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Everything posted by click23

  1. The Eagle application on nationals website, http://www.scouting.org/filestore/pdf/512-728_web.pdf, states: "While a Life Scout, serve actively for a period of six months in one or more of the following positions of responsibility. List only those positions served after Life board of review date." "Venturing crew/ship. President, vice president, secretary, treasurer, den chief, quartermaster, historian, guide, boatswain, boatswains mate, yeoman, purser, storekeeper"(This message has been edited by click23)
  2. ... delete(This message has been edited by click23)
  3. To open a old thread back up, 46. Speaker Bank Award 47. Philmont Training Center Master Track Award 48. Doctorate of Commissioner Science Award Also, ilduncans said: "#43 -- Skipper's key -- is actually just a device (Sea Scout) on the Scouters Key (#11) -- the green and white knot ..." What this is referring to is the old skippers key, from the the '40s and '50s. This knot was dark blue and white, instead of the current green and white.
  4. The BSA Brand identity guide has some of what you are looking for http://www.scouting.org/filestore/pdf/02-0231.pdf Boy Scout Red Spot Color: Pantone 186 Four-Color Process: 0% Cyan, 100% Magenta, 70% Yellow, 0% Black Boy Scout Blue/Cub Scout Blue Spot Color: Pantone 294 Four-Color Process: 100% Cyan, 50% Magenta, 0% Yellow, 20% Black Cub Scout Yellow/Venturing Yellow Spot Color: Pantone 116 Four-Color Process: 0% Cyan, 10% Magenta, 100% Yellow, 0% Black Venturing Green Spot Color: Pantone 349 Four-Color Process: 100% Cyan, 0% Magenta, 90% Yellow, 40% Black
  5. Here is what the adult application says: "Adults who are not citizens of the United States but who reside within the country may register with the Boy Scouts of America in any capacity if they agree to abide by the Scout Oath or Promise and the Scout Law, to respect and obey the laws of the United States of America, and to subscribe to the precepts of the Declaration of Religious Principle."
  6. I knew I had seen more about this somewhere http://ideas.scouting.org/akira/dtd/6242-2119 Its status is "In Progress", which means it is being reviewed by national.
  7. This might all go back to what wahooker mentioned, last month the BSA signed a memorandum of mutual support with the American Heritage Girls, http://www.ahgonline.org/uploads/Press_Release_MOU.pdf
  8. "its not like an eternal contract with the devil", all they would need to do is add a little bit of fine print down at the bottom and it could be. Might have to try that with the next UC I sign up. Here a few thing that might help you out: "Board of Review Training" http://www.scouting.org/scoutsource/BoyScouts/TrainingModules/BoardofReviewTraining.aspx "Advancement Committee Policies and Procedures" http://scoutmaster.typepad.com/2008AdvancementGuideBook.pdf
  9. Reading over the"Advancement Committee Policies and Procedures" guide book, I came across this: "The requirement for advancement is that the Scout participates in a Scoutmaster conference, not that he passes the conference. When advancement is going to be deferred, the Scout should not come to the Scoutmaster conference thinking that everything is OK and then be surprised that his advancement is deferred. He should have had plenty of warning and guidance prior to the Scoutmaster conference. This is not a time to shut the door on advancement, but rather to work with the Scout to create goals that will allow him to succeed. However, even after a negative Scoutmaster conference for the ranks of Tenderfoot to Life, if the Scout desires a board of review, he should be granted his request. And from the "Scoutmaster Confernce Training", http://www.scouting.org/scoutsource/BoyScouts/TrainingModules/ScoutmasterConferenceTraining.aspx,: "The board of review is the final step in the advancement. However, the members of the board of review are troop committee members who might not know the Scouts as well as the Scoutmaster. If a Scout's advancement is to be deferred, that should come at the Scoutmaster's conference. While the board of review is not a rubber stamp, the Scoutmaster should not approve the Scout at the Scoutmaster's conference and then expect the board of review to defer the Scout. The requirement for advancement is that the Scout participate in a Scoutmaster's conference, not that he "pass" the conference. Even after a negative Scoutmaster's conference, if the Scout desires a board of review, he should be granted his request." Say a scout comes to his Scoutmaster Conference, and he has completed all of his retirements, what reason could there be to "defer" his advancement? And if he is deferred, isn't "creat(ing) goals that will allow him to succeed" adding to the requirements? For his BOR, if he completed all of the requirments correclty, is there any reason for the BOR to deny his advancement?
  10. If they let other youth organiations in to recruit, then they must let you in. The Boy Scouts of America Equal Access Act provides that, no public elementary school, public secondary school, local educational agency, or State educational agency that has a designated open forum or a limited public forum and that receives funds made available through the Department shall deny equal access or a fair opportunity to meet to, or discriminate against, any group officially affiliated with the Boy Scouts of America...that wishes to conduct a meeting within that designated open forum or limited public forum, including denying such access or opportunity or discriminating for reasons based on the membership or leadership criteria or oath of allegiance to God and country of the Boy Scouts of America... Which basically means that if they offer something to one outside group, they must offer least the same to the BSA. If a school fails to comply with this act, they risk loosing all of their federal funding. You might want to have your council look into this.
  11. click23

