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Everything posted by click23
That is correct gaucho.
Our district held one a couple of weeks ago for training. Weld held training sessions from 9 am to 3 pm, and had pretty good turn out. The official training that we offered was cub leader, scoutmaster and venturing specific training and training the chartered organization representative. We also offered several original class: pack and troop Alliances, cub awards and ceremonies, planning events (cub), the cub outdoor programs, using commissioners, how to train youth leaders (boy scout) putting FUN in the program (boy scout), and selling the sizzle of summer camp. This is the first time that we have done this in our district and it went great. The leader enjoyed the training, especially some of the original courses. Us on the district training staff have already penciled in the last Saturday in September next year for another training day. The specific leader training will stay the same next year, but we will have some different original training courses.(This message has been edited by click23)
Two troops in my town tried this for a while, but one ended up folding and its members transferring to the other troop. Here are a few of the problem they faced: - had to keep two sets of "books", everything from advancement to checking accounts. - had to have two separate groups holding board of reviews - had to have two scoutmasters for advancement purposes
I have never seen anything like that. Who are the "we" in "we have no say"?
Sorry, I am just going to have to disagree with you on this one.
These courses are now available at http://olc.scouting.org/ ScoutParents Unit Coordinator Fast Start Unit Commissioner Fast Start
Without going back and quoting everyone I disagree with, here is what I think on this matter, and why I think it. 1. The committee chair is the sole person at the unit level to approve adult applications. 2. If the unit is following "Selecting Quality Leaders" and the units committee is functioning as the steering committee, if the CC does not agree with the choice he is under no obligation to sign the application. 3. The committee may have an duty to select the leaders, but it is the duty of the CC to approve or deny those applications. Reasons- 1. From the application "Unit committee chairman approves all adult personnel except the chartered organization representative and committee chairman." Nowhere does is say on behalf of the committee or with approval of the committee. 2. There are several references to the committee being involved through out the scout literature, it only talks about selecting the leader, it only references approval at the unit level vested in the CC, see #1. 3. see 1 & 2
Troop that does not give out rank awards very often
click23 replied to Cubmaster Mike's topic in Advancement Resources
shortridge, that is what it says in the 2008 revision -
From "Advancement Committee Policies and Procedures" guidebook: "The requirement for advancement is that the Scout participates in a Scoutmaster conference, not that he passes the conference. When advancement is going to be deferred, the Scout should not come to the Scoutmaster conference thinking that everything is OK and then be surprised that his advancement is deferred. He should have had plenty of warning and guidance prior to the Scoutmaster conference. This is not a time to shut the door on advancement, but rather to work with the Scout to create goals that will allow him to succeed. However, even after a negative Scoutmaster conference for the ranks of Tenderfoot to Life, if the Scout desires a board of review, he should be granted his request."
Although I have not been "Trained" on this, yet, I would assume that top part is actually for the scouts' parents, not the scouts themselves.
Here is what my council has assigned to the commissioner staff. 2008 Fall Membership Campaign Welcoming Calls Information When Calling Scouts 1. Introduce yourself and explain the purpose of the call 2. Ask them if they know the following, and share with them if they do not A. Unit number of the group they have joined B. When and where their meetings will be taking place C. Den Leaders name and phone number D. Cubmasters name and phone number 3. Ask if they have had their first den meeting and how did it go. 4. Ask if they know when and where the next meeting will be. 5. Ask if they know where the Council Service Center and Scout Shop are located. 6. Ask if they know when and where Fall Family Camp will be and ask if they will be attending. 7. Thank them for their involvement in Scouting and tell them you are glad they chose Scouting for their family. When Calling New Leaders 1. Introduce yourself and explain the purpose of the call 2. Ask them if they know the following, and share with them if they do not A. Unit number of the group they have joined B. When and where their meetings should be taking place C. Cubmasters name and phone number 3. Ask if they have had their first den meeting and how did it go. 4. Ask if they felt comfortable in their new leadership role. 5. Ask if they know where the Council Service Center and Scout Shop are located. 6. Ask if they know when and where Fall Family Camp will be and ask if they will be attending. 7. Ask them if their den is planning to participate in the Trails End Popcorn Sale to raise money for den and pack activities. 8. Thank them for their leadership and support of Scouting.
evmoris reply pretty much sums up my thoughts on the matter. How many times is this process actually used? I see that most units take parents of boys that show up and say "hey what can I do?", they are then handed an application and it is filled out and passed on. Or if you have a scoutmaster stepping down, your troop already might have an ASM ready to step up. So what can happen if you do not follow the adult application,"The process set forth in the publication Selecting Quality Leaders, No. 18-981, must be completed for all positions of Scoutmaster, assistant Scoutmaster..."? It says must not should. The only time that I have seen it happen as described in Selecting Quality Leaders, was with one of my assigned units, I am a UC, and it did not go that well. The committee consisted of the committee chair, the COR, two or three other committee members, an ASM, and myself, invited by the IH and CC. Only one name came out of the meeting and he said no. It was decided that we wanted someone with some scouting background. Our town is pretty small, most people with scouting background were already with another troop, had moved away, or had simply retired from scouting.
