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Everything posted by Achilleez
What befuddles me is how someone contracts it. I mean it only exists in the brain and possibly the spine, parts of the cow I do not regularly indulge in.
Rooster, "Second, many of the others split on interpretation not because Gods Word is not clear, but because they prefer an interpretation that allows them to believe as they want to believe as opposed to accepting Gods will. " So by your logic there is only one true church that contains the only true christians and the rest of us are all on the wrong track. I am astounded no one else found that statement incredibly offensive.
If you go far enough left wing or far enough right wing you will end up at the same spot.
RobK In your own words, please describe to me what 'turn the other cheek' really means.
"It's true, we are hideous aliens bent on dominating the earth. But what are you going to do about it? You have to vote for one of us!" "Well I beleive I'll vote for a third party" "GO ahead, throw your vote away!"
If that cow turns out to be Canadian and the border for beef closes again, you probably won't here from me again as I'll have to sell the computer to feed my family Perhaps an abstract thread, but very relevant to me none the less. Please eat my cows!(This message has been edited by Achilleez)
The sad part is that many stupid liberal voters are driven by this kind of crap.
Ok fine there are evil people! Rather obsessive aren't we(This message has been edited by Achilleez)
KS I enjoyed reading your post, and I wish that there was more of those feelings here in Canada. As a country we don't hate Americans, we have little reason to. We have pretty much all the same freedoms, and fairly evenly matched financially (speaking in terms of average citizens) But let me tell you, even I was a little bristled when America closed the border to Canadian beef. I still can't sell my cattle and they keep eating my money away. Wouldn't it be ironic if that Washington cow turned out to be from you?
Laugh if you will, but it does not degrade the fact that very few people on the planet are 'bad guys'. A man who thinks his life will improve if he earns $2000 from robbing a liquor store is not in any sense evil or a bad guy. This man probably has many issues in his life involving relationships, financial problems, drugs, self-acceptance, or other conflicts that overwhelm him into thinking that he has nothing to lose and that the robbery will be worth it. Is this man a 'bad guy'? Granted his thought processes and choices were wrong but how does that reflect upon him as a person? Are you FOG better than this man, because you are a good guy and he is a bad guy? Do you want to only sell guns in places where the good guys live?
FOG, we have reached a point of agreement on this matter, so unless a new chain of thought arises this will be my last post on this thread.
"I suppose that it depends on who has the guns. If the good guys have them, the world becomes safer as has been shown in Florida. When the bad guys have them, the world becomes less safe as was shown in Nazi Germany, the Phillipenes, and now England and Australia." Just what exactly qualifies some one to be a 'good guy'. If he goes to church? If he pays his taxes? The world is not so black and white (obvious racial context, but unavoidable) as to separate the good guys from the bad guys. And what about when a good guy goes bad? I don't beleive there is such a thing as 'bad guys'. Rather there are people who are misguided in the choices they make. Who is in a position to distinguish good guys from bad guys? Are people better in Florida? Is there a higher ratio of good guys : bad guys there? Every person on the planet has the ablility to do wrong, whether they choose to exercise that ability or not. And guns can make a wrong situation turn worse.
Correction, I do not disapprove with how people are reacting to Saddams capture, I disapprove of the many people who see this as the answer to the worlds problems. Even if we find all of his followers, even if we find Osama bin Laden in cave in the mountains and give him a short drop and a sudden stop, it doesn't solve the cause. And thats what this whole thing is about, the cause. Yes, Osama Bin Laden's actions were horrible and gravely misguided, but come on, every single crazed maniac out there commiting sins finds a way to justify it in their own minds. No one thinks or accepts the fact that they are evil, in their mind they distort the facts and manage to see themselves as the right and the opposition as the wrong. So what am I getting at? Why DO so many people in the Middle East harbor such hatred for a country that has repeatedly aided them in every way they can. I am not implying that the reasons for hatred against America are just, I am simply impyling that the reasons exist. And so long as they do exist, there will be future Osama Bin Laden's who let their anger and malice carry them much too far. You cannot pass it off by saying every Arab who hates the USA is just crazy and we can ignore them. That is why a war on terror is a war that the US can never win.
