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Everything posted by click23

  1. evmori, Up to six may be worn on the right sleeve of the long sleeve shirt, right above the cuff. However, I do not believe that I have ever seen a scout wearing them there.(This message has been edited by click23)
  2. I might of missed this some where in the 19 pages, but take look on the second page of the PDF brochure. Under where is says "with todays active Scouts." in the center of the pager there is a leg zipper. On that zipper is has an L on it. I can only hope that the other side has a R on it, I always seem to try to put them on the wrong side.
  3. I don't think you will be coming in this way, but the rest area north of Chattanooga on I75 at about the 40 mile marker, south of Athens, is closed on both sides of the interstate. Chickamauga battlefield is part of the Chickamauga & Chattanooga National Military Park ran by the national park service. This park is unique, in terms of parks that I have been to, because it is split into two main sections, Chickamauga battlefield and the Lookout Mountain battlefield in Chattanooga. Lookout Mountain battlefield is more the size of a city park, but it has a wonderful view of Chattanooga and has several trails. We also have the Ocoee whitewater center, it is where the whitewater sections of the 96 Olympics were held. It is a bit out of the way, but it is very pretty up there. Athens is home to Mayfeilds Dairy, they offer tours at the plant of the milk and ice cream production area, but I am not sure if they run ice cream on the weekends.
  4. wow you are a busy man. I see 5 to 10 meetings a month for you. How much time is he wanting to hang around? This would be the perfect time to recruit a new SM or CC, which ever way you decide to go, and bring them in a an ASM or MC, and get them trained and ready for the job. That way, the transition will go pretty smooth. As a UC, one of my scoutmasters got a promotion that he was required to work second shift and weekends, and with on one weeks notice. No one in the troop wanted to step up and no one outside wanted it either, it is best to be prepared.
  5. While I have never been to Raccoon Mountain, I used to work at the Lost Sea which is about 60 miles up the interstate. If the dirt is anything like it is at the Lost Sea, wear cloths that never want to wear again, even the undies and socks will be ruined. The dirt was red keel clay, the is the stuff they used to mix with milk to make red barn paint. From their website, the cave appears to be pretty wet. The Lost Sea, well the cave is Craighead Caverns the lake is the Lost Sea, was pretty cool, about 58 degrees. Moving around I would stay comfortable in a tee shirt and jeans, because the humidity was 80-90 percent. I did tie a flannel shirt around my waist, but is was for when I would have to stay in one place, pressed up against a wall, or for when it was a really dirty section of the cave. Wear good shoes, but again nothing that you don't mind getting dirty. I found that work style boots worked better for me than hiking boots. It appears that they provide helmets with lights, if they do not, the cheap plastics flashlight did not hold up at all. I usually carried four lights, my main on my helmet and a helmet mounted backup, a mini mag, and a 3 cell mag light, the mag light was used for pointing out interesting stuff to my group. So for your trip if they provide the helmets and lights, I think couple extra mini mags, or similar, would come in handy in case a light or two goes out. One thing that I would always tell my groups was that I did not care if they did not pay attention to me when I was giving the history and such of the cave, but when I was giving instruction on how to do something I needed them to pay attention. We had a part of the cave called the eye of the needle. I would lead the group right to the end through a tight vertical section. There was a a vertical shaft that I had wedge myself in to and sit on a ledge to help the group though a tight low section and to make sure that they did fall down the shaft. On most groups we only had one guide so I told them after they passed me and went up the ledge that was right pass me they needed to slide to the rock in front of them on their rear. The reason was that the rock was always wet, and smoothed from so many people crossing it. That is where I had the only injury of any of my groups, he decided to walk down it, he fell and broke his leg. Luckily we were back to the main room and getting him out involved driving a golf cart to him and loading him and the backboard on the cart and driving him out. When we brought him out, we had two rural fire departments, the counties rescue squad, two ambulance, and three deputies in our driveway. Sorry for the ramblings, but what I was getting at, is when the guide tells you how to do something, listen, they are trying to keep you from getting hurt. Luckily the Chattanooga/Hamilton County Rescue Squad cave and cliff team is one of the best in the nation. I hope you guys have fun, and tip your guide, doesn't have to be much, a buck or two per person in your group would mean a lot to them. If you want some more ideas of things to do around Chattanooga, let me know.
