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Everything posted by Crew21_Adv

  1. Engineer61 and Fellow Scouters, WOW! I thought Scouting was suppose to be fun. And COH are suppose to be fun too. We didn't shake hands, we did the high five. Sometimes we would do the wave. Sometimes with a skit/song. We would judges who had the best cheer. Our adult cheer is usually "Ask your Patrol Leader!". We recognize the bubbas, without reading off each certificate. Normally the snacks are divided by patrol, once we even had a breakfast themed COH, at 6:30 p.m., that ended up being a huge success. Maybe the migraine evoking COH are too much adult led? I'd only recommend, if the ADHD boys have too much energy, maybe they should plan the COH, lead an action song or perform a skit that pokes fun to any recent cold/wet campouts. Maybe, everyone thinks that a sit-down, formal, grip-n-grin, take-n-shake, is what is expected. Possibly your PLC could re-arrange the format, to a celebration that every parent would want to come to. Scouting Forever and Venture On! Crew21 Adv
  2. fred and Fellow Scouters, Greetings! I wish BSA would consider the foreign Scouting one unit concept (one troop from ages 5-25). That is a whole other discussion though. But regarding recruiting and disappointments. I have a colleague, that told me, "We are youth led!" and I replied "So, you're saying, we are not?". Then the next statement was "I didn't mean that, I just meant, We listen to our youth!". To which I replied, "So we don't listen to our youth?" I tell my local fellow Scouters that Webelos cross over based on three things: 1) Where the Webelos' Den Leader goes, the families will follow like sheep 2) Where the Webelos' school friends/neighborhood friends are at 3) Night of the week vs baseball, football, soccer, homework, etc Good Luck with the Webelos and you fellow troops in your neighborhood. Scouting Forever and Venture On! Crew21 Adv
  3. Cito and Fellow Scouters, If I may add my comments and tell you about my local Roundtable. Roundtable is always a challenge. My district strives to receive attendance from each unit. Sometimes we get 2-3 Scouters from the same troop or pack, but our goal is at least one rep. We also know that we have at least one Scouting Pack and Troop that absolutely does not see the value in Roundtable. We know that we have a couple of units that meet on the same night as roundtable evening (one unit sacrifices a committee member to attend though). Our district accepts that we cannot satisfy everyone, but we can satisfy a majority of Scouting needs. Just over a year ago, we asked that everyone be on staff. That each unit select co-facilitators and present that month. Most all of our units agreed to host (or co-host) a monthly theme. Our thought was, if they feel that they are active participants in Roundtable, this would add to their own personal value, up the game a little bit. Having each attending Scouting unit, be responsible for an education/program segment thru the year, has increased our attendance even greater. Here are a few things that we do, in my local Roundtable. My district also acknowledges that we have some talented Scouters out there. So sometimes we don't do an educational session, but rather a challenge to see who is best (with maybe a few hints). Such as; we do not do a Dutch Oven cooking class, we do a Dutch Oven Cook Off challenge. Who can cook the best meal? Whose Scoutmaster is the best Chef in the district? Through the year, we will occasionally call out a challenge of who tells the best Minute or which Scout leader has a hidden talent (singing, story telling, juggling, etc). Our Roundtable Commissioners and staff strive to make Roundtable not the best show in town, but "the only show in town". We limit the stand up sermons to the choir, but we do have some mutual topics before we split, Arrowmen, Cubs, Scouts, Venturers. We begin with Scoutmasters/Cubmasters/Advisors minute(s), if we don't have a minute we do "Grin and Bear It" from the back of Boy's Life. A few of these are seasonal and can be used. After Flag opening, we conduct a simple attendance. Our Cub Scouters have a Den Flag they make each year, or Boy Scouters have a Patrol Flag that they also make each year. We count attendance, by how good their Den or Patrol Cheer is. For our 2012-2013 School year, we plan on having them elect a Denner and Patrol Leader. We usually have an interactive action song, or repeat after me song. We will explain which are easy for Cub Scouts and which are more fun for a Boy Scout level. Sometimes we have a mutual game, that follows the theme of the month (sometimes just for fun and develop team work). It is fun to watch adults scramble and run sometimes. They do get a kick out of acting up. Then it is time for program specific and we split up the larger group. We believe we do a good job, when we have to push attendees out the door. They are so pumped and excited they want to stay and chat. When some fellow Scouters are commenting to those that do not attend, "Wow you really missed a fun Roundtable", then the word of mouth really takes effect, and Scouters want to attend their Roundtable. I would say, my district has about 85-90 percent participation by our Scouting units. And I would give our roundtable a good rating, if not better. Scouting Forever and Venture On! Crew21 Adv
