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Everything posted by cmholm

  1. I'm testing a mobile version of our troop site. I used iWekKit for the HTML/CSS framework, which looks its best on an iOS device, but it's usable on Firefox for Android. I haven't yet tested other mobile browsers. The Wordpress blog and Gallery 3 photos are currently off-line, but there's enough running to get a feel for how the site comes together. A desktop user will need to tweak their User Agent to spoof a mobile browser for best effect. http://www.mauitroop22.org/mobile/index.html
  2. http://www.mauitroop22.org/ The boys created the original pages while completing the Communications MB. Since then, a calendar and blog have been added.
  3. I see that this thread is a couple of years old, but I'll put in my 2 cents while I continue looking for discussion of management software. There's nothing inherently wrong with having an open source program plug into National's system. Online security comes from good authentication methods, rather than praying that a bad guy doesn't reverse engineer ScoutNet's protocol. I'm not totally onboard with the existing ScoutNet certified packages for a couple of reasons. One, if they go belly up or are bought out for some reason, I'm out of luck. Two, since none of them are currently web-enabled, they make a troop's designated record keeper's (for advancement or rechartering, say) job easier, but do nothing to inprove getting the info to the other leaders, parents, or kids. I recognize that putting a server on the web adds to the risk of information disclosure from any one troop. But, knowing nothing about how the BSA set up ScoutNet (other than guessing that it's an '90's style VPN and client-server setup), I can't say that National is handling security any better than I can. For what it's worth, I see that Jay North has been through a few revs with his GPL'ed 'Scout Tracker', a pretty straight forward LAMP web application.
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