Doc, I am almost with you on this one. The only reference of the committee being involved that I have found is in the Selecting Quality Leaders pamphlet, but it is talking about a steering committee, which could be the units committee functioning as that committee. So if the units committee is functioning as the steering committee, they do have say in who is selected, but the only official(on the application) approval is the committee chair.
Here is the link to "Selecting Quality Leaders" http://old.scouting.org/commissioners/resources/18-981.pdf He is not old enough to be a MC.
From the adult application: "Unit committee chairman approves all adult personnel except the chartered organization representative and committee chairman." and "Following approval by the unit committee chairman, all other adult unit personnel must be approved by the head of the chartered organization or the chartered organization representative." No where does it say that the application must be approved by the units committee. But, it also says: "The process set forth in the publication Selecting Quality Leaders, No. 18-981, must be completed for all positions of Scoutmaster, assistant Scoutmaster, ...." I doubt that you used "Selecting Quality Leaders" with this ASM, if so the steering committee probably would not have selected him. Since the steering committee(probably the units committee, the COR, and even a few others) did not vet him in the selection process, I would say it boils down to you making the decision for the troop.
Your signature on the application is the first of a few, but you are the only approval needed at the unit level. The IH, institutional head, has the final say, but may delegate this authority to the COR, chartered organization representative, at the chartered organization level. The Scout executive or designee has the final say at the council level, but a rejection here is usually for something that came up on a background check. The committee as a whole has no authority on the matter. If I were you I would personally present the application the the IH or COR, and let them know the issues that the other have with him, and your side too, and let the CO decide if they want this person in their troop.
From the Cub Scout uniform inspection form: Denner cord or assistant denner cord is worn over left shoulder. and the insignia guide states: "Denner shoulder cord, gold double-strand, No. 00368, Cub Scout and Webelos Scout, over left shoulder." But neither of those really answer your question, but if you read them literally, "over left shoulder", I would say they go on top of the loop and strap. To the side would just look silly and underneath both would not work because former denners wear just the tab, and you would not really be able to see it. I think I would go with over the strap but under the loop.
"Varsity Scouts wear the blaze orange loops instead of red." Make that red or green now
The patch that I linked above is what it is going to be. My scout shop has them in stock, item number 18099.
You might want to check with the DE or SE to see if the council has a Scouts With Disabilities and Special Needs person. and check this out http://www.tac-bsa.org/special_needs_awareness_night_planning.pdf
Wood Badge beads for NYLT staff
click23 replied to emb021's topic in Wood Badge and adult leader training
Well then, why don't they present woodbadge beads to the boys then? -
We are having a major training day for the district next Saturday and it has a fee of $10, which includes lunch and materials. As for the Trainer Development Conference, that would normally be a council level event, my council usually covers the cost of those.
Ops, sorry I missed that important point. I checked it online, "A minimum of two adults must be present on any den or pack trip" While this is the minimum I would encourage as many adults/parents to attend as possible.(This message has been edited by click23)
This is in bold in the G2SS, so that means it is a rule or policy: "A Webelos Scout may participate in overnight den camping when supervised by an adult. In most cases, he Webelos Scout will be under the supervision of his parent or guardian. It is essential that each Webelos Scout be under the supervision of a parent-approved adult. Joint Webelos den-troop campouts including the parents of the Webelos Scouts are encouraged to strengthen ties between the pack and troop. Den leaders, pack leaders, and parents are expected to accompany the boys on approved trips."
You should go over the board of review training with your committee http://www.scouting.org/boyscouts/trainingmodules/board%20of%20review%20training.aspx The board of review is not just about advancement, it it about seeing how the troop is doing. From the training: "An ideal troop might hold monthly boards of review, possibly at the same time as a troop meeting. A troop with few Scouts might conclude that monthly boards are unnecessary as too few Scouts present themselves for advancement, but that would miss one of the functions of the board. A board should be set up to review accomplishment and lack of accomplishment. The board can counsel with Scouts who are not advancing to determine reasons for lack of progress and to stimulate these Scouts to greater participation in the program. This function is of equal importance to the function of reviewing boys who present themselves for advancement." "Ideally, a Scout should sit for a board of review every six months, whether he is advancing or not." As for them deciding that they will only hold BORs before the court of honor, the committee really needs to back to the beginning and get trained. A troop committee should be voting on very little, in fact I believe the last time I check the Troop Committee Guidebook, voting was only referenced once, and that was to say that the SM has not vote. As advancement chair you really only have to clear advancement related issues with the CC, if you say they will be held once a month and between as needed, then that is what it is. If the other members of the committee are not on board,you can tell them to go pound sand and the CC can tell them that their services are no longer needed and replace them. I would go so far as to say this is adding to the requirements for advancement. Say a boy completes his last requirement and his SM conference the week before the BOR for say second class, and the committee says, well Johnny sorry but it is easier for us if we wait four months for the board of review. "The Troop Committee's primary responsibilities are supporting the Scoutmaster in delivering a quality troop program and handling troop administration"