TP, I do hope that your not implying that Canada has never helped in crisis situations. We sent aid after 9/11. We have been in Afghanistan for years and are still there. 3/4 of the Canadian navy is currently patroling the Persian Gulf in alliance with Coalition forces (heh I think that makes like 3 ships), our country accepts 3 times the number of refugees that the US does (speaking in terms of the percentage of our populations). You know that big earthquake that killed 20,000? We are there too. The weeks before Christmas I volunteered about 50 hours of my time to help direct Operation Christmas Child, a group that sends gift packages to children in areas of the world where they won't get Christmas presents. So please do not imply that we don't do our part.
Oops posted twice
The land of Zed and eh : We use the letter 'zed' instead of your letter 'zee'. And of course we are notorious for saying 'eh' in our speech. But beleive me I have been to North Eastern America many a time and the expression eh is used quite frequently as well.
The land of Zed and eh : We use the letter 'zed' instead of your letter 'zee'. And of course we are notorious for saying 'eh' in our speech. But beleive me I have been to North Eastern America many a time and the expression eh is used quite frequently as well.
My last post was not an apology, rather a clarification. My tone throughout the entire second paragraph was sarcastic, a reflection of my discontent with the people who are taking the American situation as amusing. I was speaking as the voice of the people I disagree with. There in lies the problem with typing, you cannot easily express things like sarcasm, sterness, humor or other such styles of communication.
What no one seems to have yet grasped is that, with the exception of the last paragraph, my entire opening post was a joke, or more accurately, sarcasm. Sarcasm to represent the ridiculousness of the whole thing. When I said amusing and pathetic, my meaning was that the media displayed the situation as pathetic, and that people were interpreting it as amusing. I thought I made the context of my writing established with the opening two lines but I guess it wasn't clear.
Thank you to hops_scout and NJcubscouter for giving me the only real replies. To the rest, I was astonished that you didn't realize that when I said 'ignorance is a terrible thing', I was refering to those American bashing coffee shop folks. Since this thread has gone horribly astray, I will now correct a few things. I support the USA in its efforts to aid the world. Any country able to give support to another should be doing so much more often than they are. At 9/11 Canada send firemen to assist with the ground zero situation. What I am saying is that several liberal medias here in Canada are portraying the USA as cowardly in their actions. TP, when did I mention my friends being unemployed, socialists or pathetic? You don't know them and certainly are not in a position to presume who they are. They are however woefully ignorant of politics. That is because they, like most ignorant citizens, know everything about politics from the media. If I wanted to be hassled about having socialized health care or living in a country that didn't support the American coalition I wouldn't need to get it here.
I know where you are coming from BW, but my goal is not to confirm an opinion of the individuals, but rather decipher the told stories from the untold stories. What is the situation where -->You
No, that's not about right. I intend to belittle no one or make any interpretations. What I am doing is relaying what I am hearing from the news and how people take it. Do not patronize me, assuming that I take the interpretations of media news as truth. What I want to know from you is what basis of truth is the media collecting its information.(This message has been edited by Achilleez)
Terror lurks behind every corner, no one is safe. Cancel the flights, ground the jets, we won't be caught with our pants down twice! Sitting up here (in the land of Zed and eh), we blubber eating, igloo building, hockey playing, pot smoking, homosexual approving eskimos find it half amusing and half pathetic at the level of insecurity among the American people, especially during these holiday weeks. I saw a phone-in television show the other day, with frightened citizens of L.A. scared to death that their flight coming in from France would be hijacked. Did 9/11 change everything? In the winter of 2000, did such thing as orange alert even exist? No one was scared of flying then, but now everyone is terrified. So tell me, good American citizens, are you really that scared? Or is this something the media has once again blown far out of proportion?
If you can honestly think that more guns make a safer environment, the only thing I can do is solemnly disagree. I don't want to argue the bible with you, simply because I hate doing that. All I can say is that guns are, in essence, killing machines. Tools designed and produced to give people the ablility to kill each other with reasonable ease. And I know that if there weren't guns there would be something else that people would kill each other with. But I don't want to be a part of it. I don't want to have the ablility to kill someone else. If I live somewhere where I consider my wife to be in danger of being raped then I will move.
did someone say Patriot Act?