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Everything posted by CNYScouter

  1. Back in April I took the ASHI (American Safety and Health Institute) Wilderness First Aid course. This was 16- to 20- hours (8:30am to 5:00pm) on a Saturday/Sunday This course satisfies NYS trip leader requirements (I don't know about other states/programs) The cost was $40 plus we had to provide/buy lunch each day. The other Crew Advisors I know accept this for the Ranger Requirement.
  2. My son is working on staff at our councils summer camp. He has been gone since the last weekend of June and do far he is enjoying himself. He was scheduled to work half the time in the Trading Post and the other half as waterfront staff but they have already moved him to the water front. I am putting together a Care Package and I am looking for ideas for what to include. The camp is in a remote location. There is no cell phone coverage, no TV (but they do have a DVD player) and it is over an hour drive to the nearest town. They do try to get the staff into town on weekends. He called and said that he forgot his Scout Belt, which I am sending. So far I have a copy of our Districts July newsletter, the Video Game magazine he gets and a letter from us with some pictures. The one thing I can not send is any type of food. No one is allowed to keep food in their sleeping quarters due to animals (Bears, Skunks, raccoons, etc.) getting to it. It also takes at least 3 to 4 days to get a package to him as Fedex or UPS does not deliver to camp and I have to send everything regular USPS. Any suggestions on what else to put in this?
  3. I don't know if this will help but you can find a .pdf of the Sea Scout Close Order Drill Manual at: ftp://seascout.org/pub/Program/Drill_manual.pdf
  4. On the NetCompass part of Scouter.com there is a section for resources that has links to camporee ideas. http://www.scouter.com/compass/Leaders_Resource/Large_Event_Planning/Camporees/ On this page there is a link to a night time camporee called "Operation Darkstar" that no longer works. At one time I had this but since then my computer crashed and I lost the information. Does any one have the details on the events for this? My district is asking for ideas for camporees and they have never done a night camporee before. I have gotten individual event ideas from the other night time camporees listed but from memory "Operation Darkstar" had some different events. Thanks in advance Can anyone
  5. Check to see if there is an Orienteering Club near you. The US Orienteering Federation web site has a list of clubs. www.us.orienteering.org Our local club has Scouters in it and they have created courses at most of the parks around us that can be used to fulfill the requirement. At most of the club's events during the year the basic course they setup will fulfill the requirement also.
  6. Do you use the Troop Meeting Planner? http://www.scouting.org/filestore/pdf/34425.pdf Do you have 7 parts to your Troop meetings? 1. Preopening Activity 2. Opening Ceremony 3. Skills Instruction 4. Patrol Meetings 5. Interpatrol Activity 6. Closing 7. After the Meeting I think a big factor in holding Scouts interest in a meeting is to keep the Skills Instruction, Patrol meetings and Interpatrol Activity to the suggested 15 to 20 mins. each.
  7. ...your teens tell you that your new sneakers are really cool. Just not on you!
  8. I do not see New Leaders Essentials (NLE) on your list. If I remember right in this there is chart that shows the training for each position and the suggested order that they be done in.
  9. I was getting a copy of the local tour permit from my council's web site. http://www.cnyscouts.org/forms/Local%20Tour%20Permit.pdf This is a new form that was revised December 2007. one of the new things I noticed was: Effective for tours on January 1, 2009, at least one adult must have completed Planning and Preparing for Hazardous Weather training. Has anyone seen the Syllabus for this or has it been offered in your council yet?
  10. I do not know if this is a local thing or not but Burger King will give a Scout Unit (or any youh group) powdered Orange Drink Mix (Bug Juice) and a Drink Cooler (the kind with the push button spigot) at no cost. Weve done this through a couple of different locations. You need to give them a call a couple of days before to see if it hasnt been already reserved. Thye just ask to bring the cooler back clean. I think that Bass Pro and Gander Mountain also give Scouts a discount.
  11. 3b. Build a model FPG-9. I know it's up to the MBC but a quick google search has lots of links on using this for Aviation MB. Look at the instructions at the following link: http://www.wnit.org/outdoorelements/pdf/plate_glider_instructions.pdf To build a model FPG-9 all you need is the following: FPG-9 pattern 9 foam plate Scissors Clear tape Ink pen Penny The instructions and pattern can be found at: http://www.modelaircraft.org/education/FPG-9pattern.pdf http://youthaviationadventure.org/download/FPG9OSU_DL_Notes.11.07.pdf http://www.hobbiesr4u.com/images/Paper%20Plate%20Airplane.pdf
  12. Yes, this is correct. My son is registered in a Sea Scout ship and a pistol shooting crew. I have another youth who is registered in the Ship, and the same shooting crew and his primary registration is with a Boy Scout Troop. And they only pay one registration fee.
  13. This Award is meant for Boy Scouts. http://www.boyscouttrail.com/content/award/national_camping-874.asp From the Individual Scouts and Scouters Application: You may qualify for the cumulative award and count your days since Jan. 1, 1991 (while you were a Boy Scout/Scouter, no Cub Scouts). So camping with a Church or School group would count but not as a WEBELOS.
