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Everything posted by CNYScouter
18 year old Scout can now be .... what?
CNYScouter replied to dg98adams's topic in Wood Badge and adult leader training
An 18 yearold can be a ASM. It is the only position in a Troop that he can hold. Of course he can register as a youth in a Venturing Crew until he is 21. -
I just heard that we have a new crew ready to charter. I contacted the Advisor asking some basic questions about the unit. One of the questions was Where/when are you meeting? His response was he was planning on meeting once a month at Roundtable. There is a room in the back where roundtable meets that we do use on occasion but most of the time is empty. I was discussing this with one of the ADCs and he liked the idea. As DC I think this is not a good idea. Its not what roundtable is for. I am wondering what anyone elses opinion is on this.
Its good to hear that most of you are having an good year recruitng. I just saw the report for our district with 11 out of 18 packs reporting in. 81 reported 35 applications turned in the top unit so far turned in applications for 12 new cubs My sons Pack got 6 new cubs (but at least 6 didnt come back this fall) I know that 2 or 3 Packs that didnt report had a lot of interest and may have 15 or so new cubs. This is better than last year
My District is desperate for not only a District Finance Chair but an entire finance committee. Currently we do not have anyone on this committee and we need to fill these roles. What type of person or profession would you look for to fill these positions? What is the best way to locate the right person for these positions?
I got an email yesterday asking about not being able to access Leader Position-Specific - Bear Cub e-training . I though it might of been because of High traffic but I tried it this morning and couldn't access the training or the review. I could see my training certificate. Any one else having problems? I didn't try any of the other online training courses - are there any others with problems?
My DE doesn't know and told me he doesn't have the time to put this together.
Sorry I put his under the wrong topic
Its recruitment time and something I heard has me wondering. I heard or read somewhere that the percentage of TAY (Total Available Youth) for Scouting is 12% on a national level. I have no idea where this number came from or if it represents only Boy Scouts or the entire program. I would have to think that Cubs have a higher percentage than Boy Scouts with Varsity and Venturing having a much smaller percentage. Does anyone have these percentages? I am curious to see how our District is doing against the National average.
I've also attended a Regatta for Sea Scouts - This was a 3 day event with Sea Scout Ships competing against each other in a varity of events. Going to a Venturing Summit in Sept. Adventureland - this was council-wide Scout show held at our local fairgrounds - each unit picked at topic and had a booth to demonstrate it. Scout-a-palozza - Mall Scout Show I sse a few "ScoutFEST 100"'s - council camp-o-ree Celebrating the 100th Anniversary of Scouting Check out the one for the Chicago Area Council- the band Smashmouth is playing at the Saturday night stage show
Is your training record up to date?
CNYScouter replied to Apache Bob's topic in Wood Badge and adult leader training
I also found there is a disconnect between the Training Validation on www.MySocuting.org and where ever the Training Complete report is being generated. I am being told that to be considered trained for their position a persons name must appear on the Training Complete report. So far I have found two Leaders who when listing their training records from the Training Validation it has everything listed to be fully trained at their position. Neither name appears on the Training Complete report. My DE checked their training records and it comes up they are missing one of the courses (both happened to be This is Scouting and both leaders did it online) This will require us to get everyone up to date on the Training Validation and then cross reference their name to make sure they appear on the Training Complete report. If it doesn't appear we will have to contact our registrar to try and straighten it out one leader at a time. Our councils registrar is looking into this but hasnt let me know if they fixed this issue yet. -
Some of the confusion we are seeing is that on the Commissioner Unit Vistation tracking it shows the unit was first chartered in Nov. of 1920 - which would make 90 years in a couple of months On the charter printed in June it shows tenure as 1066 months - 88 years 10 months.
I just looked at a copy of their roster. It was printed in June 2010. Tenure = 1066 months. Looks like they have a little bit to go. Is the tenure from the recharter date - April 1 or is it from the date the roster was printed?
There is a unit in my District that will be marking its 90th Anniversary this year. Their UC is asking what's out there to commemorate this. I know about the Veterans Bar that is worn above the unit numbers on the uniform. I also see Veteran Unit Emblems on scoutstuff.org. The description says: Dark blue polyester/cotton fabric is screen printed in yellow ink. Design measures 7-1/4". Sold in pairs. Where do they go? Is there anything else - Certificate, flag ribbon, sign available? How did your unit mark an Anniversary?
I took over as District Commissioner in June We are getting ready to do recruitment nights at our schools. It has come to my attention this past week that there are two cub packs that do not want to recruit this year. Both units are small with about a dozen Cubs One Pack has a 2nd year WEBELOS Den and a Bear Den. The other Pack only has a 1st and 2nd year WEBELOS Dens. In the spring both of these want to fold when the WEBELOS 2 dens age out The younger Cubs would then have to join another Pack. Neither of these Packs has done any type of recruiting in 2 or 3 years and do not want to do a recruit night again this year. I have an ADC trying to setup a meeting with the current Pack leadership to discuss their situation but so far they are unwilling to do this. I would like the DE and I to meet with the IH and COR for the Charting Organizations but my DE hasnt responded to me about his availability. On one hand I dont want to see these units fold. But with the attitude we are seeing in these units I dont know if sending new youth and parents to these units is a good idea. Any suggestions? or is it too late for these units?