  6. "What type of units will require a PC? Only Troops? Or will all units including Packs be required to field one also? " My understanding is that PC will be required for every pack, troop, team, crew, and ship.
  7. GNX Guy, You are correct. I know better than make a post without a reference in hand. I have mixed thoughts on this knot. One one hand I can see how one would not like it, but if one was wearing I bet they would get tons of questions about it, more opportunity to tell other about PTC.
  8. I do not believe there was anything on the form that stated it was not retroactive.
  9. click23

    NAYLE Patch

    The insignia guide is not clear on this patch, or the NYLT patch. http://www.scouting.org/Media/InsigniaGuide/06I.aspx?print=1 I would say it is a temporary patch to be worn on the right pocket, unless stated otherwise on an official BSA form or instruction.
  10. This is a three track program. First track- Attend PTC as a participant. Second track- Take an additional Course at PTC. and Recruit 3 people to attend a PTC course. and Teach a BSA course in your district, council, area or region. Course and particiapation in the couse must be approved by the council or area chair prior to the course. Completting the the first and second track, you would earn the square knot. It is going to be yellow and red, the colors of New Mexicos flag. Track three- Serve as a faculty member at PTC or attend a third time as a participant. and Recruit 3 people to attend a PTC course. and one of the following Coordinate a council, area or regional cluster approved training event and coordinate and staff a promotional booth for the PTC at a council event. Conduct a council "Philmont Family Meeting" to share PTC information and encourage family participation. Teach a training course in a foreign county- Coordinated and approved by the BSA international division. By completing thing third track you would earn a PTC square knot device. I have no description on the knot device.
  11. I was at the Philmont Training Center last week and learned about a some new things on the horizon. All of this came from Keith Christopher, he is the Director of the Leadership Support Service/Program Group from national We have two new unit positions coming out in September, Parent Coordinator ,PC, and Parent ,PA. The PC is a fee position, the PA will be similar to the Tiger Cub Parent registration and is free. The PC is going to be a required position and a member of the units committee. This is a part of the National Parent Initiative, see http://www.scoutparents.org They are also looking at a new "Mega District". On the professional side they they would have a DE for Program, Finance and Membership. Another idea of rearranging the districts are Assistant District Commissioners for Advancement, Training and Camping. I am not sure if these will replace the committee positions. The Centennial Quality Unit Award this year will have the same requirements as last year, but will have more FAQ info with the package. www.BSAAlumni.org will be rolling later this year, it now redirects to www.scoutingfriends.org. This will be a resource for districts and units to find new volunteers. Along the same lines, the NESA eagle search has resulted in 60,000 new members in NESA so far this year, compared to 4,000 all of last year, the vast majority of those new eagles. A new NESA list will be available to councils this fall. National is also working on the idea of letting unit commissioners and other volunteers have limited access to ScoutNET, or some other program, to be able to access rosters and training records of their units. Below is taken verbatim from a handout from the Leadership Support Service group. Training Updates:(subject to change) Cub Scouting- Cub Scout Fast Start online is being revised and will be available by the end of 2008. Cub Scout Position Specific Training Manual/DVD(catalog # 34875) available as of June 08. Cubcast will continue to be developed related to monthly Cub Scout theme and shared one month in advance of next month's program, including program ideas and a training topic. Den Chief Training Online will be released summer 08. Cub Scout Roundtale Staff Fast Start online training will be available summer 08. Boy Scouting- Boy Scout Fast Start course online is available in Spanish by fall 08. Troop Leader Training available in hard copy with a PowerPoint to support the training currently on the Boy Scout Division website. Good to Outstanding (Advanced Scoutmaster Training) available by end of 08. Trainers EDGE is being piloted this summer Philmont Training Center (Train the Trainer course for Wood Badge and National Youth Leader Training staffs) and will be available in October 08 for councils to use. Venturing- Venturing Leader Specific Training being revised and available by early fall 08 Kodiak X Leadership Challenge Course syllabus now available along with support materials like patches, medals, staff patches and medals, etc. There is also a Kodiak website www.kodiak-bsa.org for more information. Kodiak Facilitator Training being developed and will be available by August 08. Courses will be offered for Kodiak/Kodiak X Presenters/Facilitators course with two tracks as the skills are greatly different for Kodiak presenters and Kodiak X facilitators. Both courses will be a one day format, 8 til 5. There will