my UC, or if the UC is learning something from me and is constantly saying "Gee, I didn't know that". I've had a few Scouting buddies swing on by, and taken a report to the district and council. Then I've had only a few quality experience Commissioners. Neither are bad, but few are definately high quality. Scouting Forever and Venture On! Crew21 Adv
  11. TAHAWKS and Fellow Scouters, Greetings! Just to comment on the re-write. WB21C, I believe is currently on edition D. It seems to have gone thru three good modifications (maybe 5-6 minor addendums/written adjustments) with some topics removed and some new topics added between since 2000 and today. Of course, this is second hand & third hand information, so take it with a grain of salt.... I have been told that BSA did contract and pay royalties to Ken Blanchard, Steven Covey and Franklin Covey to purchase intellectual property or educational proprietary material. As well as showing the movie October Sky, BSA has to pay entertainment royalties. I was also told the contract with Ken Blanchard expired approximately 2005, when NYLT was making its new debut in place of JLTC. With EDGE modeling fairly close to Ken Blanchard material, BSA decided to rewrite Stages of Team Development, and not to renew the educational contract with Ken Blanchard. About 2005, BSA was also able to secure the proprietary rights to EDGE, and now owns that theory. Scouting Forever and Venture On! Crew21 Adv
  12. Fellow Scouters, Greetings! I wonder how many phone calls Ms Janice is going to get tomorrow... She'll have to get call waiting, auto forwarding, a message secretary and etc. lol Way to go Janice! Scouting Forever and Venture On! Crew21_Adv
  13. Breaney, Greetings! Great advice already! If I may add. Here are a few question, and opinions I have. Why do Cub Scouts (and families) go to Den meetings? Because there is a personal need and an appealing draw. Why do Boy Scouts (and parents) go to troop meetings? Again, because there is a personal need and an appealing draw. I think it is the same for Chapter meetings. There should be a need. Sometimes big, sometimes small. Need to earn Brotherhood. Summer camp needs. Need to learn more about Native American culture. And then also the draw. Chapter meetings are where all the cool guys are at. Chapter meetings have pizza, beef jerky and root beer, video games with team development interactive games mixed in as well. Plus along the way, they practice ceremonies, serve the council, and etc. I expect a Chapter should be seen and nearly function like a troop. They attend because they want to be there, Chapters satisfy some personal needs and the social meetings are appealing. Also. Drill down thru the OA website to the LLD resources. There are LLD briefs and topics on how to build OA camaraderie and chapters. Good luck in getting chapter meetings going! I hope the Arrowmen have fun and learn at the same time! Scouting Forever and Venture On! Crew21_Adv(This message has been edited by Crew21_Adv)
  14. Bingo, Officially. From the Advancement Committee Policy and Guidelines #33088. The Boy Scout is tested. "A Scout may be tested on rank requirements by his patrol leader, Scoutmaster, assistant Scoutmaster, a troop committee member, or a member of his troop. The Scoutmaster maintains a list of those qualified to give tests and to pass candidates. The Scout's merit badge counselor teaches and tests on the requirements for merit badges." It's not official. But how are they tested? I'd say they are tested, when they teach Scout thru First Class skills to the younger Scouts. They will probably need an ASM to verify. I've seen the full range. Sometimes they pull it off flawlessly. Like, I want that Scout teaching Roundtable and IOLS. And, Sometimes there are alot of holes in the lesson plan "Hi, I'm your new Troop Guide", ending only seconds later with "that's how to build a fire, got it". Also, the younger Scouts want to demonstrate achievement so they can be tested by their PL and obtain the line item signature. Well their PL and SPL are a good place to start, to ask to be tested. The PLC is a place to develop your monthly and annual program. The Older Scouts (First Class thru Eagle) may not be soley independent enough to run the troop w/o any adults, but at a shared responsibility with adult association to plan and lead a troop. This Scouter.com forum often talks about Wood Badge, and I praise Wood Badge. But we often overlook the value of NYLT and KODIAK. If the older Scouts are having too much difficulty planning, leading, teaching and testing Scouting skills. Then a troop should obtain as many seats as they can at NYLT. Scouting Forever and Venture On! Crew21_Adv
