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  1. Definitely Council staffed. We have to pay council in advance for shooting sports so they can make sure to have qualified staff on hand.
  2. While I know the G2SS states "BSA National Shooting Sports Manual: Cub Scout shooting sports programs may be conducted only on a district or council level. Archery, slingshot and BB gun shooting are restricted to day camps, Cub Scout/Webelos Scout long-term camps, council-managed short-term camps, or to council activities where there are properly trained supervisors and all standards for BSA shooting sports are enforced. Archery, slingshot and BB gun shooting are prohibited at the pack level." My question is if a Pack has registered and paid council for their registration and for use of the shooting sports at a BSA camp (not a BSA approved camp ground, but an actual BSA camp), does this count as a council activity? We were going over the new cub scout program changes and it was asked if our whole council is doing it wrong as they allow cub scouts to shoot at the ranges when they do unit level weekend camp. From what I can tell they do follow all the appropriate rules about having trained/certified range instructors and while they go over the safety and the rules, the only thing they allow is the kids to shoot without actually scoring so this would not qualify for any of the shooting sports awards, but would just let the cubs shoot for the fun of it, safely of course. So is this allowed? Or is this in fact wrong per National's rules? I don't want to stop the fun, but I don't want my council getting yelled at by national either.
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