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Everything posted by ccrumpton

  1. believe it or not, 2 of those 8 are new as of January- parents are friends of another scout- I think this is how we'll go for now- just word of mouth until I can get B&G behind me. Our pack campout overnighter is at Disney's Fort wilderness and maybe we could use that as a pitch to new recruits (it's really a nice place to camp!)
  2. ok- I needed that- thanks so much for letting me know there are successes out there even at this low juncture- I was starting to hit the panick button (sure wish there was that EASY Button!!) we have B&G in a little over a week (no one has worked on the plans yet) and I'll let you know how we're doing. thanks a bunch...
  3. Well, don't this get better- the "new" CM says she can't be committed so guess who's the new CM?... As for the boys achievements, there are only 9 boys in the pack, so I should be able to figure it out, and besides, there are NO other Den Leaders! I spoke to the UC and the TSM tonight to be sure to get lines of communication open. It just feels a little overwhelming knowing I get to start everything from scratch-yes, I know that there are great guidelines, but I still have to do the physical overhaul. Tomorrow's Den meet and I am the only "leader" to be present. So, it's going to be difficult trying to get all these issues ironed out while running the Den meetings too.
  4. I've already met with the Tiger parents getting up to speed on what they know their sons have completed and yes, at least the boys did earn their Bobcat and I did the online training before I stepped in as the Tiger Den leader and we have the handbooks, but I agree that the training of everyone is what we need right now- I know the CC and CM have not been trained and we are still scrambling to find more Den leaders. The only Baloo trained person was the ex CM, but the Charter Organization Rep is an old CM and he is Baloo trained and plans to go camping with us. I will check with Council to see what's been turned in.thanks
  5. I don't know how to not make this long, please bare with me.. My older son, now 13 started as a Tiger and crossed over from our local Pack to the Troop 2 years ago. I was his Webelos leader for both years, we had a great team of dedicated, seasoned leaders, and because of that I didn't get really involved in the administrative stuff..Now, 2yrs later, my 6yr old joined the Pack in August, right away, I knew something was terribly wrong. At first I thought it was me, so we missed meetings off/on. My confusion increased when leaders kept changing.In Dec. we went on a Pack campout- listening to the CC "F...ing" this and that, all the leaders smoking- not "out of sight", screaming constantly at the boys, not enforcing the buddy system, and so on.I was ready to quit,but I felt some loyalty to the Pack. On 1/15, our 1st Den meet after the holidays, the parents were in a room with the boys literally bouncing off the walls, while the leaders were in another room having a heated argument. After 40mins, we were told "meeting over" , the CC and Asst CM quit. I said "look I'll take over the Tigers(my son's group). The following week, I had a good meeting (the CM didn't show, so the other leaders had to scramble to put something together), but at the committee meet I knew what was next- this past week the CM quit. Another Tiger mom stepped up as CM and I as ASST CM and we have a small GOOD group of parents(about 6)willing to be actively involved. Problem is the Pack's belongings have been tossed from one house to another-we got them back, but it doesn't look like there's been any record keeping for at least a year. When I took over the Tigers on 1/22, I was given a binder full of blank records and yet was told that the CM had done all the achievements for the boys to get their Tiger badges(except mine because we missed meetings). My problem is this- none of the parents have been in scouting long enough to know how things go, including the CM, so their all looking to me to guide them. And I know what the pace of the calendar should be, but I never did the organizing of the activities, I didn't interact with District, I didn't do the Administrative duties of the Pack. I was just a good Den leader and turned in the dues and attendance records and awards to the CC and someone else took care of it.Now, we're rolling forward with so much happening- Pinewood derby, B&G, a big campout in March. So any suggestions would be welcome and I had a question specifically about the boys' records- aren't they supposed to get to the District somehow?Thank you, CCrumpton
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