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    Los Angeles
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    Hiking, Plants
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  1. The thing is that on a lot of campouts, if it was done that way, each patrol would consist of like 1 or 2 members. That is why eating patrols are done. At the same time, I don't think even if I proposed that that it will go through because I just don't think that the troop would want mandtory outings. We require camporee and still some scouts do not show up. @DuctTape
  2. @DuctTape Won't work - we don't do montly campouts where everyone is forced to be there, instead, we have signup sheets and patrols on campouts that aren't called "Camporee" are for eating purposes only usally.
  3. Hi, I am 15 years old and just started scouting. I having a bit of trouble with a scout rank requirment, which is to see my patrol flag. The thing is that it seems like NO ONE in my patrol seems to know where the flag even is! How can I fix that? Do I have to see the flag or can someone describe it and me memorize that description be sufficient? Thanks
  4. I am going to emarald bay and doing the BSA snorkeling this summer, I was wondering if full face snorkels are allowed? There is very little info on if it is or is not.
  5. @InquisitiveScouterso our troop making me button the top button is wrong?
  6. Are undershirts required under bsa Field uniforms? I don't like the feel of a undershirt and it just makes a alerty hot uniform even worse
  7. New scout here - Is a totin chip required for having a pocketknife on outings acording to the BSA? If not, then what rules exsist on what knives are allowed? What is your troops policy?
  8. Parents cook, we (scouts) are waiters
  9. lol. also zhu is my last name. I don't give out my first name online. I think thats a good script, just need to find out what the menu is
  10. @InquisitiveScouter got any ideas for scripts I should say?
  11. Its a mother's day breakfast, at the Malibu OA lodge. Its on mothers day and the intended aduience is mothers. The troop is putting it on and us (scouts) have to sell tickets or be fined (pay 80 dollars of dues we otherwise would not be charged)
  12. I am looking for ideas on how to sell the tix and not get stuck paying the buyout
  13. @rememberschiff the fine is the cost I would have to pay if I failed to sell the amount of tickets to cover the dues covered by the fundraiser.
  14. Hey scouters, I was wondering if anybody had good ideas on how to sell tickets to a event for a required fundraiser. If I fail to do so, the troop will fine me. Thanks!
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