be new Kodiak Presenter and Kodiak X Facilitator Staff patches. The courses are both youth and adults and will help deliver courses. The regions are working hard on recruiting Kodiak coordinators in every area. In many cases they are now able to offer Kodiak/Kodiak course director conferences at the area and council levels. Venturing Mentor Training Course being developed and sill be available by fall 08. Venturing Teaching Others Course being developed and will be available by fall 08. A new National Leadership Society for Ventures who have completed VLSC, Kodiak, Kodiak X, Mentoring, and Teaching Others will be launched in August 08. Councils will then induct qualified Venturers into this society at a board meeting or other notable gathering. Certificates and society keys and/or necklaces will be secured from national while special frames for the certificates will be available from supp. This national society will offer more public recognition for the accomplishments of these youth. Annually Venturing offers a volunteer and a professional administration of Venturing course at the Sea Base the first week of March. Commissioner Service- Commissioner Fast Start is being developed for new commissioners, especially for unit commissioners, to view shortly after agreeing to be a commissioner. Available by August 08. Administrative Commissioner Fast Start for council/district commissioners avaliable by December 08. Other potential projects being reviewed for online training include a series of video casts in support of basic commissioner training in small modules, with a plan for coaching in between sessions. Plans are to be available by the end of 08. Overall Training- Centennial Quality Award video was distributed in February 08 to every council with one complimentary copy sent for each district. It is also available online through www.scouting.org and the commissioners web site. It explains the Centennial Quality Unit Award and how to set goals and accomplish them in providing a quality program. ScoutParents Unit Coordinator Fast Start training will be available online by August 08. This is designed for any volunteer who works directly with parents in engaging them with their unit's program by encouraging them to volunteer to do occasional tasks. This will be a new registered position beginning September 1, 08. New Leader Essentials Course is being revised and will be available online by September 08, as well as available through Supply for teaching face to face. Weather hazard prevention training is now online. This outdoor activity training includes safety precautions for lightning, windstorms, tornado, flash floods, extreme cold, etc. More info to come in another post.
  12. I was at the training center last week, and received the actual requirements. I will post them when I get home tonight.
  13. Even if he did provide approprate leadership during the project, I do not see how it could meet "...service project helpful to your religious institution, school, or your community."
  14. Bob White is correct, I had used the wrong terminology, you would ask that they be removed from the units roster.
  15. Eagle Foot, Take a look at this, http://netcommish.com/MCS407.doc, I am pretty sure it is taken verbatim from the "How To Remove A Volunteer" chapter in the "Commissioner Fieldbook for Unit Service". This capter is a bit more in depth than the "Selecting District People". For CC, MC, ASM, and SM it would be the COR or the IH, for the COR it is the IH. It is the chartering organizations troop, no one can tell them to accept a leader or scout that they do not want. If the IH says no, that is the final word. You might also want to have the CC or COR hand deliver a letter, on the chatering organizations letterhead from the IH, to your councils registrar informing the council that said person is no longer a member of the troop and would like their membership in the troop revoked.(This message has been edited by click23)
  16. In the latest issue of "The Commissioner" all of the regional commissioners and all but a handful of area commissioners have been appointed. Here are some of the duties that they will have: 1. Provide support to all council commissioners in the areas of membership, unit charter renewal, and training of commissioners. 2. Supervise the activities of commissioner service and preside at any area meetings where council commissioners are in attendance. They provide support to council or joint council commissioner training courses. 3. Encourage communication between the area and council commissioners to ensure that councils provide opportunities for immediate orientation, frequent basic training, and monthly learning experiences for all commissioners. 4. Support councils in improving unittocommissioner ratios, monthly unit visits, retention of youth and units, and progress toward achieving Centennial Quality status. 5. Maintain the standards of the Boy Scouts of America and uphold all national policies. 6. Provide direction and support to council commissioners especially related to the membership validation process; unit charter renewal; conducting and tracking unit visits; counseling support related to how to handle particular situations; recruiting and training a full staff of commissioners; and supporting the annual commitment and achievement of the Centennial Quality Council Award.
