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Everything posted by cb2boys

  1. Hello all...I am the Daycamp Director for our district and I have a question about the health/medical forms we use...are the Immunization dates required? I tried to find someting at the BSA National site and found conflicting information in the Guide to Safe Scouting/Medical Information...one section talks about it being "strongly recommended" to have current immunizations prior to an event. But then further down under Religious Beliefs & Medical Care, it says "The immunization requirement is waived for persons with religious beliefs against immunization." So, which is it? We have a couple of families in our district that don't do immunizations at all...I was told there was a form from national that they could sign that explains they are exempt...anyone know of that form? Also, I read in another post that the medical forms are only collection medical history...that makes sense to me...so, should we require this information? Thanks!
  2. Hello fellow scouters....I'm looking for any good craft/game ideas for our Cub Scout Daycamp...our theme is Scouting, Back to the Future! So, if anyone could pass any words of wisdom, I'd appreciate it! Thx!
  3. Cubmaster Randy! that would be very helpful if you could email me a copy of the manual you'll have used in the past....problem is...I'm basically starting from scratch! There never has been a staff manual created, so there isn't anything to refer back to...and the old Program Director has dropped out of sight...no one has seen her in some time... Thanks again!
  4. Hello all! Am looking for help here...I recently got back from National Camp School and am anxious to put alot of what we learned to use!! However, there was ALOT I learned that I don't remember our District ever doing...for starters, a Staff Manual...I'd like to make one, but not sure what to include in it...anyone out there able to give me some ideas/tips? Thanks! I appreciate any & all submissions!
  5. Well, we have a new problem in our Cub Scout Pack. One of our new Tigers has a father that is on the registered Sexual Offenders list for our county. Now what do we do? Any ideas on what should be our next step? We don't want to alienate the boy because of his father's actions, but, we want to keep our scouts safe as well. I suggested to our Cubmaster, to find out specifically what the charges were against him if possible, and to start with contacting our Dist Exec & letting him be aware of the situation & asking for his guidance as well.....
  6. Hello...was wanting to know what other Packs were requiring if a den wants to do an "overnighter" event at a museum/aquarium... I know alot of different places offer them, like "sleeping with the sharks", etc... Would you require the leader to be Baloo trained? Would you require at least 1 parent per boy - regardless of rank? In essence it's overnight, BUT it isn't camping, and it's in a controlled environement... Thanks!
  7. My son just crossed over into Boy Scouts and seems to be enjoying it. But he is afraid to go camping on his own because his bladder is slow to mature, and he's afraid he'll wet & the other boys would find out. I went with him on the last campout & made it sound like I was making him sleep in the tent with me. He likes to go, but he's even afraid to go to Summer Camp because he would be mortified if he wet there. Any suggestions? His older brother was the same way, come to find out, so was their dad...probably up until probably age 12 or so...my son is 11 1/2 now, and it's rarely a problem anymore...BUT sometimes it is....
  8. Thanks for the info...will keep "reminding" them that WE are the examples... where you from in SC? I grew up in Charlotte, NC, my oldest brother is an Eagle Scout out of Charlotte. Thx!
  9. In our pack, we've noticed several of the leaders not living up to the commitments they have made...Example, coming to 1 Leader Mtg, then just asking CubMaster to "e-mail me if I miss anything", and not coming to anymore Leaders Mtgs....leaders not wearing CL A's to Pack Mtg (which we require), etc, etc, etc... Does anyone have a "Leader guideline/requirements" they use to review with their leaders...we don't want to seem "strict", but on the other hand, they've stepped up to be a leader, and need to follow through to be the best they can be for their den/patrol.
  10. YES!!! THANK YOU MARK! You led me right to the link that I have been searching for! You have personally saved our Pack money, and we thank you! Lara
  11. Hello all...I think I'm losing my mind, and wanted to know if anyone could help me! About 2 weeks ago, I found a "Heavy Shoulder Award" certificate that I could print out off the Internet. It was BEAUTIFUL! It has a pretty blue border, and each of the Activity pins as real photo clip art images. I was able to print it at work (with a really nice laser printer!), BUT, I didn't bookmark it!!! Now, I can't find it. I've searched and searched and searched, but to no avail. I've found several versions of it, but none that look like the one I found. Does anyone have any idea where I might have found it, or where I could get more? As my last resort, I've thought about taking it to Mailboxes/Staples/UPS Store and having them make us copies, but it would probably cost almost $1 each. It looks like our pack would only need about 20-25 each year, but still, that's an expense directly out of the Pack. Thanks for any help!
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