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Everything posted by cesa_ru

  1. Alpha Phi Omega is an incredible organization, and our chapter of CESA has members that are also brothers of APO. Rutgers' chapter of APO (Delta Rho) has just surpassed 100 active brothers and accordingly, they have many service projects; as to allow all brothers to participate based on their schedules. CESA is able to concentrate only on Scouting. APO (Delta Rho at least) does service for over 200 groups. Since Delta Rho has many former girl-scouts, they concentrate more on Girl Scouting. CESA is a group of individuals that are mostly Eagle Scouts (experts in many areas of Scouting) and are able to be great teachers for younger scouts. CESA has a better understanding on how the Scouting program works and are able to be better merit badge counselors. Central NJ Council encompasses a huge area - even if APO and CESA both concentrate only on Scouting, there will still be much to be done.
  2. The Collegiate Eagle Scout Association (CESA) is a group men and women dedicated to fullfilling the Eagle Scout Oath. We aim to serve our Council, School and - most importantly - local Troops. We are registered as a Venture Crew so that we are tied into the BSA program, and some chapters are registered as a student organization with their school. CESA started in the Fall of 2002 at the University of Pittsburgh and a second chapter sprung up at Rutgers University in the Spring of 2003. BSA National Home office is aware of the success CESA has had and are pondering making this an officially sponsored new national program. http://www.angelfire.com/nj4/cesa
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