  14. I am assuming you are taking about the National Camping Award. The link below is for Individual Scouts and Scouters Application for National Camping Award http://www.boyscouttrail.com/external_frame.asp?goto=/docs/formnatlcampingindividual.pdf What Counts As Camping: - Sleeping in tents. - Staying in rustic cabins (no electricity). - Under the open skies. - You participated in setting up and breaking camp. - You participated in camp chores. - You participated in camping activities (hiking, swimming, nature exploration, conservation projects, etc) - A full day of camping counts as a "day", late arrival and early departure days together count as a "day". - Camping trips you can verify that they took place, (parents, Troop Leader, SPL, signs off) What Doesn't Count As Camping Luxury motor homes. Campers with electricity. Lodges, motels, cabins with electricity. When you do not participate in setting up or breaking down camp. When you do not participate in camping type activities. For the unit award: http://www.boyscouttrail.com/docs/formnatlcamping.pdf The National Camping Award is designed to recognize troops who go camping during the year. Your troop may qualify in two categories as you begin to expand your camping program: yearly and cumulative. Record-keeping procedures: At least 50 percent of your troop must attend resident camp. On other campouts, at least 33 percent of your Scouts must be in attendance for each twenty-four-hour period to count as a camper day to qualify for the troop ribbons. A record is kept by your troop of the number of days camped each year. Your unit commissioner or district camping chairman may approve the applications for recognition, which can be secured at your council service center. I hope this helps.
  15. If we are to look at percentages the same could be said of NYLT. It doesnt have a much greater percentage than SEAL (at least in my council). Taking in account that in my council NYLT doesnt run every year it doesnt draw much more than .02 or .03% of total Boy Scouts here. The biggest thing I have against SEAL is the seamanship requirements. On the Venturing side you dont even need VLST to go to Kodiak training. I dont even know if allowing more councils to offer SEAL is going to help as most councils dont have the necessary equipment (a large enough boat) to even run a SEAL course. I would support Kodiak and/or Kodiak X on the water as a way to offer leadership training to a greater number.
  16. I looked further on the Sea Scout Web site and found the forms Argyle linked to. The .pdf on the National Council's web site for the Scouter's training award lists 2 years tenure. http://www.scouting.org/filestore/pdf/34169-55.pdf Also on scouting.org it has 2 years tenure for the Venturing Leaders Training award http://www.scouting.org/filestore/pdf/34169-59.pdf I couldn't find a .pdf for the Sea Scout Leaders Training award on scouting.org On usscouts.org web site it lists 2 years tenure for all the Scouter's training award (Boy Scout, Varsity, Venturing, Sea Scout and Roundtable Staff). http://usscouts.org/awards/scoutertraining.asp I just wanted to be sure which tenure was correct.
  17. From what I have been told a waiver to the age requirement was given and they the adults in this nursing home are registered as Venturers. We have another crew in our District that is made up of "Special Need" adults that are registered as Venturers also.
  18. This was in my local paper today and is probably the most unique Venturing Crew that I have heard of: http://www.syracuse.com/news/index.ssf?/base/news-4/1206953838295480.xml&coll=1 The Advisor for this crew was my Scoutmaster back in the late 60s and early 70s.
  19. What is the tenure requirement for this? On the Sea Scout Web Site it lists 3 years as a registered leader www.seascout.org/for_leaders/adult_recognition/adult-award.html But elsewhere I see only 2 years are required. Also most of the other knots have a printable form to record when the requirements have been completed but I couldn't find one doing a web search. Can anyone point me to a web site that has one?
  20. I do not see any where in the SEAL documents where it says that 18-20 year olds can not attend. from the SEAL application at: www.seascout.org/about/program/training_resources/seal.pdf To attend a SEAL class you must be a registered Sea Scout. You must be Ordinary rank by 1 June 2008 and you must study and have a working knowledge of Chapter four of the Sea Scout Manual. If you download the SEAL Power Point presentation in this is says: The best applicants are about 16 years of age, but there is no specific age requirement. My son really wanted to attend SEAL this summer (he's 16) but getting him the Seamanship skills he needs just isn't going to happen. I just couldn't find a resource to teach him the Piloting and navigation skills before he could attend this summer. For us (and many northern ships I have met) we just don't have the time on the larger boats that seem to be required to take SEAL. I also think it is hard to get a youth to the rank of Ordinary in two years. Most of the Sea Scouts I have met that have taken SEAL are usually 17+ when they took it. There is no reason that a waterborne Kodiak Course cant be done. Take a look at the Kodiak web site: www.kodiak-bsa.org There are 3 or 4 that are doing this while White-water rafting. I also see some that are going to do this with canoeing. The Pamlico Seabase in NC is doing this as a Sea Kayaking trek On the web site see that BRSR is running course with their New River Adventure Program. So I don't see why a course could not be done as a sailing adventure.
  21. From the left hand menu click the Ziploc FAQ and then click the tab Ziploc Brand Bags. 7. Can I boil in Ziploc Brand bags? No. Ziploc Brand bags are not designed to withstand the extreme heat of boiling. You may need to scroll down to find this.
  22. Check out the FAQ on www.ziploc.com It says that a fews years ago there was an e-mail hoax going around about the alleged dangers of using Ziploc products in the microwave. It also says that the regular ziplock bags can not take the heat of boiling. They now make a mircowave safe Ziploc Brand Zip 'n Steam Bag so your scouts can microwave on your campouts. Can anyone tell me where I can get a lightweight microwave for backpacking?
  23. During IOLS training we usually have a cooking demonstration that shows different cooking methids and these are usually done as part of this. When I took WEBELOS Leaders Outdoor skills this was what we had for breakfast on Sunday morning. When I was with a Pack we did these for breakfast at the WEBELOS overnight that was held during the summer. We would supply different ingredients and the WEBELOS each got to make up their own.
  24. A quick Google turned up Boji-Fest 2008 August 22-24, 2008 Great Lakes Area located in historic Okoboji, IA hosted by the Mid-America Council www.mac-bsa.org Look under Activities on the left hand side menu The web page has the following info on it: Events Registration Schedule of Events Maps & Directions
  25. A quick Google turned up Boji-Fest 2008 August 22-24, 2008 Great Lakes Area located in historic Okoboji, IA hosted by the Mid-America Council www.mac-bsa.org Look under Activities on the left hand side menu The web page has the following info on it: Events Registration Schedule of Events Maps & Directions
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