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  1. Thanks to everyone who responded; these are very helpful suggestions. we're planning to have it in June; i'll let you all know how it went.
  2. Thanks for all of your responses on this topic
  3. pack meeting or Blue and gold? and should cubscouts wear cub uniform to boy scout dinner? I have 2 sons- 1 a boy scout and the other a cubscout. I always wonder if my older son should wear his boy scout uniform to the pack meeting. Scout Sunday is easy...everybody wears their uniform. Also, as a den leader I assume I wear my uniform to all cub functions and joint troop/pack events. sometimes at the Troop parent meetings i have to remember to separate my parental role and cub leader role.
  4. I'm gathering information about bike rodeos. Has anyone's pack done one? About how much did it cost the pack? I have info from AAA and a few websites ...just wanted to find someone who actually put one together.
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