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Everything posted by chaoman45

  1. It is E-Prep MB requirement 7. I think when I did it, it was a scenario where some guy had a car accident and we had to secure the area and render first aid. Basically, you are training for an emergency. It doesn't have to be "service," per se. The wording of the requirement makes it so. The intent is to practice your skills. How would your unit deal with a (pretend) earthquake? A forest fire? A flood? Virus?
  2. Seeing as how an application could disrupt the family, I would avoid it.
  3. Could've been worse places to advertise, I suppose. Imagine it. "So how did you find out about this position?" "I Googled it."
  4. Well of course some will like them and eradicating them will make some drop out. I think the rapid advancement stems from an instant gratification attitude. About the the duality increasing membership, I don't know. When it comes to subjective issues like quantity and quality, there's usually more than just one explanation. Maybe getting rid of Eagle mills will improve quality and attract more than we lose.
  5. A few might drop out, but many I think would stay because Scouting is about fun in outing.
  6. I don't know why it hasn't died yet, tbh. This has gone from "mastery" to "good enough." Star during the second year is stupid, too. What happened to allowing them to advance at their own pace?
  7. moosetracker - I used TLT and JLT interchangeably. Maybe it has to do with our old Scoutmaster insisting he show a videotape of Scouting from the 90s well into the second decade of a new millennium. btw, wasn't intentional. Whenever a question popped up I never even bothered to read the answer. Don't remember my score, but I also took YP three times prior to this test. Now THAT YPT made you do stuff right.
  8. Honestly, I don't see what the point of it is sometimes. Whilst engaging, entertaining trainings are nice, most don't operate that way and instead rely on loooooong lectures. I get enough of that during school. To prove my point, I just did the online Youth Protection training. It was done with the sound off (didn't hear a word, if any, that was said) and during question time, I randomly picked answers within a second. I passed. This was what I did for This Is Scouting because within the first five minutes, I thought it was kinda stupid that I had to take it despite being in Scouting for 10 years. I still managed to pass. If I can pass with little effort, what's the point? I've learned more about Scouting whilst reading Scouter.com and asked commissioners than sitting through a 6 hour lecture. No wonder our Scouts hate JLT so much.
  9. The one near Walsenburg, CO, actually.
  10. Anybody been here recently? How is it? Our Scouts are considering going here, which is good because Camp Cedars isn't worth the money.
  11. moosetracker - The Scout isn't very clear on his work. For all we know, the assistants did all the work or just sat around, did nothing, and somehow qualified as helping. I don't know. Personally, I'd rather not delve into split-hair scenarios like this because if one has to think REALLY hard on what qualifies, then it doesn't seem like it's worth the time. Why not challenge him? With no offence to the Scout, but he sounds either real young (like 13 or so) or he's a really really lazy old guy.
  12. 1. 0%. Don't allow new parents direct interaction with Scouts. Our troop has a rule - no new dads on summer camp. Deemphasise, but don't eliminate, their propensity to "help." I've gotten into a few fights over this (verbal, of course), but if you stand your ground they back down. 2. Not many recently. 3. Depends on how you define troubled. We have Scouts with conditions that get made fun of more frequently, Scouts who intentionally sabotage leadership, and those who don't want to be there. Domestically, they are all okay. Not sure of %...
  13. Let's see requirement #6: With your counselor's approval, develop a plan to teach a skill or inform someone about something. Prepare teaching aids for your plan. Carry out your plan. With your counselor, determine whether the person has learned what you intended. The idea behind "counselor's approval" means he got permission BEFORE starting. By what you're saying, it doesn't seem like he did. What teaching aid did he use? Demonstrations/assistants don't necessarily count, but maybe a gadget would. And, as the requirement says, it is up to you to make sure the Scouts learning in question actually learned something. Just because somebody demonstrates it does not mean you actually learn/retain it - I've seen it happen.
  14. Eagle92, I know. But they could come back is what I'm saying. Looking at their original 1942 handbook, they had a lot of emphasis on traditional Scouting, too. If Air Scouting returned to traditional Scouting in similar manner as Sea Scouting has done, I don't see why it couldn't thrive once more.
  15. emb021 - what was so out of the times with my quote? I know Exploring has its own programme, but that didn't fully explain why it was. I mean, Air Scouting could revert back to traditional Scouting, too, rather than simply a career post. all - thanks for the responses.
  16. So, for the first time, I saw a Sea Scout in person. Keep in mind I live in NE, (where whale fishing is illegal, but that's aside the point). Meeting with him, I realised how little I know of Sea Scouting. What are the uniform types? I hear there are three: dress blue, summer whites, and leadership tan. Is that correct? Their website doesn't include mention of a tan uniform. After the BSA demands an exclusion of militaristic uniform imitations, why would they encourage Sea Scouts to shop at surplus stores instead of making their own uniforms to conform with their policy? Why would national merge it with Venturing and not incorporate it into modern Exploring, as they did with aviation fields? Do they have big plans for their 100th year in 2012?
  17. Y'know, this thread makes me look back on my summer camps. In order from favourite to **** tier: -2003 Ben DeLatour (lots of activity time. I actually don't remember what MBs I took, and I had a full schedule...) -2004 Camp Alexander (rained every day at the same exact time; not the staff's fault) -2001 Peaceful Valley (altitude sickness was never so beautiful. Meals could stand improvement, though) -2002 Camp Cedars (humid, but instructors were very nice. I remember this as a MB mill) -2007 Camp Cedars (still humid and a MB mill, but was only worse because I was stuck with a bunch of preteens during classes) -2005 Lewis and Clark (lolno)(This message has been edited by chaoman45)
  18. I liked summer camp, even with the merit badge overload. Parents see badges as getting their money's worth, so some will push it. Many don't, and summer camp isn't necessarily "not fun," but just doing activities that don't focus on getting 50 badges before 15 are nice.
  19. I misspoke, Beavah. I was actually referring to PoRs and "active" being more clarified. How I got that confused with BoRs is beyond me. Must've been a bad Monday.
  20. I've actually never heard of it. What's it about?
  21. I'm impressed. At first I wasn't sure if the rumours about the BoR expectations were true or not. It's good to know that somebody somewhere lit a fire under them.
  22. Social Networking - Have at least one account from Facebook, MySpace, Friendster or any other site approved by your counselor. Spend time on it religiously.
  23. I bet more people would wear the uniform if it wasn't perceived as expensive. Yeah, you can go to a thrift store or eBay but you aren't guaranteed anything will fit you. When the uniform and all the trimmings come to about $100 and street clothes are $25, it's hard to convince people. Reasons have mainly been stated already. I hear a uniform makes Scouts act differently (in a positive way).
  24. Maybe ask them to show you their words in writing. At least we'll know where (or not) they got their information from.
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