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Everything posted by climberslacker

  1. are youth allowed to submit, or only adults?
  2. that may be part of our problem. I am going to turn 15 in about a week, and I am the SPL we have 2 other scouts who are 16, and barly, if ever show up. Also the oldest leader below me would be a 13 year old patrol leader. But I do know that my scouts look up to me. When we had the OA elections, and they said what and arrowman is about half my troop, in unison said "Like {climbeslacker}" and the other half asked why im not running (The answer is I'm brotherhood). You don't know how good that felt. -CS
  3. I like the ideas. I know that me and some of my other leaders are always pushing the uniform. The problem is that some of the pls dont even always wear the uniform, but the one that doesnt is going to be replaced. We will start holdong weekly uniform inspections. I like the patrol points idea because then I can also encourage patrol pride and also have my patrols showing up Thanks a ton guys!
  4. Ok so I am actually the SPL of my troop, but I come seeking wisdom. some of the scouts in my troop do not understand the uniform, or when to wear different levels of it. For example, they will wear the uniform to the meeting and have it look horrible. The problem is that it is only a select few, and they have been in the movement for about a year. I have had 10 minute long sections in the beginning of meetings were I printed out copies of "Scouting for Boys" and read sections pertaining to the uniform, which some scouts afterword told me seemed like it had a great impact (I take theater) and nothing changes. All my other scouts do follow the uniform, almost to the letter, but these few scouts make the entire troop look horrible. Any help would be appreciated. -CS PS: I wear a BSA beret to all meetings and campout
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