I understand that this is a clarification of mark use based on ongoing infringment by manufacturers who make a product for one council, then advertise and try to sell to other councils; as well as issues with web infringments (pay-per-click, porn, etc.), product liability concerns, and overall protection of the marks.
Nattional provided a memo to council SEs, Regional staff and others in mid-October. I also understand that a FAQ-sort of document was issued last week to the same people that answers a number of questions that were raised and provides further clarification on what has to be licensed (I heard that literature, forms, brochures, websites, etc that are administrative are exempt from licensing). I also have heard that some councils have already developed policies for this, East Carolina Council, for one.
I also heard that the scouting.org/identity site is undergoing some changes. Don't know what yet.
Finally, I've also heard the 90-day thing, but I understand that's a worse-case for the application. They're protecting against an onslaught of applications. They realistically think it will be less time. This is for applications, not approvals. One current licensee told me that approvals for licesees generally happen with 24 hours and often times the same day. I think that's a pretty good turn around time.
I'd encourage you all to check with your SE, as I did mine. They should have the coorespondance mentioned above.
Given that BSA's congressional charter grants it exlusive rights to its marks, words and phrases (" The corporation has the exclusive right to use emblems, badges, descriptive or designating marks, and words or phrases the corporation adopts."), I'd think they would claim that any mark that associated with Scouting activity in the U.S. would be covered. This would include the generic fleur-de-lis.
I don't have a problem with the protection of trademark rights. I don't think, as some have claimed, that this is bad news for scouting councils or units. It'll be hard in the short-term, but I think the programs and organizations will benefit in the long haul. It probably should have been addressed years ago...then we would have websites like boyslife.com.
My two cents on the topic.