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Everything posted by CNYScouter
My son has been dragging his feet with his Eagle Project. Hes turning 18 on Nov. 12 and has his project scheduled for this weekend. He also dragged his feet with his reference letters and just got the letters out asking for references letters. He received an email from his Eagle Mentor who is also on the EBOR telling him: Contrary to popular belief they MUST be at the council office by the end of the day before your 18th birthday or No EBOR In the Advancement Committee Policies and Procedures Guide book on page 31. - #12 (last sentence) A Scout cannot have a board of review denied or postponed because the council office or council advancement committee does not receive the reference letter forms he delivered. I have been told that getting these letters in can take some time in which my son doesnt have. With time being short what is the best course of action?
Our District Fall camp-o-ree was last weekend. Only 3 units and 30 Scouts showed - 17 of these were from the Troop and Crew my son and Daughter are in. As the District doesn't have an Activity Chair, and no one stepped up to host, the District Commissioners put something together at the last minute. I'll agree with seeing a lack of basic scouting skills. At almost every camp-o-ree there is some type of map and compass skill involved most of the units there can't do them nor do they bother learning them for the next one. forget doing any type of lashing competition - most units don't know how to do them and most just skip the station. Some of the lack of attendance has to do with the cost. we were having a problem with units not signing up until the last minute or doing so at the door. So they raised the cost for last minute signups - instead of signing up early - units just don't come. The other issue is that District events are expected to run a surplus of $. This surplus is figured into the councils yearly budget. I've seen the event budgets and there is often 40% to 60% surplus $. Because this is budgeted in, if an event has a surplus of $200 and was budgeted to have $400 it goes down as the district event lost $200. Alot of units are not happy with this arrangment and is a big reason while we can't get some one to host
I was looking at the local tour permit and notice it has changed since I looked at it last(a few months ago) from the Tour Permit: Activity Standards: Where swimming or boating is included in the program, Safe Swim Defense and/or Safety Afloat standards are to be followed. If climbing/rappelling is included, then Climb On Safely must be followed. At least one person must be trained in CPR from any recognized agency for Safety Afloat and Climb On Safely. At least one adult on a pack overnighter must have completed Basic Adult Leader Outdoor Orientation (BALOO). At least one adult must have completed Planning and Preparing for Hazardous Weather training for all tours. The listed BSA training is valid for two years. From the highlighted line I'm reading this as BALOO is only good for 2 years (along with the other listed training) I always thought that BALOO didn't expire. Is this something new? or did I miss this on the old tour permit?
Here's a link to the only one I have found: from Crew #99 in Huntsville, Texas http://www.nationalventuringyouthcabinet.org/files/RangerCOH.pdf
This thread talks about parents not attending campouts (or even working with youth) until they have taken training (YPT or further). There is also the opinion that only registered (and trained) Adults be allowed on camping trips. If an existing Troop or Crew wanted to implement this does anyone have suggestions on the steps necessary to put a policy like this in place? How about with a small unit that has enough trouble getting a second adult just willing or able to attend a campout much less get training?
In our council, as part of FOS, the district is required to do a district level fundraiser. In the past this has usually been a golf outing. It seems just about all the Non-Profits around here are doing a golf outing for fundraising and the district committee is trying to come up with something different. Does your district do a district level fundraiser? What do you do for this? Any ideas?
My Council, Hiawatha-Seaway in Syracuse, NY has been running a Lion's program for at least 4 years. It can be co-ed (it's up to each unit to decide) but I have yet to meet a Pack that has done this. If any of you would like to see the program material go to my districts's web site at: http://www.cnyscouts.org/districts/oneida/ On the left hand side menu you will find links to program material for Lion Cubs. From talking with units that have Lion Pride (that's what a Den is called) 1) They are seeing about a 95% rate move to a Tiger Den. 2) Adults are more willing to step into a Pack Leadership postion when they have been in the Lions program. One thing I don't know about is how many who started in Lion's have stayed and gone into WEBELOS or Boy Scouts I'll try to get some data on this
Last year my council started doing "Speciality" Cub Camps. They are doing them again this year they were so popular. They are open to Tiger through Webelos These are both one night (Friday)- cost is $90 (parent/child) One has a Learn to Fish theme - the other shooting sports. For a few years they have been doing for WEBELOS only a Mountain Man weekend.
