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Everything posted by CA_Scouter

  1. In San Francisco, on the 32nd floor of my office building. We saw most of the action in a conference room that had a tv. Sister called and was very concerned and urged me to leave the building. A lot of people did not come into work that day. My company has a large office in New York but uptown from Ground Zero. That office later put together a collection for the fire fighters and many thousands of dollars were donated to the cause. My father was a career SF Firefighter, so this hit particularly close to home for myself and my family.
  2. I think we are moving in the right direction on this... how manly is your coffee? I chew the whole beans, drink the water, then boil my stomach. Hah!
  3. Did the french press but got tired of cleaning the durn thing. Really messes up LNT principles cleaning out the grounds from the cup, you always spill some. Also keep getting grounds in my teeth when I brushed... ;-) Last coupla years I bought do-it-yourself tea bags from Peets and filled em with coffee. Works well, fresh grounds, no cleanup, but you do have to pack out the wet grounds. I tried some of that Starbucks instant and it was ok. Not good, not bad, but OK. I think on a long trip I'd go to those, but for a weekender its tea bag coffee.
  4. Todays useless trivia tidbit: I have a scout in my unit who is a direct descendant of Davy Crockett...
  5. I can relate... this is my 7th and last year and I've already informed the Committee. I've got 2 ASM's who are capable and have shown some interest, so I think I've got that covered. I haven't made an announcement to the Scouts yet but I think they probably have a clue. Son aged out last year, new job responsbilities taking up all my time, and Mrs CA_Scouter needs more face time. I'll probably hang around on the Committee so I can visit once a month but will stay out of the way of the new SM just as my predecessor did... So to directly address your question, I announced to the Committee at the beginning of Jan that this would be my last year.
  6. Lots of great suggestions! Also.. Folding chair with footrest for afternoon check of the back of your eyelids. I usually get about 45 minutes which is very refreshing. Day pack with some goodies to toss to the scouts as you pass 'em around camp. ( hard candy usually ). Book. Ditto Ed on the coffee!
  7. Just as a side note, you should not cut switchbacks. Not trying to be Mr. LNT mind you, but I think its worth mentioning. ;-)
  8. We charge $5/mo or $50/yr if you pay in Jan/Feb. Activites we split the cost evenly per person. Some activites like backpacking don't have much in the way of fees so there is a cost savings there.. other activites ( ie.. we rent a cabin one weekend in the winter ) cost more. We generally charge $5/person for gas, lower/none if close, more if farther away. Regarding fund raisers, we split 50/50 troop/scout bucks. The troop also subsidizes summer camp depending on available funds. We've also been known to do a fundraiser for a specific activity ( Yellowstone ) to offset trip costs such as van rentals in this case. You definitely gotta charge something up front so you have a balance and can fund your COH's.
  9. ummm... I think its time for pie.
  10. OK, what's the real story? Spill the beans Stosh!
  11. Sorry to point this out but I see a lot of "I" in the originators posts and not much "we". Just something to chew on... I do think the CO is handling this poorly. I would welcome any trained female leader into our troop. I'm with LisaBob - I wouldn't want these people influencing my son. These folks probably send out memos on stone tablets.
  12. Nuther idea... coupla years back we drove from California to Yellowstone and I called ahead to the Idaho Falls council and they opened up their cub scout day camp for us. You may want to consider scout camps along the way...
  13. But BSA has a Buddhist religious award... what specifically could they not abide by??? Mebbe its a misunderstanding...
  14. Check out ALPS MOUNTAINEERING. Good packs, very good prices, HUGE discounts (40%) to scouters if you register with them. ( Scout info is at www.scoutdirect.com I believe ).
