Well, junior has returned from the Jamboree, with a renewed purpose. He is almost 16 and has done nothing to finish Eagle in over a year. Last night on the drive home he said, I have to talk to Mr. Harrison about finishing Personal Management, it is my last Eagle Required Merit badge. Interestingly enough, the hard part for most kids, the 13 week budget, was finished last year. He also discussed several potential Eagle Projects that his school, a non-profit school for High School Aged Students with learning disabilities, might just let him do. He wrote an E-mail to the head master last night at 10:00 asking him for a meeting to discuss it.
To quote my son, It was an Epic Awesome Time, I think that means he enjoyed himself.
The only real downer for him was the theft of all of his patches Tuesday Night. Some person, or persons unknown, raided his troops campsite baggage, sometime after dinner. They stole the bags of patches from about a 2 dozen scouts in his troop. This wasnt discovered until they were loading the bus to come home Wednesday Morning. I dont think there is any real solution to this, except to spend a fortune on E-bay in the coming weeks, to replace them.