  4. Fellow Arrowmen, I've served in a few councils and lodges; Im just a regular Arrowman doing work with my sons and Arrowmen from my Chapter. Looking at how the OA sash is worn, there is a broad interpretation sometimes. I have arrived at OA work weekend with my T-shirt and Sash, for the Lodge Advisor to bring the handbook over to me, and show me the sash is worn only with official BSA field uniform or Indian regalia. Out of 100 plus Arrowmen, I was the only one wearing my sash with a T-shirt. Other occasions, I've arrived to the OA recognition banquet with my nice-ironed scout uniform wearing a real dirty sash (since I've worked clearing brush and growth from many campsites, carrying canvas tents, etc.). Only to see, my fellow Arrowmen wearing immaculate and bright white sashes. Then yet at another lodge, I wear a white and gleaming new sash, only to find everyone is proud of their dirty and well seasoned sash (demonstrating how much work they have performed for the council). Looked like Im a social Scouter, standing in the midst of a 100 hard working, long suffering, and dedicated Scouters. Maybe its just me, I can't win. (ha-ha) I see youth and adult Arrowmen at district or unit events (not hosted by the OA Lodge or Chapter) wearing their sash. I didn't even know some were Arrowmen and never see them at OA events. Most of them don't know about annual renewal lodge dues or chapter/lodge meetings/events. But they are sure proud to show off their sash. eh, that's good. They were recognized by their fellow Scouters and completed their Ordeal. I'll let them have their moment of glory and pride. Why chase them down and tell them about what the manual says about wearing the OA sash. Id have to tell them to strip and re-sew a few patches, while Im at it. In a few travels, I've seen various interpretations. Jeffrey H asked, "Does tradition buck the uniforming guide?" I don't know if I would say it that way. I have heard, "the professional and volunteer Scouters that author BSA literature are much smarter than us!!". Then I've also heard colleagues say, "What were those professionals and volunteers thinking when they wrote the book??!" There seems to be two references for the proper wearing of the OA sash on the uniform. One is handed to Scouts/Adults when they complete their Ordeal. Now, I've learned to just go with the flow; rather than being a OA Uniform Police. Scouting Forever and Venture On! Crew21 Adv
  5. Fellow Scouters, Greetings again! And to caveat.... I didn't mean to steal the show. I didn't create a database or purchase one either. I'm just a fellow Scouter. I have asked Advancement chairs to determine which one is best compatible with their laptop computer (some friends are devoted Mac/Apple users). It seems I have had this similar discussion with Scouting buddies at least every six months for over a decade. And even more so, now that everyone seems to be carrying a smartphone or Ipad. I personally like the idea of accessing advancement eligibility with a few key strokes and reporting advancement from a smart phone app. Maybe someday soon, ScoutNET will open the competition again. Scouting Forever and Venture On! Crew21 Adv
  6. Fellow Scouters, Similar questions come up every year at my local Roundtable, as well as during leader specific training. I provide my colleagues the "In layman's terms and as I understand ScoutNET" brief. So this is a lengthy history lesson to explain how I understand these "third party" Scouting databases. If I remember correctly. ScoutNET was originally called ScoutNET2000. ScoutNET2000 debuted, at the same time many commercial software application at the turn of the century where seeking Y2K compatibility and using 2000 in their name. Scouting sort of came out of the Stone Age, and migrated from decades of paper records stuffed in filing cabinets at the local Council to a national based computer server, which Councils may link and connect to. A few "third party" unit level software application pre-existed ScoutNET2000. But as ScoutNET2000 opened up a compatibility competition, subsequently only a few Scouting electronic record keeping databases stood out and remained. In 1999, the new ScoutNET2000 did not want to distribute private information (telephone numbers, age, race, address, etc). So they wanted to confirm eligible users and eligible units have registered members in their Scouting unit. Although it makes record keeping difficult today in 2012, I support this policy. Roughly 2001, ScoutNET2000 invited "Third party" software creators to compete and create a