    New items

    On page 3 of http://www.bsa-gsmc.org/scouter/issue.htm?file=The%20Scouter%2020090728.pdf it shows: $59.99 for the venturing switchbacks $29.99 for the BS shorts $7.99-9.99 for the cub belts
  12. The webmaster patch is now available on scoutstuff.org, http://tinyurl.com/m7qr2h
  13. click23

    New items

    Last week at the scout shop the store manager showed me an email of things that are coming out in August. I was in a hurry, and did not get any of the details. Boy scout shorts New Venturing pants Cub Scout belts, similar to the Boy Scout and Venturing belts Combo unit numbers that have your chartering organization below the numbers
  14. evmori asked: "How is active defined for the lower ranks? " It is not, because being "active" is not a requirement for the lower ranks.
  15. Yesterday evening I headed up to our councils summer camp for "commissioners night". While making my way from campsite to campsite checking on the troops, seeing how their weeks has been, and if they need anything I stumble across one of my Woodbadge patrol members. After a bit of chit chat he brings up the video his eagle scout son produced last year. He made it for his DE as a recruiting tool for boy scout age boys. This video has been shown at several district and council events that I have attended. I let him know that I had seen it and I really liked it. He then said that national had picked up the video, and it is on their website, http://scouting.org/Youth.aspx. The boys talking are from his troop, most of the videos are of his troop, and the pictures are taken from a several sources.(This message has been edited by click23)
  16. I remember last year there was an article in the Scouting magazine about a iron on patch that you could get if you did an online survey. I lot of the questions were about down sizing the magazine, and I believe there were questions about doing away with the program helps in the magazine and having them only online. They are currently online, http://www.scouting.org/scoutsource/CubScouts/Leaders/CubScoutHelps.aspx(This message has been edited by click23)
  17. Gutterbird, I am having the same problem, still no response to the email that I sent them yesterday.
  18. For those of you that went, anything new and exciting to share?
  19. Scout Sprirt is even defined, and it has nothing to do with how ofter a boy attends scouting activities. "Scout spirit is defined as living the Scout Oath (Promise) and Scout Law in a Scouts everyday life." from page 29 of the 2008 advancement guide. If it was required that a scout attend a certain percent of scout functions, the requirement would be clearly laid out for them. An example is from the Sea Scout Ordinary, Able, and Quartermaster ranks "Attend at least 75 percent of your ship's meetings and special activities for six months" If it is not in the requirements, then it is not required. No one has the power to decide who is Eagle worthy and who is not, or to decide what an Eagle Scout should be, the requirements do that for us.
  20. I am not sure if they fall under the BSAs definition of "ultralight". The first thing to do would be have sailplane operator read over the "Flying Permit Application", http://www.scouting.org/filestore/pdf/19-672.pdf , and see if they comply with its licensing, insurance, etc. If so, then fill out the form and send it into the council and see what they have to say.(This message has been edited by click23)
  21. When I was there last summer, virtually none of the kids had uniform on during the day, but some wore them to dinner, chapel, etc. Just from my experience, do not go in thinking that it is some super secret training that is only available at Philmont. I was in the unit commissioner course, the instructors were great, the SE, council commissioner, and a council VP from Louisville KY, but, the material was stuff that I already had before. I got more out of the brainstorming sessions, seeing how things are done in different parts of the county. The best part of my course was the director of support services from national coming into our class and having a 30 minute session with him. Count on coming back with way more than you brought, so plan your luggage accordingly if you are flying, maybe a duffel bag that can be stuffed into your luggage on the way out. On our day off, our first stop was Capulin Volcano National Monument. Then we head back to Philmont to pick something up we forgot, and the we went to the Taos Pueblo. And finally down to Bandelier National Monument. Here is a Google map if you are interested, http://tinyurl.com/o7vswu We left before 8 that morning and did not get back until 11:30, so we got the most out of our day. The hot water was limited, I had one cold shower and my wife had a couple, we showered in the AM though. During my week it was actually better to take a shower right before breakfast, everyone was out and the water had time to get hot again. Our tent was literally 50 feet from the car, some were closer some were further, but not much. On this map, http://tinyurl.com/otjuoq "A" is on the road in front of the Villa Philmonte and PTC, "B" is in front of Base Camp, it is an easy walk. My wife is not a camping person, and had only camped twice before, let me know if we went last year, that I have to take her to the beach this year. She had so much fun, she asked me when we are going back. (This message has been edited by click23)
  22. "Perhaps you can look into joining the Commissioner Staff for your District" Still a bit young for that, you have to be 21.
  23. As a kid, I once tried to use duct tape to patch a hole in a muffler on a lawn mower. I worked for a few minutes, but the the muffler got too hot, boy was that a mess.
  24. From Order of the Arrow Operations Update 09-2: "A former Order of the Arrow member, more than 18 months in arrears in paying dues, who is a member of the Boy Scouts of America in good standing, can rejoin the Order of the Arrow by paying the current years dues to the councils OA lodge." As for becoming a member as an adult, there are three ways: Nominated by a troop or team committee. Adults in district or council positions may be nominated by the lodge advisor, district chairman, council president, or members of the professional staff. Must meet the same qualifications as unit level nominations, but the camping requirement may be waived by the lodge advisor and the scout executive. As a professional scouter. May be directly nominated by the scout executive.
  25. http://www.scouts.org.uk/news_view.php?news_id=185 I bet if we could get some one like that, it could be a great recruiting tool.
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