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Everything posted by Achilleez
I know that you already know this FOG, but I'm going to say it anyway. My allusion to Jesus using an M-16 on the guards was a simple figurative comparison. Does he not say to love your enemies and turn the other cheek? The last time I checked, pointing or firing a gun at someone does not qualify as loving them. When the guards came to arrest their company, was the disciple not ordered to stay his sword? Now, I too am thoroughly annoyed with people who use some abstract verse from the bible to argue with. But I have to hold firm to my claim, more guns do not make for a safer place. I would sooner give the criminal my $60 tv than attempt a shootoff with him.
It was not my intention to belittle American efforts to make the world a better place for all nations. And I know that despite whatever Michael Moore says, the USA (at least to my knowledge) has done more good than harm in foreign affairs. My latter point was much more vague and idealistic, but I still stand by my first argument; I am disgusted with how people are taking this Saddam captured thing. It may put an end to many of his loyalists who plot to blow up an American army jeep along the road (not that I don't respect the lives of the soldiers who sacrifice themselves), but I am taling about the much larger picture. Capturing one man, or blowing up a suspected terrorist building accomplishes little. The Middle East is very large place, with alot of hatred to America floating about. As much as I hate Michael Moore, I have to agree with his claim that America is a very fear-driven place. My uncle in England couldn't return home last week becuase his flight was cancelled due to "security reasons". A war on terrorism is a war that the USA can never win, not through force anyway. And continuing the war only incites more fear and panic.
While I agree that it is a good thing Saddam no longer poses a threat to anyone, I definitely don't approve of the way people are reacting to this. There is celebrating and rejoicing, cries of releif of relaxation. But it is only one man. I can't beleive that people think that if they find Bin Laden, all the worlds problems will be solved. Never forget the golden rule of politics : The most powerful are the most hated. The USA is the most powerful country in the world, thus, there is a global disliking for Americans almost everywhere, whether you would like to admit it or not. I don't think that the USA is accomplishing anything by targeting missiles at buildings they suspect contain terrorists. In fact, I have beleived since the beginning that this war on terrorism would only make the problem worse. Instead of crushing opposition to the US, look at why there is opposition and try to target the problem there.
Im happy that i live in Canada so i dont need a gun. Not that I would ever buy, take, have or use a gun. Guns have one purpose, and that is killing/injuring people, something i take no pleasure in. If you can show me a hidden chapter in the bible where Jesus pulls out an M-16 on the guards coming to crucify him, then maybe ill take a gun. Until then... i dont think anyone should have one.(This message has been edited by Achilleez)
The Beatles? Appropriate for Scouting?
Achilleez replied to Fat Old Guy's topic in Issues & Politics
You know... the very fact that you are asking whether or not the Beatles are appropriate for scouting is prying into their personal lives. Music is music, you can listen to it and enjoy it or listen to it and not enjoy it. When you start deciding who is a good role model then you start investigating these celebrities personal lives, something you claim not to do. If scouts want to listen to the music, why should they not be able to? I enjoy Led Zeppelin music, and I havn't a clue what their names are, where they are from or if they do drugs.. ect. -
I would have to agree with Rooster on this one... Must we push equal rights to the absolute extreme in every case possible? Has the fear of appearing prejudiced or unfair clouded our sense of logic and reason? Equal rights aside, I just don't think that our wives and daughters should be required to register. Please do not jump to conclusions of sexism. Humans must accept the fact that women and men ARE different and that we cannot always meet at the same level on all subjects.
