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Everything posted by copschick

  1. BSA catalog...where could I get one of these? I am new to Cub Scouts and scouting in general, and it seems that nothing is in one place. I would like one source that I can go to in order to find ALL advancements that are available. Is that possible?
  2. Thanks, we hit 29 degrees this past weekend. I told my Webelos that I would check. So I will check if our district has anything like the polar bear, and if we qualify. If not, I will check the Scout shop for a badge for them. Thanks for your help.
  3. I heard somewhere that there is a winter camping badge that cubscouts can earn if the temperature doesn't go above a certain temp and hits a low temp at night. I spent about 3 minutes searching online, and haven't found anything on this. Does anyone know if this is available and where I could find the requirements? Thanks for your help.
  4. Thanks for all the great info. We are so excited about WW, and can't wait to go, but we didn't want to make any obvious mistakes. We just joined about a month and half ago, but we our whole family is having so much fun. Our 2-year-old daughter calls herself Lil 195 (our pack number) and Lil Cub Scout. Thanks again for the tips.
  5. Hi, I am new to scouting, and am serving as a Webelos Den Leader with my husband. We are going to Webelos Woods in about 2 weeks. I just heard that our den campsites will be judged, and we should have a skit to do, and a den yell. Is this true? How do we properly set up camp. I have been camping my whole life--family style--how do I do it scout style. Any info concerning Webelos Woods would be appreciated.
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