Two months ago I became pack committee chair. The treasurer also is new and for various reasons, just received financial records, etc., related to the prior year. We both are now on the pack's bank account. We have just learned that several parents still owe dues for scouts that were re-chartered in January...various other monies are also owed by parents for supplies, popcorn, etc. as well. Most amounts are small(several owe $15 - $30 for T-shirts, for example) but one family owes nearly $200 for popcorn. I'm sure we'll never see the popcorn money, as the scout has stopped attending meetings and the parent was asked by our kernel to pay numerous times. The new treasurer and I think it's time to get tough - no scouts will be rechartered until all past dues (and the current year) have been paid, for example. Has anyone been successful in collecting these relatively "small" amounts from parents? Other than threatening to not re-charter the scouts, what can we do? (Of course, going forward, nothing will be given out unless it's paid for in advance.)