  15. Eagle2000 and wife, Greetings again! Depending on the distance. I still believe you and your child visiting and having dinner with the district volunteers and SE would be a good thing. But re-reading your question again. It is a common courtesy to extend an invitation to immediate family for any monumental event (such as entering a new career). Family members are traditionally invited to graduation ceremonies, swearing in ceremonies, social club recognitions and etc. Depending on the wording of the invite (what was said and how it was said), it could just be a simple extended invitation. In my past, I've worked in some offices that seemed to really care about the "entire family" concept; and I've worked in other offices that could care less about the employee's life and needs, and regarding employee's families as "extra baggage". Employees were sometimes just numbers, manpower and resources. Now, I certainly would not want to work for any company that told me, "come to the dinner, but leave the family at home". And Mrs Crew21_Adv would tell me it is time to look towards another career field if my boss felt that way. Still, hopefully Eagle2000 nails the job, and you support him in his new career! Scouting Forever and Venture On! Crew21_Adv
  16. Eagle2000 and wife, Greetings! You've received some excellent advice already. I would concur with some comments by Eagle92. I have not been in that position. But as a Scouter, I would like to know that a DE is available to drive, visit, spend long hours Scouting. And specifically, I would also like to know that the spouse supports the job. I would hate to invest in a DE. Only to have him/her depart in less than a year, due to the job becoming a stresser on the family. I don't expect a DE's spouse to be everywhere in Scouting or to see the spouse at every event. But I hope the spouse fully supports the DE's role in a District. Regarding your questions. What are your opinions? Does it sound like he already has the job and they just don't want to tell him over the phone? My opinion. He nearly has the job, but he doesn't have the job yet. Pending the SE and key volunteers meeting with your family, it may be a final confirmation/deal breaker. Good Luck! Scouting Forever and Venture On! Crew21_Adv
  17. SP, Greetings again! I highly agree... I attended in 89, and staffed both the previous course and current course. I too, could not see additional value of attending the course again, after staffing it four times. I don't see myself doing anything more in my unit, district, or council. After a few WB21C courses, I too was invited to attend again. I agree, I never saw the point in recruiting previous Pre2000 WB learners. But that didn't change the Recruiting topic at CDCs or Staff Developments. Again. Here is my opinion. Definitely not based on fact, but a perception I shared with a few Scouters. Out of a few courses, I have only attended weeklong course, not the two weekend schedules. I understand there are very few weeklong courses anymore. I've sat thru a few discussions regarding PreWB2000 learners. You can say this was a "group thought", but most of the Scouters discussing this had similar opinions. Towards the end of the 90's in most council WB courses, though I don't have any proof I feel pretty confident, the average age of learner became 50-65. Sometimes late parents, and sometimes grandparents, because mother and father are far to busy with work with limited vacations. Even for the two weekend course, fewer parents and mid 30-50 year old parents were having difficulty attending. Also, two weekend courses were having difficulty achieving the minimum student count. Thru the 90's, progressively, attendance was falling, achieving the "30 by 30" was becoming difficult to reach, and some courses were cancelled. At least ten years ago, I bought into this belief. That Pre2000WBers by the time they attended, their son (or grandson) was a Life Scout about to turn Eagle, and the WB learners age and health was very limiting. WB21C, definitely opened up the recruiting pool, extending the course to Cub Scout thru Venturing, now the Cub Scout Den Leader (with less than two year tenure) directly out of NLE and Cub Scout Specifics can attend WB21C with their first year. But as WB21C started out, WB staffers were overcoming a recent lack of attendance. Recruiting Cub Scout leaders was a new thing for them. But they (and I) needed to obtain learners (and achieve the 30 by 30), so recruiting Pre2000WB Scouters was on the slide show for recruiting. I didn't come up with it, but I've seen it and heard it a few times. After a few years of low attendance, 10 years ago, I could see the need for recruiting WB learners to make up for those continuous years of low attendance. Though I'm not happy about it Pre2000WB Scouters was part of that recruiting pool for the new WB21C. Now in 2011, WB21C attendance has been very successful. But the perception remains, from sherminators question "the old Wood Badge Training deemed inadequate". Bottom line SP. I agree. I don't see any additional value of asking a Pre2000 WB Scouter to attend again. I think that if a Pre2000WB Scouters is still around, they are still serving their unit, district or council, and earning their beads every day. Scouting Forever and Venture On! Crew21 Adv