At our last District Committee meeting we were discussing District FOS and fundraising. One of the committee members said that while on vacation this summer they ran into a Boy Scout Troop at one of the Battleship monuments (I dont know which one). They began talking with the Troop leaders and asked what type of fundraiser they did to afford the trip they were on. The Troop told them they had a Corporate Sponsor that paid a lot of the Troops expenses. They went on to say that most troops in their area had these types of sponsors (sorry I dont know where the troop was from). None of us on the District Committee had ever heard of doing this. Someone did question if this went against any type of BSA fundraising rules Any one heard of units doing this?
Our District needs to do a fundraiser at the District Level to help meet its community FOS goal. We used to do a golf tournament but so many other groups are doing them we just werent drawing enough people. Last year we did a breakfast honoring a local Celebrity but our councils DD told our DE (hes his boss) that we cant do this again. One of the other Districts does a yearly $100 per person Lobster Dinner for a fundraiser. We would like to do create a signature type event, something different and the type of thing we could do on a early basis. We are looking for ideas. Is your district required to do a district level fundraiser and if so what do you do?
Here's an article from Denver about a cemetery that has Art Exhibits, Fireworks, Concerts, history tours, and even weddings. http://www.thedenverchannel.com/news/23819691/detail.html ...and I think the SM's and SPL's responce is great!
I'm taking my Cub (Bear this fall) to Cub Scout Family Camp this weekend. The weather report for Saturday is 90, High Humidity and 91% chance of servere thuderstorms. Most of the activities scheduled will be canceled (BB guns, Archery, Fishing) if it's raining I'm not real confident that the 2 DE's running it will have enough indoor activites to keep my son's interest. Arts and crafts will only keep him interested for 15 min. at the most. I would like to bring additional activites to keep at least the other Cubs from our PAck that are going busy. What activites do you do at Cub Camp during the rain?
Our CM is working cub camp this summer and is on the council camping committee. I was talking with him yesterday and at the last camping committee meeting one of the DDs in the council said that the next change in training will be that Hazardous Weather Training will need to be renewed on a yearly basis. I usually hear about these things on this board weeks or months before I heard about it from our council and havent seen anything on this yet (Or did I miss it?) Anyone else hear this?
Ive seen that the BSA is encouraging every unit to have their own Trainer. Our District has a few units already doing this. Im all for units taking this on but since trying to update training records Ive run across a couple of issues and I see these are issues that will occur again as more units start doing this T he first is where the SM of a Troop did its own IOLS. The SM did not issue any training cards and I dont think they submitted a training report either. Since doing this training the SM was diagnosed with cancer and past away last year. For any missing training on a persons ScoutNet record our new registrar is requiring a copy of their training card before they will enter it into the system. With SMs and ASMs now requiring IOLS to be considered trained what do you do with/tell this group? The second issue Ive come across where the unit trainer is not following the syllabus and does their own thing. This unit trainer admitted to me that as he doesnt like the way BSA teaches it and he knows a better way (their exact words). This was discussed at the last district meeting and actions on what to do are being considered. If units are going to be encouraged to have their own trainer how do you have any type of quality control to avoid this type of situation and to avoid units who will just sign cards without actually doing the training?
I dont have experience with doing TLT on a District/Council level but I was the CD for Venturing VLSC on a Council level and you will most likely encounter the same issues. During this training I ended with a couple of groups made up entirely of one Crew and a group that was put together from Crews who only sent one or two members. Being the ADC for Venturing Ive had the chance to visit most of the units that attended VLSC. The crews that sent almost the entire Crew are functioning a lot better than the crews that sent only one or two crew members. The crews that sent only one or two members it made no difference in the way the unit was run. The Crews that sent a large group of its members are very youth run and are some of the most active units. I dont think the youth from the crews that only sent 1 or 2 members got a great deal out of the training as not enough of the rest of the Crew had the skills to know how to work together. I think youll see the same thing happen with TLT on a District/Council Level.
Who is responsible to keep training records?
CNYScouter replied to CNYScouter's topic in Wood Badge and adult leader training
Actually the timing of this came at a good time. I forwarded this to our Council Commissioner. Tonight is the yearly council diiner and preceding it there is a council Executive Borad meeting. Our council commissioner is already planning on bringing up that none of our DE's will give the other Key 3 members of there Districts printouts of District level rosters. We'll see how this turns out tomorrow -
Who is responsible to keep training records?
CNYScouter replied to CNYScouter's topic in Wood Badge and adult leader training
Sorry for the multiple posts - I'm having trouble getting to Scouter.com today and it seems to hang once in a while -
Who is responsible to keep training records?
CNYScouter replied to CNYScouter's topic in Wood Badge and adult leader training
Ok so i just emailed my DE asking him for the training record by unit in my District. He responded that our new registrar is a few months behind in updating training records and I would have to wait 3 or 4 month before I can get copies of the records Our new registrar started on April 19th!!! -
Who is responsible to keep training records?
CNYScouter replied to CNYScouter's topic in Wood Badge and adult leader training
Ok so i just emailed my DE asking him for the training record by unit in my District. He responded that our new registrar is a few months behind in updating training records and I would have to wait 3 or 4 month before I can get copies of the records Our new registrar started on April 19th!!!