Hey everyone,
I'm new to this site here. Seems like a pretty interesting resource.
My son, Paul, is about to turn 16, and he just joined the Boy Scouts here. Paul's scout leader said he was going to give him a bunch of uniforms in his size that had been donated awhile ago and that he would give them to Paul just before departing on his first camping trip.
When I picked him up, I noticed that my son was the one wearing extremely short shorts. These shorts don't even come half way to the knee.
At home, I asked him whether they bothered him, and if I could buy him some longer ones.
He's been saying he's perfectly fine with them.
Do I need to buy him some new ones anyway even though it doesn't bother him or should I let him be? They look like they fit him just fine and he's in good shape. The shorts are clean and in good condition, however they are just really short, probably from the 70's or 80's.
Chad(This message has been edited by ChadW)