  18. SP and Fellow Scouters, Greetings again! Yeah.. I guess you can say, my understanding of how Pre2000WB was deemed inadequate is a skewed view. And again, it is an opinion. My information is third hand knowledge; after discussions during WB21C development focus groups, and brought back to council by a few CD attending the WB21C CDC. I've heard that "Recruiting for WB21C" is a topic at CDC, and has a slide about target audiences to recruit from. The second category being Pre2000WBers. Those CDs never say that Pre2000WB is inadequate. I've never heard that. They do say that remaining Pre2000WB still around could stand to be retrained and make the second best target recruiting group. Since if they are Pre2000WB trained and they are still around, they are commited to the program. Pre2000WBers should enjoy the opportunity for upgrade training. In my previous post, I said I attended and staffed Pre2000WB. Then staffed WB21C four times. After three WB21C courses, and prior to my fourth staff experience. I too was invited to attend WB21C as a learner, instead of a staffer. I politely declined. Though I do know of one friend whom eventually put away his Pre2000 beads, and attended again. Then I think the recruiting target audience perpetuates as 3rd hand details to the WB21C staff, and then as a 4th hand concept to the recent WB21C learners. I don't believe it is intended to state Pre2000WB is inadequate for exercising leadership. But the "Recruiting" session discussions which are passed down, lead some staffers/learners to sincerely believe Pre2000 is inadequate. Almost all of us have played the Rumor game in our youth, my Venturers call it the "Cellphone game". Here on Scouter.com forum, we've read about rumors becoming something completely different when talking about unit and district committees. As discussion topics are passed on, the topic seems to change. It is an opinion. I don't believe WB21C is any more superior, but it is more contemporary. I don't see anything that made the older Wood Badge deemed inadequate, from sherminator505's question, "what was it". and also the topic thread, "Why.." I think the real question should be "when was it deemed inadequate", and to myself, that was during the regional CDCs and the "Recruiting" session discussion. Probably from the WB21C staff development and pilot courses a decade ago. Scouting Forever and Venture On! Crew21_Adv
  19. sherminator505 and Fellow Scouters, Greetings! If I can provide my opinion to sherminator question. "What was it about the older Wood Badge that was deemed inadequate for exercising such leadership?" I attended the previous WB and staff the previous WB course once. I later staffed WB21C four times. My Course Director during my first WB staff experience participated in the development and testing of the WB21C course. In 98, he provided WB Staffers with a few discussions about WB and WB21C. So let me echo, what I've been told, and have heard this more than once. My CD commented that there is a desire to provide contemporary leadership/management techniques (comparable with major business), he commented about the idea of training Cub Scout Leaders thru the new Venturing leaders (again this was back in 98). He commented about the removal of 2 year minimum tenure to attending WB21C as soon as you complete Basic Leader Training(and NLE, Fundamentals was beginning in 2000 as well). But then he told us about recruiting potential students for WB21C. He stated that over the past decade (or thru the 90's) attendance of WB was decreasing. Also, the demographic of WB attendees was changing as well. He stated with changing family structures, single parents, grandparents participating in Scouting, and a 2 year tenure, these items seemed to change the average attendees age from early 40s to late 50s and mid 60s. So new CD and Seasoned Scouters were looking at increasing WB21C attendance. In addition to seeking a younger WB21C attendance, CDCs sought to obtain increase attendance by supplementing the lack of achieving "30 by 30", by inviting current Pre2000 WB recipients since they seem committed to Scouting and seek to "deliver a promise" to improve their troops already. During later staff developments for WB21C, I've heard it again and again. First demographic for recruiting are the new Cub Scout leaders, and new Boy Scout leaders. The second demographic to recruit is the Scouter who has previously attended Pre2000 WBs. So back to sherminator505 question. I expect as WB21C development committees and concentrated focus groups whom compiled and authored the WB21C worked together. They thought the pre-2000 Wood Badger would be a good targeted recruit to achieve 30by30, they thought the Pre2000 Wood Badger could learn contemporary leadership techniques. As I said, I have heard this recruiting technique and target audience a few times. Similar to the business world (or maybe outdoors in nature). The younger WB21C began stampeding thru the council. The newer WB21C staffers over the years, were told to