compatibility. Without releasing private information ScoutNET released field names and field sizes. In 2001. I believe only three companies competed and were given the ScoutNET certified compliance. Pack/Troopmaster, ScoutSoft, Rank-n-File Scouting has thousands of individual Scouts; but the Packs, Troops and now Crews count in the hundreds. It is only reasonable that three companies cannot equally compete for only a few hundreds units. Unfortunately, Rank-n-File ended their company and sales. I believe ScoutSoft, has created their software to be compatible for both Windows and Mac Users so with Mac users and devoted Apple audience they seem to sell significantly. So two ScoutNET certified companies remain. Now twelve (plus) years later, there are other third party-web based software companies which are creating online Scouting databases. I think this is great, and helpful to remotely call up records on a smart phone and Ipads. But currently they are not directly connecting to ScoutNET. It seems like there is a bigger demand to upload a BOR results immediately. Or to upload completed merit badge cards, after requirements are satisfied; rather than routing the traditional paper. Hopefully soon. ScoutNET will open the competition again, and allow the newest third party developers to allow their software to migrate Scout records between an authorized user/Scout leader and the actual ScoutNET. So to make a long story short (I know...its too late now).. For Scouter. and blw2, It looks like we are all limited to two third party providers, which are compatible with ScoutNET, and only one which is web-based. Scouting Forever and Venture On! Crew21 Adv(This message has been edited by Crew21_Adv)
  7. Fellow Scouters, Prior to the centennial uniforms, and just before the microfiber uniforms were recently in the Scout shops and at Scoutstuff.org. I've also commented about the Australian Scouts uniform. From my visiting with, Scouts UK and sometime Scouts Canada, it seems they place patches where ever they desire. Their uniforms were very similar to our ODL, and from what I viewed, their arrangement of patches/recognition on their shirt(s) was unorganized. From a brief visit with Australian Scouts, I was impressed with the polo shirt which separated age levels by shoulder board colors. Now I am more pleased with the better quality fabric of our BSA uniforms, but I have enjoyed the Australian uniform shirts as an alternative. Scouting Forever and Venture On! Crew21 Adv
  8. WestCoastScouter, Greetings! I read your story, and briefly skimmed over our colleagues responses. Bottom line. It is your families views, and it is your families' choice. So take all these advise/comments with a grain of salt. My own opinion.... I have visited and been a member of quiet a few troops. I've been a member of some pretty good troops, and been a member of some troops that were lacking. I have only seen one model troop, maybe close to 100 Scouts. It seemed they were pretty close to being boy led, with quiet a few Life Scouts and Eagle Scouts still in their troop, assisting as JASMs and Troop guides. Still had some adult association in various roles. It seemed all their older Scouts had attended and wore the JLTC shield (before NYLT). They had a draw, that kept their older Scouts there, and the older Scouts did work with all their younger brothers and friends. The Scoutmaster and ASM's did do some teaching and leading; but very little. Like SeattlePioneer said regarding Troop 2. Scouts may learn from occasional failure. But if all they learn is failure and failure is a constant. Well, then they are not learning anything. To say it as a metaphor. Maybe they can hit the occasional speed bump in the road, but what happens when the paved road ends? Good Luck in your Webelos Den and your choices! Scouting Forever and Venture On! Crew21 Adv
  9. sublimation, Greetings! I've attended and staffed Summer Camps in about six councils, so I think I have seen some really good and unfortunately some really lousy. Alot of the campfires, morning/evening assembly stunts, songs, etc add to the magic. I would say the most serious critique is the behavior of the staff, working under an appropriate Camp Director (usually a professional Scouter) and approrpriate staff SPL. The worst I've seen was when the youth staff rode their mountain bikes all hours of the day, when they were suppose to be conducting Merit Badge classes. If they weren't riding their mountain bikes, they were sleeping thru their own Merit Badge class cause they were up to 4-5am playing video games. I've seen poor camp directors and camp SPLs which didn't care about staff playing games all day and all night. I cannot think of any complaint, that could top a lousy staff. The best I've seen was when the youth staff were conducting the merit badge classes, along with their adult area directors. If Scoutmasters are seeing their Scouts come back to the troop site with completed projects or