When the Ship first started up we had custom t-shirts made out of the wicking type material. One of the Ship members designed it. One color printing on both sides of the shirt We only got around 20 made and they ended up being about $17 each. I think we used www.customink.com After 3 years the design hasn't faded or come off
On Saturday I have to drive my son to our scout camp where he will be working as a Lifeguard this summer. It's a 4 hour drive each way with the last 20 miles or so on a dirt road that goes back into the Adirondack Mountains. His last final exam is today and he's looking foward to the summer.
I am lookng for ideas for classes for Venturing Leaders for Scouting University in Nov. We will be offering Venturing Leader Specific for new leaders but we are looking for ideas that would interest Adults that already taken VLST or for Venturing youth. I would love to offer some type of cooking but the school where this is held will not allow us to cook or even to serve food unless it is prepackaged (like cookies, cans of soda, etc.) What type of Venturing courses have you seen offered at your Scouting Universties? (and seemed to work really well)
new Scout handbook info from PTC
CNYScouter replied to AlFansome's topic in Open Discussion - Program
Sorry, I guess I wasn't clear. I was wondering if it's part of the basic Scoutmaster/adult leader training curriculum, or just something taught in specialized courses - Trainers EDGE, Wood Badge, etc. - which not everyone takes. If it's not integrated into the basic training program, I fail to see how it can be included as part of the basic Scouting rank requirements. Imagine a Scout turning to a Scoutmaster and inquiring: "What's this EDGE thing?" and the SM not having a clue. In the latest SM/ASM Leader Specific training there is a section on how to use EDGE with a Troops youth leaders. -
There is a supplemental training module for Board of Review Training #18-625. From this module(highlights mine): ...An ideal troop might hold monthly boards of review, possibly at the same time as a troop meeting. A troop with few Scouts might conclude that monthly boards are unnecessary as too few Scouts present themselves for advancement, but that would miss one of the functions of the board. A board should be set up to review accomplishment and lack of accomplishment. The board can counsel with Scouts who are not advancing to determine reasons for lack of progress and to stimulate these Scouts to greater participation in the program. This function is of equal importance to the function of reviewing boys who present themselves for advancement.... This training module used to be available on www.Scouting.org but with the new web page design the link no longer works. If you would like a copy of this PM me with your email address and I can send you the document
go to www.seascout.org on this you will find links to some Sea Scout discussion lists. Most of these are not very active I would see if your local Flotilla has a web page. They usually have some type of forum and I found these to be more active.
I went to a new crew's open house last night and a question was asked about sailplanes. I admiited I didn't know and didn't have the G2ss with me. But the G2SS doesn't say anything about sailplanes. From the G2SS: Flying in hang gliders, ultralights, experimental class aircraft, and hot-air balloons (whether or not they are tethered); parachuting, and flying in aircraft as part of a search and rescue mission are unauthorized activities. Are these considered the same as hang gliders?
Check out the BSA Innovation Engine on www.scouting.org. This is a place to place suggestions for improving the BSA. I suppose it could also be that the writers dont want to be sued but I cant see that happening. This is the exact reason why in the new movie "Up" the kid is not a Boy Scout. on the BSA Innovation Engine you'll see a suggestion about Scouting in the Movies http://ideas.scouting.org/akira/dtd/18434-2119 read the replies. We actually were in talks with Disney/Pixar about having an active promotional role with UP!, and the branding/marketing team at Disney was really excited. That it at least, until it went up their flag pole and reached the legal department, at which point it got declined due to our membership/leadership policies.
For the Centennial Anniversary next year we are having a council-wide camp-o-ree. It will be at a small fairgrounds. Its a year away but I was trying to think about what we could offer to Venturing Crews/Sea Scout Ships that would only be for Venturers/Sea Scouts. What type of Venturing only activities would you do?