  17. The Alps Mountaineering scout site is http://www.scoutdirect.com/index.htm. One of my Woodbadge patrol members had some of their gear and loves it. This is from their Pro Leader program "Our normal Scout discount is 45%, and qualified Troop Leaders can receive a one time discount of 60%. We'll allow each Troop to get a total of 3 items (they must be from 3 different categories such as 1 pack, 1 tent, and 1 sleeping bag) at the 60% Pro price. The Troop can decide if one leader gets all three, or it could be 3 different leaders" Basically you can get it very cheap to advertise to the boys and other leaders who can get it cheap. As far as military bases, back when I was a kid i the mid 90s, we took trips to Philmont, the Grand Canyon, and the National Jamboree, we stayed at several military bases on each trip free of charge, not sure if they still do that. KOA also has a scout discount program, http://www.koa.com/scouts/
  18. One of our chartered organizations, a church, opens up their fellowship hall, and any other rooms we need, for Cub and Boy Scout roundtable and our OA chapter meeting all on the same night. The pastor there is very scout friendly and will open the doors for scout or scouter activity, basicly all distict training is held there. The DE and a few other members of the district staff have keys to the church.
  19. meamemg, if you look at talen333s post above you can see that a 19 yo and a 22 yo would fit in two seperate categories. But, the only requirement is "This requires careful arrangements for housing, facilities, etc." which sort of sounds like they cannot sleep in the same tent, but I'm really not sure.
  20. There are basically two ways to get an invitation, 1. be recommended by your council or 2. be in one of those "test" councils where everyone gets an invite. In my council to get recommended all you have to do is tell the council program director that you want to go, and other people can recommend you to this guy too. AFAIK pretty much everyone that is recommended by the council gets an invitation, so just ask for one next year.(This message has been edited by click23)
  21. Well, I guess my original question has been answered. BSA views all Venturing youth the same, but at the same time the leaders should use some common sense when dealing with sleeping arrangements, showers, etc. emb021, I have no doubt you had said conversation, but with people on here and irl spouting BSA rules and regulations without being able to back them up, I would prefer to see it in an official BSA publication. It might be out there, I will take a look through the Venturing Leaders Handbook tonight.
  22. IF they are married, and one is over 21 and one under 21, then only one of them can be a member of the crew. "fraternization the formation of peer-based, social relationships between adult and youth members is not permitted"(This message has been edited by click23)
  23. I will be there July 20-26. I am taking "The Unit Commissioner"
  24. I think if I was a Venturing leader, that I would have to go by the OA example and have a catgory of youth over 18. Just to cover my rear, if anything bad was to happen, from the parents [civil lawsuits] and the state [criminal charges].
  25. I spun this off because I got the OA part of the example claified, but I am still confused even after taking online training. Does Venturing treat over 18 "youth" the same way that the OA treats them as far as youth protection is concerned: So individuals at OA activities really fit into one of three categories: -Those under 18, who are youth for both OA events and BSA policies -Those 18 to 20, who are youth for OA events, but are adults for BSA policies -Those 21 and older, who are adults for both OA events and BSA policies -From the national OA website. If Venturing treats them the same, the you would have: -Males under 18 -Females under 18 -Male youth over 18 -Female youth over 18 -Male leaders -Female leaders But the training made no mention of this, and it appeared that Venturing is set up like this: -Male youth -Female Youth -Male leaders -Female leaders. I have search Nationals website and nothing really confirms either of these examples, so I am at a loss.
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