accomplishments during the day, these Scoutmasters are usually overjoyed. If the Scouts are learning, and the youth staff is actually working with the younger boys. Model Campsite, good campfood, clean KYBO, songs, skits, etc are all "icing on the cake". I would imagine your area Scoutmasters would be extremely happy if youth staff and adult staff are honestly teaching their boys. If my Scouts were happy and learning, I could care less about any other camp improvements, to me they cannot compare to Scouts actually learning. A good Staff Development should solidify a good team. It seems that a good Camp Director and good Camp SPL should be fully aware of the difference; when it is time to work and when it's time to play. I hope you have a great 2012 season! Scouting Forever and Venture On! Crew21 Adv
  10. Fellow Scouters, I must admit. After hours of searching, I finally found it on the Scouting website. EDGE is good for three years. (Dangit) Maybe National should put it in the Trainer's EDGE syllabus. Scouting Forever and Venture On! Crew21 Adv
  11. BS-87, True.. But it was a good valid question. Just not the desired response.. It appears Run did not come to the forum to debate, which is good. Run, just didn't find the answer they were seeking. Scouting Forever and Venture On! Crew21_Adv
  12. Scoutfish and Fellow Scouters, What frustrates me more is when extra rules are applied by well meaning trainers. Quoting something they heard, from someone else, that claimed it was factual and also the newest "secret limited release" from National. But don't tell anyone else, because only their secret source has the truthful information directly from Texas. "You must take YPT annually" "Where does is say that?" "It's in the manual!!" Or "Boy Scouts cannot use axes anymore!! Are there any questions?" "Really, are they doing away with the Paul Bunyan Award too?" "You ask to many Questions!!" Scouting seems to frequently changes the rules regarding safety. So it may take some time to see what is currently true and what is a recent Scouting myth. Currently, I'm trying to find the "recently published three year expiration" for Trainers EDGE. I have been told EDGE must be renewed every three years, to maintain currency! But I'm not finding any Trainers EDGE expiration written on the National website (I have found it on another councils webpage, but haven't found it yet on the National site). I'm also waiting for the "semi-annual" and then "monthly" YPT training renewal to be announced soon. Scouting Forever and Venture On! Crew21 Adv
  13. Run, Greetings! Yep.. Agree with Basement and fellow Scouters. There is no policy. Its a "Gentlemen's" or "Handshake" agreement not to infringe upon what is preceived as "traditional" territory; but nothing prohibiting it. On another topic. It is too bad that a Den left. Hopefully there was too much of a population of boys and your Pack was far to overpopulated, that would be the problem everyone would love to have. But sometimes a den or parents may leave because of disagreements, which is too bad if it cannot be resolved within a unit, because after all "its for the boys". Sometimes "I'm taking my boys and leaving" is the quick response that parents may select, rather than even attempting to resolve turmoil. Good Luck with recruiting and your annual events! Scouting Forever and Venture On! Crew21 Adv
  14. qwasze, That's what I figured. It wasn't me, but it was a handful of the 18-20 y/o Dual Registered Venturers and ASM. Online recharter had just come out, ScoutNET2000 was still in its infancy. I did not like and disagreed with the double payment policy for that age limit and grey area, but our council stated this was National's policy. Scouting Forever and Venture On! Crew21 Adv
  15. AJ, Strictly regarding the multiple registration and not the Code 42/MBC. I disagree with it. But I have been told multiple times, that the 19-21 year old Venturer/Scouter has to pay twice, even if dual enrolled. I have had three Venturing youth, which were also ASMs with their Troops (as well as knowing other Venturers/ASMs in the same situation). They have been the only multiple registrations I've known that the council registrar stated had to pay twice with each unit after they hit 18 and until the crossed 21. Why, I don't know. Seems simple enough, but there were issues with registration at that 3 year age range. Good Luck! Scouting Forever and Venture On! Crew21 Adv
  16. Schiff, I read something similar last year regarding this pilot program. I believe jetskis are also being tested certain camps. To find out if ATV and Jetskis can be safely applied into a Scouting program. Let's hope BSA Safety can find some good, reliable guidelines, to expand some of the fun to motorized events!! Scouting Forever and Venture On! Crew21 Adv