approach the few remaining older "dinosaur" Pre2000 Wood Badger as a potential WB21C student. Over the years, since they were advised to recruit Pre2000 Wood Badgers to achieve recruiting quotas, new WB21C Staffers began to believe that WB21C was a superior course, and Pre2000 WB not only was outdated, but it was quickly deemed inadequate. Sherminator505 said; I have a question. Since it appears that WB21C has become a de facto requirement in exercising leadership in today's BSA, what was it about the older Wood Badge that was deemed inadequate for exercising such leadership? I think it is not what caused Pre2000 to be deemed inadequate, I think the better question was when it was deemed inadequate. I'm not bitter about it. But "perception is reality". More recent WB21C students tell themselves they are superior to Pre2000 WB students, since this is what they were told. I just see the WB21C Course Development recruiting briefs, during the development of WB21C as portraying a false image of Pre2000 WBers. Scouting Forever and Venture On! Crew21_Adv
  20. drmbear, Greetings! Good idea to invite Eagles out to a B&G. But like clemlaw, I'm not sure if is the best idea. Let me start by saying. My attention span is short. I enjoy looking out the window at the squirrels, during lectures and presentations. So, if my attention span is that short, how do I compare with a 6 y/o Tiger or 10 y/o Webelos? For a Cub Scout or Webelos. A 15 y/o Eagle Scout (or even Life Scout) is a "Rock Star"! A Boy Scout hopefully would enjoy hosting a Cub Scout interactive game, or performing a skit for a Blue and Gold. We say this in my Troop. We tell our PLC that the 10 y/o Cubbie doesn't wanna be like "an old guy". They want to be just like the 15 y/o. We have Webelos Visitation in October with a Cub Friendly program, and we call it Hug-a-Webe. I would hope inviting Eagles to a Blue & Gold would be a "Win-Win" situation for everyone. Inviting the 2010 Class of Eagles from you district to Blue and Gold to assist and visit, that may be a great idea. An adult Eagle Scout, may enjoy the honor of being celebrated. But would a Cub Scout really care what he had to say? I'm just not sold on the idea. Although, Would an adult Eagle Scout enjoy being asked to become an Assistant Cubmaster, Den Leader or Commissioner? You bet! (At least I would wager that bet) Inviting Eagles to participate in some manner. I think that is spot on! How they participate, I guess that is up to you and your committee. Hopefully everyone is rewarded with you decision. Scouting Forever and Venture On! Crew21 Adv
  21. Fellow Scouters, Greetings! I was chuckling as I read thru this string. Then I got down to Shortridge story. I started to cry, then Mrs Crew21_Adv was wondering why I couldn't breath. Oh my.... Shortridge story sounds so familiar, and so many times, and then I think it even happened to myself as well. Thanks Shortridge! I laughed with my Crew tonight, and I was really laughing, crying and rolling at home reading this. I've laughed with others, during many Scouting events. But for now the only story I can think of. About 15 years ago, our Cub Family Camp, about 9 p.m., we had about 100 Cubs and parents. After a long day, families were relaxing by their tents chatting in different groups. With about 5-6 parents and maybe 15-20 cubs/siblings were around the glowing coals of our large campfire. The flames were out, but there was a golden glow still sparkling, and up to 20 of the kids were roasting marshmallows to make Smores. Eventually, One of the young sisters of our cubs caught her marshmallow on fire. Great! A flaming marshmallow. So she definitely wanted to extinguish the flames on her roasted marshmallow. She began to swing her stick in the air, just like during fly fishing. A perfect 10 and 2 (clockface) swing, back and forth, back and forth. Maybe three seconds later the flaming marshmallow, flew airborne, with a high arch flying 10 feet to the other side across the fire. Of course, where else could a flaming marshmallow land..... On Crew21_Adv youngest son's left cheek. Just below his eye. With the flaming marshmallow being slightly melted, it just stuck there. Still flaming. Still below his eye. My first thought was to put my son's "flaming" face out. I slapped him so hard, he easily did a 180, but the flame on his face was definitely out. (Then all the ladies at the camp were slapping probably a gallon of butter, mayonnaise and any ointment that had onto his face). At the time, it was scary. Don't worry about me being an abusive parent or heartless, I was terrified at the time. But slapping his face was the quickest way to put the fire out. Over the years, my oldest son asks me to tell some of our funny stories again. My oldest laughs. I laugh. And well, my youngest son giggles and laughs just a little recalling how Crew21 flipped him over. Maybe it was a full 360, I slapped him so hard. Just to be fair. We also laugh about my oldest son, going with me to the Emergency Room at 2 a.m. with a simplex fracture. Then later my wife waking up the next morning with me wearing a cast in our bed. But that wasnt Scouting, that was just me acting like I was still 15 with my boys. Scouting Forever and Venture On! Crew21_Adv
