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Everything posted by cindyscout

  1. Just a comment to reply to Mommascouts email on the frustrations with that particular Scoutmaster. My son was also a member of that troop and while we left the troop because I took a new job in another state, my son would have transferred out of that troop if we had stayed. I realize that this is all volunteer work and I did my share of work as a committee member. But if a boy is to grow in Scouting he needs the proper leadership and if he is not getting it there it needs to be found elsewhere. It was sad to see the troop shrink and the spark and enthusiasm go out of the boys one by one. I feel when a troop runs into trouble like that it is the responsibility of council to step in and see what the problem is, and correct it if possible. My son is happy with his new troop and remarks often that he is glad he found a scout troop that he can grow with! I love scouting myself and will do what I can to see both my sons grow with the program. Regards, Cindy
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