  15. A view from a different perspective... take note of the last paragraph. ============================================ Not gay enough - softball players sue All Steven Apilado, LaRon Charles and Jon Russ wanted to do was to win the championship game at the Gay Softball World Series for their amateur San Francisco team. But instead, they were marched one by one into a conference room at the tournament in suburban Seattle and asked about their "private sexual attractions and desires," and their team was stripped of its second-place finish after the men were determined to be "non-gay," they said in a lawsuit accusing a national gay sports organization of discrimination. The suit, filed Tuesday in U.S. District Court in Seattle, pits the National Center for Lesbian Rights, a San Francisco group backing the men, against the North American Gay Amateur Athletic Alliance, which prides itself on barring discrimination based on sexual orientation. At issue is whether the gay sports alliance violated Washington state's public accommodations laws by enforcing a rule limiting to two the number of heterosexuals who can play on a team. Officials with the San Francisco lesbian advocacy group say the three men identify themselves as bisexual, but their sexual orientation is not discussed in the suit. Apilado, Charles and Russ were members of D2, a team that was part of the San Francisco Gay Softball League. The squad made it to the championship game at the August 2008 tournament in Kent, Wash. But another team, the Atlanta Mudcats, which had lost to D2 in a semifinal game, complained that the San Francisco team had too many straights. D2 ultimately lost the championship to a team from Los Angeles. Afterward, Apilado, Charles and Russ were called separately into a conference room in front of 25 people for a hearing to determine whether they were heterosexual or gay, the suit said. They were asked "very intrusive, sexual questions," including what their sexual interests and preferences were, Suzanne Thomas, a Seattle attorney for the plaintiffs, said Wednesday. Charles, who was D2's manager, asked whether he could say he was bisexual and was told, "This is the Gay World Series, not the Bisexual World Series," the suit said. According to Charles' Facebook profile, he is married to a woman. In a statement, Charles said, "When you play softball, you never expect for anyone to corner you and ask you personal questions about who you are and what you do. It was emotional for me as a coach to go in there and not only get grilled, but watch my team be put in this situation." The alliance ultimately determined that the three men were "non-gay" and that D2 had broken the rules. The alliance placed the San Francisco Gay Softball League on probation, "with the consequence that if a San Francisco team is found to have too many 'non-gay' players on its roster again," the league will be expelled, the suit said. D2 has since disbanded, but the plaintiffs each want at least $75,000 in damages and their second-place standing reinstated, along with a team trophy. Thomas said the men were essentially branded as "not gay enough." "It engages in a whole series of stereotyping that somehow, gay men are less able players than straight men," the attorney said. Beth Allen, an attorney for the alliance, said Wednesday that the suit has no merit and that none of the plaintiffs suffered any discrimination. She said the San Francisco league had at one point suggested removing the "heterosexual limit." "Presumably, if that were to occur, teams could be comprised of heterosexual players only," Allen said. "This is not a bisexuals vs. gays issue," she said. "It's whether a private organization may say who may be a member of their organization. It's an issue of freedom of association." Read more: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2010/04/21/BAS51D26LD.DTL&tsp=1#ixzz0ln5AWO2l'>http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2010/04/21/BAS51D26LD.DTL&tsp=1#ixzz0ln5AWO2l http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2010/04/21/BAS51D26LD.DTL&tsp=1
  16. OMG! I think we have an agreement here! Merlyn says: 'don't you care about constitutional violations?' Ed says: '...is a direct endorsement of a religion by the government' Seems to me that they are AGREEING here! Can I get an AMEN? I think the end of the world is near! ;-)
  17. *mini hijack* I saw a documentary a while back which mentioned ( among other things ) that there was an uncle or some male blood relation of Hitler that refused to have children so the name would die out. *now returning you to your regularly scheduled thread*
  18. No, the one where he challenges you to come down from your ivory tower and put foot to pavement. Consider this analogy: I write software for a living. I design it, document id, write it and test it ( actually I'm in mgmt now, so I tell everyone else how to do it ;-) ). I have specs that tell me what the business rules are and I transform that into a useable product. The spec tells me exactly how its supposed to work. But then, SHAZAAM! It has to interact with users and data and more often than not, the results do not match what the spec says. IMAGINE THAT! THE REALITY DOESN'T MATCH THE PHILOSOPHY! Until I actually get down into the trenches and bust tail, I cannot understand nor grasp the reality of how the software will REALLY be used in the workplace. Beav's challenge is similar to that... But you are an intelligent guy and you know that already, eh?
  19. Merlyn, You still haven't responded to Beavah's challenge.
  20. Can the Harlem Globetrotters sponser a BSA unit? ;-)
  21. A tent is not required for participation in the BSA. ;-) Seems like a pc concept gone too far. Where do you stop? If the tents have to be the same, then so must the stoves, the pots and pans, the utensils, the salt shaker... We have no troop tents so I have a different perspective.
  22. Ooooh. What words don't belong in the following group: Anger. Yelling. Shouting. Scout Troop. Chastised. There's just a lot of WRONG going on here. It looks to me that the adults are running the show and the YOUTH are not being respected. How can you expect the youth to respect the adults when the adults themselves are showing disrespectful behavior? 1. Agree with Ed. No yelling, sheesh! 2. Classic adult run troop attitude. Bad news. 3. Agree. Tough call, depends on circumstances. 4. See #2. 5. See #2. 6. Agree with Ed. Adult should take the high road. Thank goodness adults never get grumpy!
  23. Thanks for the clarification Beavah. I guess I've been sucked into the passion of M's arguments. Silly me. One of the reasons I don't post all that often in the i/p forum is that I don't have the bandwidth to check these things out for factual content.
  24. I would guess that the posters here disagree with your policy of using the term 'dishonest'.
  25. " so the BSA certainly didn't make it clear that public schools had to break the law to charter a unit. " When did this occur? Prior to the court ruling that stated that public schools could not charter BSA units? Would it be reasonable to assume that prior to the ruling that this was not considered to be 'breaking the law'?
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