  22. Burzon, Greetings! As I rolled thru and scrolled down. I see my thought was already posted. I'm with Trevorum. For many Scouts and friends helping on the project. A patch is priceless. For non-Scouts, businessmen, construction companies, and local establishments, a patch is still a great token of appreciation. Scouting Forever and Venture On! Crew21 Adv
  23. JillKB, Maybe you can use a "Planting the seed" idea. Maybe you can have Johnny Appleseed come in and they can help plant seeds into a ceremic flower pot to become a huge apple tree someday. Or maybe Paul Bunyon, and they can plant an acorn, that will someday turn into a huge Oak tree. Scouting Forever and Venture On! Crew21 Adv
  24. Apache Bob, Earning Eagle and climbing that trail is more about character building. It is not so much about how many merit badges they can earn, nor is it so much about the rank. But that an Eagle has the foundation of a good citizen, leadership and communication traits. I've made the mistake it saying and typing before too. But let's not say "get" and "his", as in "will he be able to get his Eagle rank". The decision if he will earn the rank of Eagle will be the EBOR, based off of his performance as a good Scout and citizen. I have also commented before. There are a few Scouting magazine articles over the years, that have illustrated Scout troops and Eagle Scouts inside of juvenille detention centers. Some of these boys have hit rock bottom, and bounced back to become outstanding citizens and respectable adults. On the opposite side of the coin, there are also, maybe just a handful of adult Eagle Scouts, that have made bad decisions as adults, and maybe some serving the public for a few bad adult decisions. I have not met any Eagle Scouts with an underage DUI; but I have known a few different Life Scouts, that have been caught with hard liquor, cigarettes and/or even narcotics over a few years. Most all of them were not only punished, but changed their performance and still earned the rank Eagle. Though their future life is still left to be told on how positive an effect Scouting had on them becoming model citizens. As for this 16 y/o active Life Scout in your troop. I would enjoy sitting in the EBOR and hearing about how he made a mistake, how he owned the mistake, and then he improved his performance and character from it. Good Luck to him. Hopefully he can pick himself up, confess that he made and error and get back on the Scouting trail. Scouting Forever and Venture On! Crew21 Adv
  25. Fellow Venturers and Scouters, Greetings! Some of you may have already seen this video. I just watched a video on the Summit Bechtel Reserve, with a few comments about 2013 Jamboree and Venturers attending as Jamboree participants. Thanks to the many contributors and the Bechtel family. It does look exciting! Ft AP Hill was great, but it seemed decentralized with a large circle loop, any campuses seperated by a few miles. I understand "The Summit" being a permanent Scout site and developed by BSA, will be like a village with many more crossroads than AP Hill. The walking distance will be much shorter and a Scout can get to events, without having to wait an hour to take the bus. Also, I've heard "The Summit" altitude is a few hundred feet above Ft AP Hill, so hopefully the Jamboree August heat index will be a little cooler. I enjoyed AP Hill and thankful to the US Army, but I look forward to "The Summit" even more. Years ago, it was fun to receive the annual BSA catalog, and tear thru it looking at all the cool gadgets. Then noticing the professional models, not wearing the BSA uniform correctly. Yeah, it was fun nitpicking and laughing at the catalog as a Uniform Police. Now back to The Summit video. When a Scout/Venturer watches the video, it creates some excitement. I mean, Hey, Im excited for 2013. Mountain biking, rappelling, rafting, hiking, and base jumping. Yep.. Base Jumping at :41 seconds, sponsored by Marti Gras Casino and Resorts. http://www.facebook.com/#!/video/video.php?v=1569812360774 On the humorous side. I can see myself explaining to my Venturers something like this: No! For the hundredth time, We CANNOT go to the casino and use the souvenir "2013 Jamboree playing cards". NO! We definitely are NOT base jumping during the jamboree! DO NOT even go there about Marti Gras and camping at the Resort! No, No, No. But, hey, we can white water raft fellas! Im glad BSA puts out professional videos like this. Though they may really need to edit and critique it before wide dissemination. Great video, I enjoy the humor of a split-second of excitement, but I may need to fast-forward it a few seconds at Roundtable and Venturing events! Scouting Forever and Venture On! Crew21_Adv
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