Socialized Medicine in the US are you kidding
Achilleez replied to OldGreyEagle's topic in Issues & Politics
You Americans... You want non profit hospitals that provide coverage for ALL citizens. You want to be safe and secure in the fact that you know you will not go bankrupt if your daughter has to have surgery. You want coverage for the employed as well as the unemployed. You don't want socialized mecicine. ??? -
Socialized Medicine in the US are you kidding
Achilleez replied to OldGreyEagle's topic in Issues & Politics
Assuming makes an ass out of you and me. -
Socialized Medicine in the US are you kidding
Achilleez replied to OldGreyEagle's topic in Issues & Politics
I realize that since I am Canadian my views are heavily biased, but that just can't be helped. Yes, it's true that in Canada we have to wait for 1-2 hours to find out that we have a cold, and even then the service is sometimes questionable. However, minor incoveneinces like these are a small price to pay for the vast benefits we receive. In the USA you could pay $20,000 to get an appendix removed. Pretty tough if your income is $30,000. In Canada, you just flash your OHIP card and in a few hours you walk out with just as much money in your pocket. Sometimes I worry that the health system in Canada will be privatised, just like our airlines and hydro have become (though those two don't bother me much). True, privitisation creates competition which drives for lower prices and higher standards of service. However, privitisation also creates liability. Meaning that if the hospital were to incur losses, the cost would have to be covered by raising prices, lowering standards and laying off employees. I beleive in a Modern Mixed Economy, where businesses are privately owned and controlled but essential services (schools, hospitals) are government regulated to ensure that standards are met. "If we had national health care, you can be sure that it would be extended to illegal aliens just like their kids are entitled to go to public schools. " That sounds pretty racist to me, but if that wasn't your meaning I apologize.(This message has been edited by Achilleez) -
"If that means some people will spend a lifetime behind bars, so be it" For a person so devoutly intent on following God's Word, you sure don't seem to put much stock in his forgivingness. I am extremely against capital punishment in any way or form. "An eye for an eye" is such a horribly stupid philosophy and I hope someday mankind will realize it. If America is the only land and Americans are the only people which God looks after, then I guess the rest of us are rather screwed
Funny Indeed
There is a saying, "When you're young and have a heart you support liberal, and when you're old and have a brain you support conservative" Since Ontario just had it's recent premier Ernie Eaves replaces by Dalton McGuinty, I will choose to reflect upon that situation. Ernie Eaves (conservative), used arguments against the liberals claiming that they planned to raise taxes and make life harder for the average working Joe. Of course the liberals had never actually stated this, their agenda was more tax directed. Eaves planned to give tax breaks to senior citizens, making home ownership more affordable. He also desired to give tax benefits to large corporations, this he claimed would allow them to raise salaries and strengthen the Ontario economy. Of course the corporations would do no such thing and it was in part for this reason that the conservatives lost popularity. The liberals planned on making no tax cuts, however no raises either. McGuinty was right in saying that the schools and hospitals needed the money desperately, and this motive was looked upon with more respect of course. Election day came, and the liberals won by a landslide. That being said..... I am a firm liberal supporter. Their focus on the essential services needed for communities (schools, hospitals, public transportation ect.) is one that I support much more than the conservatives focus on strenghtening the large corporations whose priorities are profit and not benefits to the province. Canada is simply a much more Command economy than the USA which is an extremely Market oriented economy. While the market economy brings more opportunity for privatization of small businesses, it unfortunately as well brings the corporations too strong a foot-hold into the areas which I think would be better regulated by the government. I would rejoice the day we take a chapter out of Canada's book and implemented free health care. Using the Ontario example, I would conclude in saying that the Democrats would be much more likely to head in the Canadian direction than Republicans. Mr. Bush seems intent on steering America away from the Canadian ideals however... So if you have absolutely no interest in the affairs of Ontario, then I apologize for wasting your time
I fully agree with Saltheart that Mr. Bush needs to ensure that the American people understand the situation and the goals that are being reached for. While a repeat of Vietnam is inevitably not in the midst, similarities are present. When the war began Mr. Bush stated that the main objectives would be to remove Saddam Hussein from power and eliminate the threat of Weapons of Mass Destruction. These were respectable and reasonable goals, both of which I fully supported. Now time has passed, and what was the outcome? While Hussein is no longer in a position of power his death has not been proven. The alleged Weapons of Mass Destruction have not been found. Yet still we hear weekly and sometimes daily news about how American soldiers on patrol were ambushed by a rogue band of extremists. The goals that were originally set out for have slowly evaporated, and still the body count continues to grow. Mr. Bush needs to address the nation and make clear our current status, current objectives, and the progress we are making. I know I repeated several of your points Saltheart, but they were just so very good And just so you don't loose complete faith in today's youth, I assure you that I too, am a youngin. Only 15 years of age if you can beleive it. Ps. I see no disrespect in addressing the President as Mr. Bush (This message has been edited by Achilleez)
I start this thread in the hopes that by the end of it I can abolish these rumors that the War in Iraq is only a show so that George Bush can blame American economic problems on it. I beleive George W. Bush is an honest man and is acting in the best interests of this country's safety and security. Saddam Hussein was an injust dictator causing mass suffering to his people. His removal from power was essential for the well-being of mankind. The beleif that Iraq is simply the new object of American hatred is unfounded and I would like to hear from others on this matter.
Why you should be happy George W. Bush is our President
Achilleez replied to Rooster7's topic in Issues & Politics
bobmarley54, Can you honestly be serious about what your saying? You're either saying those things as a joke or you are incredibly ignorant. There may be two sides to most stories but not that one. The arguments made by those who would like to blame the American government for what happened are ridiculous. That terrible day was simply a desperate act of cowardice which was not in any way the fault of George W. Bush or for god's sake the American people. You really should look into not posting such horribly stupid and offensive things on forums like this.