Adults staying up nearly all night
CNYScouter replied to fleetfootedfox's topic in Camping & High Adventure
Sound like it is time to suggest BP's "Patrol should camp 300 feet apart" including the adults. This would solve the problem. -
First Aid Communication History and Traditions of the Sea Close order drill commands Yacht Racing Navigation
From the Troop Committee Guidebook No. 34505 - Organize the committee to see that all functions are delegated, coordinated, and completed - Maintain a close relationship with the chartered organization representative and the Scoutmaster. - Interpret national and local policies to the troop. - Prepare troop committee meeting agendas. - Call, preside over, and promote attendance at monthly troop committee meetings and any special meetings that may be called - Ensure troop representation at monthly roundtables. - Secure top-notch, trained individuals for camp leadership. - Arrange for charter review and recharter annually. - Plan the charter presentation. The Troop Committee Guidebook is available from ScoutStuff.org or your local scout store
I am asking this as I will be staffing a WLOT course in a couple of weeks. I was given a list of people attending and one of the Cub Leaders who is upset will be there and I am sure this question will be raised. In reading the G2SS it is my take that any Cub overnighter involving more than one Pack would be considered a Council-organized family camp and need to follow the guidelines as such. A camp-o-ree would fall under this description Council-organized family camps must be conducted in accordance with established standards as given in National Standards for Council-Organized Family Camping, No. 13-408 How does one get a copy of the National Standards for Council-Organized Family Camping, No. 13-408 as it is not listed on www.Scoutstuff.org?
An issue has come up in the District about Cub Scouts attending and camping at the District Camp-o-ree. We have some Cub Scouters upset when they were told they shouldnt be attending the camp-o-ree much lees camping overnight. One is even insisting that cubs can camp at a camp-o-ree in the G2SS as long as they have a separate tenting area and separate events. In looking at the G2SS Cubs (Tiger, Wolf Bears), even attending a Camp-o-ree as a Day event, isnt allowed. WEBELOS I see are allowed as Day Visitors only. In looking at Cub Scout Overnight Opportunities, outside of an accredited resident camp, the only other types of camping allowed are council-organized family camps (where everything is provided by the council) and Pack overnighters. From what our DE has said our council allows Cubs at Camp-o-ree even camping over night. Can a council wave these guidelines in the G2SS and basically make up their own ?
I am in the same situation as GKlose in that we have a upcomming Camp-o-ree with a Backpacking meal competition and not sure how to judge this. I thought I might take a different approach in asking the question What makes a good "Backpacking" trail meal?
An SE can wave the 5 Scout requirement and charter a unit with only 3 Scouts. As far as adult postions that need to be on the charter: 1 - IH (who also can also be any register leader) 1 - COR (who can also be dual registered as the CC or committee member) 1 - Scoutmaster 1 - Committe Chair 2 - Committee Members With the COR/CC or CM dual registration and that the IH is not a registered position and can be a registered leader the minimum number of adults is 4.
So how do they propose that Scout's pay for project costs? They expect a Scout to either get all the material donated or hold some type of fundraiser (candy sale or such) to raise the funds. From my short discussion about this from one of the Scouters on the Advancement Committee parents can contribute but it is looked down upon if they finance the whole thing. This committee member went to say they didnt think it was right that a Scout could not accept the unsolicited offer of cash as in the case where Scout asks for a donation of material and the person offers a cash donation instead. When the issue of Venturers cant earn Eagle came up the Advancement Committee decided it was time to update its Life to Eagle so all the units would know that this is allowed. I didnt have the guts to say to them that the only ones not aware of this were the Advancement Committee. All of the Venturing Crew Advisors I talked with all understood this. I have been told that if I saw anything else in the guide that wasnt correct I should let the Advancement Committee Chair know. Hes a reasonable guy and has said that he wants to make sure we are following the guidelines. This is only one of the things I see in the District guidelines that don't follow the ACP&P. The ACP&P is very clear with the other items. From what I see it seems we have a long-time Scouter (the same one who told me that Venturers cant earn Eagle) who is stating what National Policy is. People are taking his word for it without ever bothering to check what the real policy actually is.