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    Plano, TX

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  1. Great news, ScoutMom. ScoutTrack.com received an upgrade today to allow pack leaders to restrict parents to only viewing their sons' advancements. In other words, parents can be allowed to update progress toward rank or belt loops or else only be given "view only" access. Since this security is set up in ScoutTrack.com by den, you could have it "view only" for Webelos, but allow parents of the younger Cubs to do updates. An unrelated but really nice feature implemented today is a pack calendar.
  2. ScoutMom, you're right about needing everyone to use it. Implementing this kind of system with volunteers can be touchy. We gave our dens two months to start using it, with the understanding that Advancements Coordinators would no longer accept paper forms. If that's an arbitary decision, DL's will turn in forms anyway. What made ScoutTrack.com work for us was the way it tracks and shares history with all the leaders, allowing really effective collaboration. It provides a higher comfort level for the DL's - if they mark off requirements for a badge, we order it and make sure that it is presented at the next pack meeting. Another benefit is that ScoutTrack.com automatically shows badges earned that might otherwise be missed, such as instant recognition beads, service stars (with the right year), arrow points, Webelos compass points, and the World Conservation Award. The Advancements Committee is also more effective because we can pay more attention to adult service stars, recruiting patches, summertime activities pins, perfect attendance awards, religious awards, and so forth. It has to be a win-win, obvously. If the DL's see it as more work for them and less work for the AC, then it won't work. If the see that better collaboration means a richer program with more recognition, then it can definitely work. If you haven't made a decision yet, I would recommend the 30-day trial. (I'm assuming you are your pack's Advancements Coordinator.) You can learn the screens and develop a plan for how to best present it at a DL meeting. If you like it and the DL's are open to trying it, then get the one year license and move forward. You could technically use ScoutTrack.com by yourself, but your Excel spreadsheet may continue to meet your needs just fine.
  3. Parents can mark off any requirements. If the Webelos DL feels strongly that he needs to approve completion of all requirements, it would be best not to provide parents with login capability. In our pack, some DL's allow parents to use ScoutTrack, but they still oversee badges earned and can follow up with a parent if they are uncomfortable with what they see (e.g. ten Webelos Activity Badges earned in one month). In other dens, the DL's are restrictive and update ScoutTrack themselves or else with the help of a designated ScoutTrack Admin (could be the Assistant Den Leader.) Hope that helps. Please let me know if you have any more questions.
  4. It's easy to overlook how much of a burden the administrative side can be. I would add that highly successful packs have good advancements software, an informative website, and up-to-date e-mail lists.
  5. Our pack successfully implemented ScoutTrack.com last September. Unlike single-user spreadsheets, this system is web-based so parents, den leaders, and the advancement coordinator can all work together to ensure that Cub Scouts complete requirements and then receive their badges on time. ScoutTrack supports not just ranks, but also immediate recognition beads, arrow points, Webelos activity pins, and anniversary pins. It has been a huge time-saver for us and it eliminates much of the delays and confusion we used to have in getting ready for pack meetings and the Blue & Gold Banquet. The URL is www.scouttrack.com. Let me know if I can provide further information. Chuck Langenhop Committee Chairman and Advancements Coordinator Pack 1112, Plano, TX
  6. Our Committee has two sections: Operations and Communications. Operations includes the Advancements Coordinator, Treasurer, Good Works Chairperson, and Pack Trainer. Communications includes the Webmaster, Newsletter Editor, Pack Historian, and Public Relations Agent. We have monthly committee meetings and the Charter Rep and Cubmaster also attend.
  7. Our pack successfully implemented ScoutTrack.com last September. Unlike single-user spreadsheets, this system is web-based so parents, den leaders, and the advancement coordinator can all work together to ensure that Cub Scouts complete requirements and then receive their badges on time. ScoutTrack supports not just ranks, but also immediate recognition beads, arrow points, Webelos activity pins, and anniversary pins. It has been a huge time-saver for us and it eliminates much of the delays and confusion we used to have in getting ready for pack meetings and the Blue & Gold Banquet. The URL is www.scouttrack.com. Let me know if I can provide further information. Chuck Langenhop Committee Chairman and Advancements Coordinator Pack 1112, Plano, TX
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