  17. Fellow Scouters, When my troop goes out recruiting for Boy Scouts. We don't promise them medals or Eagle. We promise them adventure and fun, if they want it. We tell the parents they will build character, citizenship and fitness. We will happily admit, if they really enjoy the trail, they will earn the Eagle Medal. Similarly for my Venturers, we promise them fun and adventure, along with character, citizenship and fitness. If they really get a kick out of the program, the can earn the Silver award or Ranger award. In 12 years within my Crew, we've had two Silvers, three Eagles, and recently had one Venturer earn her GS Gold award. Hopefully, after becoming Venturing Crew members (or the other girl siblings of our Scouts in middle/high school which are not members of any youth organizations) any Girls would like the ideals that Eagle Scout stands for. But I sincerely hope that is secondary to having fun and becoming a model citizen and building their character. Scouting Forever and Venture On! Crew21 Adv
  18. Fellow Scouters and Arrowmen, Adults are usually nominated, if they will be a benefit to the OA program. At face value, it sounds/reads like rldavis would be a benefit. There is a ratio in the guidebook, at least one youth arrowman must be elected to obtain an adult nomination. A troop may nominate 1 adult, per every 50 Scouts in the troop. I.E. If a small troop has 1 SPL, 1 PL and 8 Scouts, they may nominate 1 adult. If a large troop has 101 Scouts, they have the possibility to nominate up to 3 adults. Not only should the Troop Committee be made aware of the procedures. But I would state that the Lodge/Chapter Election Committee may need to be trained as well. An Election Committee are usually 2 or more Youth Arrowman, being escorted by an adult Arrowman. The Election Committee (mostly youth arrowman) should be visiting the Troops and Scoutmasters to conduct the election. Even the youth Arrowman should be aware of youth elections and adult nomination procedures. So sadly, if the Troop Committee is unaware, possibly the actual OA Election Committee may be unaware or untrained. Good Luck rldavis and hope to see you at the council fire some day! Scouting Forever and Venture On! Crew21 Adv
  19. Fellow Scouters, Greetings! Just a few of comments. Scouter, how dare you ask a question like this.. (just joking). While it seems similar. Changing to Co-Educational and a merger with any other youth organization (or all female organization) are two separate issues, and maybe pursued under different threats. We are not on the executive boards. It's fun for us to dialogue about different aspects, and maybe some people listen/read this forum. But this online forum is not were policy is established. If young ladies and families are asking about the possibility of joining the BSA throughout the various ages/programs and Earning Webelos/AoL and Eagle. We must have a really good character, citizenship and fitness program, right? Do I see BSA eventually offering the Eagle Scout to a co-ed program, or fully integrating regardless of gender? I do. Eventually. I'm not in any rush, and I'm not "foot stomping"; but I can see it happening. Eventually. Scouting Forever and Venture On! Crew21 Adv
  20. Jacobs, Greetings! I'm sure the staff should be fairly energetic, with alot of creative and goofy ideas. Try not to spend too much time on Gilwell Field (beyond the required practices) to the extent that it reduces class time. However, you may try to find a humorous way to remember and re-inforce the previous days topics (setting goals, knowing your resources, etc etc); or to advertise an upcoming "movie night" with popcorn and pajamas or Space Launch with sunglasses and lab coat. Remember, "Fun with a purpose". Scouting Forever and Venture On! Crew21 Adv
  21. Richard and Fellow Scouters, I somewhat agree. Scouter.org forum members have gotten into this same discussion here in this forum several times. Required vs Recommended. On the district and council level it is frustrating, that Quality Unit, Centennial Unit and now Journey to Excellence is hinged on trained leaders and quality of program, when so much of the training is recommended (and not required). Weather Hazards, Safe Swim, Safety Afloat, Climb on Safely, CPR / AED, WFA should be taken. They are highly recommended! But I don't see National BSA saying mandatory. Recently, they are required to receive a positive endorsement and permission from a council to conduct certain outdoor activities. But what if a unit does not conduct these activities? At least the WH, SSD, SA are required to receive the endorsement on a tour plan for the appropriate activity. But if a troop doesn't go outdoors; they may never complete them(and sadly, some troops just do not venture outdoors). Now how these Scouts make Eagle without their camping days I don't have a clue, families probably send their boys to two summer camps to equal 14 days in two years. Trust me, occasionally I've met a few mothers whom thought the outdoors was dirty, while I'm meeting a 16 y/o Tenderfoot. Secretly, I thinking "REALLY?" Wondering why some parents wants their