As a bit of a quick back story - my wife and I just took over our failing pack last year, so we're very new to this.
This is our first year doing the popcorn fundraiser with our Pack. It has been an experience, for certain. It mostly went well, with one exception and I hope you can help me. Almost all of the families turned in their popcorn monies with the exception of 2, and I don't know what to do about it.
Family 1 - Most of their money has been turned in, with the exception of about $100. When asked about it, they said that they tried to collect, but at least one of their buyers has backed out. They want to continue to try to collect it, but I feel that at some point they need to turn in the money OR the merchandise.
Family 2 - They owe about $200. They've turned in NO money. They're very evasive when asked ("Oh yeah, we're working on it"). And we have to pester them for new information, they don't seems to care to try to make an effort to work with us.
We've talked to both families in person, we've mailed them, etc. I think that they both need to pay or return the popcorn (not that I know what to do with it if they returned it, but still...). Unfortunately, I ultimately have no power over the situation. It's not like I can dock their wages! The only recourse I can see is to "suspend" the Cub Scouts from attending anything (meetings, parties, etc), until this is resolved. But my wife feels that this is punishing the boys, when it's really the parents that have failed.
Our pack is small and struggling and I can't just eat this money.
Any suggestions?