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Priests hear confessions, psychologist hear patients deepest secrets, medical professionals are privy to the records of minors. So, with confidentiality laws, HIPAA, etc. the answer is not black and white. Fifty years ago, the issue of medical treatment of minor children under the age of 18 would never have been considered controversial. At that time, parental consent was required for almost any type of medical treatment, as it was required for any other situation involving children. Minors were simply not considered competent to make medical decisions. However, the past 50 years have witnessed a gradual expansion of the rights of minors, and health care has been no exception. Minors who previously had no medical rights now found themselves in the position of making decisions about the most intimate medical procedures. But the area of medical treatment of minors is still controversial, especially as it relates to certain procedures and conditions such as ABORTION and sexually transmitted diseases. Many states grant minors broad leeway to determine the course of their medical treatment, and others grant them very few rights. There is little agreement by either medical professionals or state lawmakers as to how far minor rights should go regarding medical treatment. What is at issue in the debate over minor rights to medical treatment is a tension between the parental responsibilities toward the child, the immaturity and vulnerability of children, and the child's right to be emancipated from the decision of the parent. This tension has produced a patchwork of laws and makes it difficult to make any overriding statements about minor and parental rights in regard to medical treatment. Twenty-five states and the District of Columbia have laws that explicitly give minors the authority to consent to contraceptive services, and twenty-seven states and the District of Columbia specifically allow pregnant minors to the obtain prenatal care and delivery services without parental consent or notification. Probably the most controversial area of family planning and minors is abortion. Two statesConnecticut and Maines well as the District of Columbia have laws that give minors the right to obtain abortions on their own. In contrast, 31 states currently have laws restricting minors' rights to obtain abortions by either requiring them to obtain the permission of one or both parents, or to notify one or both of them of the procedure. The rest of the states either have no laws regarding parental consent and notification and abortion or laws that are currently blocked from going into effect by the courts of the state. http://www.enotes.com/healthcare-reference/treatment-minors#confidentiality-medical-records In twenty-five states, the clergyman-communicant statutory privilege does not clearly indicate who holds the privilege. In seventeen states, the penitent's right to hold the privilege is clearly stated. In only six states, both a penitent and a member of the clergy are expressly allowed by the statute to hold the privilege. wikipedia The ethical principle of confidentiality requires that information shared by the client with the therapist in the course of treatment is not shared with others. This is important for the therapeutic alliance, as it promotes an environment of trust. There are important exceptions to confidentiality, namely where it conflicts with the clinician's duty to warn or duty to protect. This includes instances of suicidal behavior or homicidal plans, child abuse, elder abuse and dependent adult abuse. wikipedia So, as with most things "legal" it is as clear as mud.
I am utterly flabbergasted on the multitude of responses on this thread. Why not get the scouts in question a copy of the uniform guide, a needle and thread and let him go at it. Is there really no desire to wear the uniform properly anymore?
I stepped down as a Scoutmaster after about 8 years because my boys were through (over 18) and it was time. It had nothing to do with God/gays or perversion files. Since I've left, about two years, the council has merged with another council and then just recently into one big "super council", announced the closure of about five major camps in the council, seen our local paper (Detroit Free Press) have a large Sunday article on the 52 Scouters with Michigan ties listed in the "perversion files" and generally seen a slide in funds, membership and community support. My biggest disappointment is in the parents who now view Scouting as something to pad the resume of their son for a college application and not as a program that builds character.
Physical Preparation for backpacking trip
acco40 replied to MichScouter's topic in Camping & High Adventure
The first thing one learns while becoming an experienced backpacker is what not to bring and what to bring. I've hiked in Michigan - rolling hills and mostly flat lands, but also in New Mexico - high elevations, mountains, etc. I don't want to generalize, but I would be wary of boys younger than 14 for a backpacking trip. Now, for definitions, backpacking to me is you need to carry all foodstuffs (including water or water purification equipment), cooking gear, tent, sleeping bag, first aid equipment, clothes (including warm weather, cold weather and wet weather), etc. Most folks bring way to much gear. One can get away with a pack that is 35 lbs if one is careful. I've gone on two and a half day hikes covering a total of around 18 miles (11 miles, day one, 7 miles day two) and also 50 miles or so hikes (approx 5 - 10 miles per day for a six days). Longer hikes require more food obviously so packs can get quite heavy. Also, keep in mind that hiking to me is carrying out all trash (I did have the luxury of burying my waste but did need to carry a trowel and TP). I would err on the conservative side. I would not want to take a boy too early and sour him on backpacking. Day hikes with a fanny pack are a good start for 12 & 13 year olds. -
Once again, more "hey, I've signed up to deliver the Scouting program but I think I'll ignore that and deliver the SM_Travis program instead." Sorry, not to pick on you but this is a common theme on this forum. Folks pick and choose what they want to follow or not. P.S. There is a reason presidential candidates choose their own vice presidential candidates and the populace doesn't select a "president in training."