son(s) in Scouting, but won't let them outdoors. A few years ago. The G2SS discussed the previous Tour Permit before there was the Tour Plan. The only Permit that was required a few years ago was the National and International Tour Permit. A local Tour Permit was recommended, but even the local Tour Permit wasn't required. All it did was endorse that a unit's leadership actually planned out a trip safely (dotting all the I's and crossing all the T's, making sure the plan was complete). So... I endorse the training BSA publishes. It has been well researched and developed. Outdoor Adventurist, Doctors, Lawyers, Safety Experts and Teachers have assembled the BSA training. But when a Scouting Buddy ask me "What is really required?" Maybe they want the absolute fastest "short-cut" to achieve the minimum. Maybe their spouse has given them a limited time "kitchen pass". I got to be honest and tell him/her "Not much is required, but you are doing a disservice to your Scouts and possibly dangerous things if you don't take the recommended training" Scouting Forever and Venture On! Crew21 Adv
  22. Fellow Scouters, Greetings! We had this recent discussion during a well attended Troop Committee Challenge just a few days ago. My local Scouting colleagues were a good bunch of folks. Though on occasion, I've met Scouters and Committee Members that thought a Troop should be run like a business; with the Committee Chair and Scoutmaster dictating the entire program. Fortunately, those Scouters didn't last long. The question that usually comes up. "What training is required?" My answer, "To the best of my research, Youth Protection Training is the only training that is required". I continued to tell my friends. "Now, without doing any other training, a Scouter is probably doing a disservice to his or her boys. Without any training beyond YPT, a Scouter probably does not have a good program and probably no outdoors program. I would doubt Scouts would be advancing, learning or having any fun. Specifically, without completing other trainings such as SA and SSD, you probably are not going in the water or paddling across the water." Well that was my answer to a few friends and a few brand new acquaintances. As we discussed the training dilemma more. I tried to describe three levels of training. Required/Mandatory being the smallest hurdle and completed in about 15 minutes. There is the absolute minimum amount of training BSA will mandate a Scouter to complete. There is a minimum amount of training a Scouter should complete to deliver a good program; otherwise why be there at all? Then there is more supplemental training that may enhance a good program they are already running. We discussed mandatory training and recommended training, and the level of quality of a units annual plan and their monthly program. In our discussion, I told them Hypothetically, that I'm not going to make them attend any training they don't want to attend, but I wouldn't let my boy attend their troop if they weren't attending any training to deliver a decent program. I can't say that the whole class was of the same agreement, but they seemed to concur; there is a relation between mandatory training and quality level, and then recommended training (Leader Specifics and Outdoors) and quality level. Scouting Forever and Venture On! Crew21 Adv
  23. Fellow Scouters, I agree, Garrison or Overseas caps don't block the sun, but they are easy to carry. I get a little disappointed, when in the chow hall I see a sweaty ball cap thrown onto the table, right next to my plate and drink. But hey, I also get disappointed when Scouts sit on the tables and put their muddy boots on the chairs. Back to the Garrison cap, at least they can tuck the cap in the belt, over their shoulder, stuff it in their pocket, or inside their backpack. Scouting Forever and Venture On! Crew21 Adv
  24. Fellow Scouters and Patch Traders, Greetings! I always thought of these guys that sold multiple patches in Lots on Ebay as working in the manufacturing embroidery business or factory, rather than them being actual Scouters. Kinda like "A few fell off the back of the truck", if ya know what I mean. They count them as mistakes or slight defects when they come off the loom, and a few extra errors fall off into a cardboard box to take home (and ebay) rather than going to the shredder or incinerator. Scouting Forever and Venture On! Crew21 Adv
  25. AJ, I believe the Ranger Cloth was finally sold, out of stock. The Ranger Bar, is (or was) suppose to be for youth and adult wear. Venturing and Boy Scout uniform. The medal is more for youth under 21, when attending ceremonies. On ocassion that there may be a group of Rangers (similar to a Nest of Eagles)you may find a few young adults (21-30) wearing it with a new Ranger Venturer receiving their award. Scouting Forever and Venture On! Crew21 Adv(This message has been edited by Crew21_Adv)
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