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  1. Hello all, I am the advancemetn chair for our troop. I was speaking with some committee members about the OA and getting back into it. Our SM doesn't push the OA because mostly all our lodge does is cleanup campsite and seem more like slaves. He saids it not like it use to be, and I agree to a point. But I think it should be the choice of the boys not the choice of the SM if they want to be in or not. Anyway, I want to know if there are some basic steps we would need to do because I know if I bring it up and push it forward it is going to be my responsibility to get this going. I been looking online and everywhere I read it mentions and adult adviser arrowman. Do I need join the local lodge or something like that. Hopefully someone can let me know what the startup process is. TIA! Chris
  2. I purchased one of those new shirts in September, but now I notice that the red lettering is starting to peel. Is there a way to stop it from peeling off completely. I wrote to national but never heard back from them on it. Hopefully someone here has an idea. THANKS! YiS, Chris
  3. Hello everyone, I wanted to show the boys on there first campout foil cooking. Now the Baloo instructions I got calls for cooking on carcoal, is there a way to do this on a campfire. Or is there a simple way of making this work. I seen our training group put foil out and spread the carcoal on the ground I really don't want to do this at a campsite where the children will be running around. Any Ideas? THANKS! YiS, Chris
  4. Hello all, I am a new CM and I am holding a new Leader meeting. I wanted to know how I should start the meeting. I was going with the Pledge of alligence, The Scout oath, and Law. Is that too much? I don't want to scare the new leaders, but I made up some cool cards with the oath on one side and the law on the other. I been to leader training and Powwows and that was the opening for those. I wanted to know how other people started there leader meetings. Please Help. :-) YiS, Chris
  5. Hello, For Geocaching I would suggest the Garmin Etrex. This is the Yellow one. That was my starter GPS, and you can get them for under 100 on Ebay. I currently use the Garmin Etrex Legend (about $150.00) it is Blue, and the kids use the yellow etrex. Hope this helps. YiS, Chris
  6. Hello everyone, I been seeing a lot of pack's stating this in news reports. Is this a national thing or a council item. If anyone know anything about this or has more info please let me know. I am looking into different ideas to get boys to join on our open house. THANKS! YiS, Chris
  7. In our pack beside myself there is only a CC and a CM. The CM and myself run the show. It was crazy last year, so this year focus is the parents. They need to step up and help. But I will be running the round up for our pack. Later this month our district is haveing a training class for coordiaters. I will be attending that. But I would like to have an idea of what theme I want to show the new boys. YiS, Chris
  8. I didn't go for round-up traing yet, but I wanted to get some ideas for a theme. Now I was going to use September theme cowboys. But due the our pack location the CC & CM feels that theme probably won't play well with our demographics. I don't see the issue but I am the DL so I need to create another event/theme for the night. I am hoping you all can help me with this. THANKS! Chris
  9. Hello, Just wanted to know I thought it would be a idea to have one of these magnet to idenity my auto out of a crowd at event like a baseball game. I know National supply sells a sticker for trailers. But I never found a magnet. Does anyone know of a cheap place I can get one made? THANKS! On My Honor, Chris
  10. Hello, I have a question about Local Tour Permits. If for an example we have a pack trip to a baseball game. Now we all meet at the ballpark. So parent will be driving there own child directly from there home to the event. Do we still need there driving info? YIS, Chris
  11. Our website is http://www.pack350.info it is a simple site but I am very proud of it. I runs on the same server that my main domain runs on. That is http://www.marrerofamily.org YIS, Chris
  12. Hello All, Does anyone here know how they create the Cub Scout Flag Gif File with the pack number and city state on it? I want to have one for our pack site but I cannot figure out how it is done. I am not a very good with creating graphics. THANKS! YIS, Chris
  13. Hello All, I hope you all could help, I have a den of 8 boys and we meet in a church bingo room. Well the room is very large. The boys tend to run around. The CO is getting worry that they might get hurt and I tend to agree. I can convince my son to stop only by telling he wil be in trouble (Grounded) if he keeps it up. But what steps can I do to control the other boys. I don't want to overstep. Please help with some ideas. THANKS! :-) YIS, Chris
  14. I am curious, US Army uniform have the US Flag on them but the Stars are to the front, so the flag appears backwards. There are lots of reason on the net about it, but the only normal reason was that when the flag is flown and if the person is moving forward then the flag would be in the wind and the stars would be on the right and the strips on the left. Now saying that is our uniforms incorrect with the way the flag is on it, or is there an exception to the rules for scouts. YIS, Chris
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