Is this more violin playing while Rome is burning? This is really stupid. A Cub Scout is a follower. A Boy Scout is learning independence. They should have different Laws and Oaths. But heck, I still think they should have Lions and promise to be square.
Venture Crew Relationship Question
acco40 replied to ScoutmasterBradley's topic in Venturing Program
Simple answer - married adults (BSA eyes) may share a tent. So, 18 yr old Scouters for the Cub Scout and Boy Scout programs may share a tent. However, 18-20 yr old married "youth" for the Venture program may not. -
I don't know about you but I'm going to ask Mr. Romney how I can order a binders full of women like he received when he was governor.
When I was a Scoutmaster, I've had situations where a) the troop meeting was over and all the Scouts had gone home except for one, who was waiting for mom/dad to come get them. As I waited in the parking lot (I locked up the church), I always asked one of the other adults to stay with me (if my sons were not with me) - I didn't want to wait in a deserted parking lot with another Scout with just myself. Now, I found it strange to go to some "official" Scouting functions in banquet halls, restaurants, etc. When using the lavatory, a Scout would walk up to the urinal next to me. Not an issue anywhere else but . . .
It is not the Scouts who irritate this Scoutmaster, it is the parents.
Mr. Boyce, not sure of your thoughts but the article is an outright falsehood. Regardless how one feels on the issue of the BSA's stance on homosexuality, the BSA policy has nothing to do with the safety of the scouts. It has to do with the fact that the BSA views that homosexuals do not provide a desirable role model for Scouts and thus are not an appropriate role model of the Scout Oath and Law. Now, you may not know this but most males have a much larger amount of testosterone coursing through their veins than most females. This makes males, homosexual and heterosexual, more frequent initiators of sex - all sorts, than their female counterparts - in general.
Basementdweller - use the experience as a "teachable moment" for the boys. For example, my family moved to St. Louis in 1968 and the day after we moved into our house some "nice" neighbors came by with some welcoming food and stated they were so happy to have us move in to the neighborhood because a black family was looking at the house too. Well, my parents said thank you but later talked to us (my older brother and I who were 13 and 12 about the situation.
I thought I'd point out a few errors. Weird how the Den Chiefs used to run the Dens in the 50's and 60's and the Den Mom and Den Dad supported them. I believe there was requirement that the Cubmaster needed to be male and I think there were only Den Mothers during this time frame. Dens met after school and of course dad was at work and mom stayed at home. I need other parents to stay just for the 2 deep leadership requirement. There is no two deep leadership requirement for den meetings. Two deep adult leadership is only needed for outings. (This message has been edited by a staff member.)
France set to ban words 'mother' and 'father' on official documents under plans to legalize gay marriage This from a country whose language applies gender to each and every noun in existence!
My friend at work has a large Rmoney bumper sticker in his cubicle. Yes, he is an Obama supporter.
Cub Scouting is a family affair. Boy Scouts is more about the boy. For a den meeting or a troop meeting the non-scouter adults responsibility is to provide transportation, support the adult leadership as requested and for Cub Scouts, work with their son outside of den and pack meetings. So, for the actual den meeting - no need to attend unless specifically requested by the den leader.
Why do the vast majority of popular female (and male for that matter) have above average looks? Does that make them sing better? Why do the vast majority of movie actors have above average looks? Does that make them act better? Why do advertisements use above average looking models and actors? The reason is simple - it sells more music, movie tickets and improves sales. We don't bemoan George Clooney or Julia Roberts their lucrative movie deals and call it immoral for cashing in on their looks. So why do we look down on strippers? Do I want my daughter to aspire to that profession? No. Why? I'm guessing many reasons - stigma, appeal to base instincts, possible association with undesirable characters, limited "shelf life" so to speak, etc. For a normal person who has been to a "gentleman's club", nude beach or whatever - one quickly realizes that the uniqueness or aura of the situation quickly fades - well not so quickly sometimes. For myself, I've gone to strip clubs in my younger days (20's & 30's) for bachelor parties, when an associate leaves the workplace, etc. but it is kind of like going to a car dealership and paying to see all sorts of really nice vehicles but realizing that you are not allowed to drive or buy any. It actually gets somewhat depressing after awhile. Heck, I work for a defense firm. I remember thirty years ago some felt that was immoral - making weapon systems whose sole purpose was to kill people (as some believed). My son's wrestling and football coach (his part time jobs) had a full time job as a bar bouncer. I had no issue with that. Eventually, he was able to use his teaching degree and drop the bar bouncer gigs.
Stop the presses! I agree with SeattlePioneer. While any "manadatory" rule is bound to be erroneous under certain circumstances "drink when you become thirsty" may be drinking too late in many cases.
After they've been beaten over the head with in middle school by PSAs, DARE, etc. I ask potential 2nd Class candidates if drugs are bad and the universal answer I get is "yes." I then ask if they or their parents or siblings have ever been given drugs by a doctor, nurse or their own parents. Usually the answer is yes and I ask them if that is bad. "No", is the answer I get. I'm not trying to down play the dangers of drug abuse but I want them to begin to start thinking about their responses not just parrot back what they've been taught. ,i>Participate in a school, community, or troop program on the dangers of using drugs, alcohol, and tobacco and other practices that could be harmful to your health. Discuss your participation in the program with your family, and explain the dangers of substance addictions.
Everybody drink up kind of reminds me of mandatory sentences for criminals. The rare, but sometimes wrong response to behavior.
The Lions open up against the Rams this year. I didn't see Christians on their schedule this year. Top athletes are becoming bigger and stronger every year. Football had a history during the turn of the century when President Theodore Roosevelt, a former college football player threatened to ban the sport. Back then the equipment was very crude - little padding and a leather helmet. Punching and slugging opposing players was common. In 1905 alone, 18 were killed and 159 were severely injured and there was about one-fifth the number of collegiate players as there is today. Now, equipment and rules have made the game much safer is some respects but the size, speed and strength of the players make certain injuries such as concussions problematic. I predict the sport's popularity will wane if the injury don't decrease. But yes, there are those that go to a hockey game hoping for a fight, NASCAR hoping for a crash and gravitate toward savagery on the grid iron.
Future BSA President Intent to Eliminate the Ban on Gays
acco40 replied to BSA24's topic in Issues & Politics
For youth that are gay and for an organization that professes to be a teacher of ethical values, I suggest the BSA state that their policy is membership/dollars based if that is the case. My guess is it is due to the LFL vs. Scouting program dichotomy. -
Future BSA President Intent to Eliminate the Ban on Gays
acco40 replied to BSA24's topic in Issues & Politics
But Barry, that is not the public reasoning that the BSA is giving for their policy. It is not money, it is not members. Their reasoning is the "role model" issue (morals to some).(This message has been edited by acco40) -
Webelos II program? This must be a new level. I've have no knowledge of it. Also, the Cubmaster has authority on all badges awarded in the pack? Again, this is a new one on me. When a boy has done the requirements for an activity badge, the Webelos den leader or activity badge counselor, rather than a parent, approves most of the activity badges. It takes three activity badges, including Fitness and Citizen, to earn the Webelos badge. Form 34403 (Advancement Report for Pack, Troop, Crew or Ship) requires a "leader" name - Packs have many leaders. In the pack my boys were members, a Pack Committee Member (the awards and advancement coordinator) took care of that role. No Cubmaster involvement or approval required.
I don't agree with the policy but I understand it. By withholding membership, the BSA is not condoning such behavior. Again, their issue (publicly) is that it is a role model issue - not safety, not membership, etc.