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Maboot38 last won the day on February 24 2024

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About Maboot38

  • Birthday 08/10/1975

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  • Occupation
    Software Industry Project Manager and Agile Coach
  • Interests
    Scouting, Fraternal organizations, Bagpipes, Trumpet, Sports, Hiking, Camping
  • Biography
    I am a 48 year old Scouter. I have been a Den Leader, Cubmaster, Assistant Scoutmaster, and am now Scoutmaster. I work in the tech industry, am a member of several organizations besides scouting, including the Masons and Shriners, and am a husband and father.

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  1. Any Scoutmasters here have any problem with giving BSA credit for service hours also used toward Girl Scout's Gold award?
  2. Our new committee chair is absolutely fantastic! It’s just that she’s new to the job just like I am and we are learning pretty much from scratch.
  3. Since moving on from a Committee Chair who did everything for everyone, we continue to learn who should do what, and how to do it. I THINK it falls to me as Scoutmaster to register for summer camp, but looking to confirm. Is it me?
  4. No worries, brother! Uniforms have a tendency to shrink all the time!
  5. Would love to see it? Maybe worth a "show us your jac shirt" thread of it's own? I mean, if we are going to make a brag jacket, we might as well brag about it, right?
  6. YUP!!! I always say "If you make 'em choose, you gonna lose!" Do your sports and come to whatever meetings and outings you can. If you want an elected position...then it's a different conversation.
  7. Just to wrap this one up...in case anyone was keeping score....after discussions with the COR, the District Executive, and the Council Executive, this Scouter was asked to step down from any and all leadership positions in the Troop. It was painful because this person's heart was in the right place, but the decision was in the best interest of scouting. Thanks everyone for their input and guidance.
  8. OK since my other recent posts have been so serious, I figure I might be able to necro-post on this "fun" one! I recently bought a BSA red jacshirt and affixed the official BSA patch on the front. I wore it to a Council Klondike Derby, and let's just say, the red shirt is making a SWIFT comeback! So many of them were there, but I was "called out" for not having enough patches! All the other guys had their shirts covered in patches. They had every camporee they've ever been to, unit insignia, council patches, OA patches,...just covered. Mine was blank. So ok, the uniform police say just the BSA patch, maybe an OA thingy, and a Philmont or other high adventure patch....but uniform police aside, what do people think about this nowadays (I say that since this thread was started 20 years ago!). I'm specifically wondering if, as a scoutmaster, it would be appropriate to place previous scouter position patches like Cubmaster, 50 miler award, week long scout camp patches, Scout Show patches, and even non-scouting patches from Appalachian Mountain Club high mountain huts? I guess maybe I'm answering my own question, by saying if I'm not willing to follow BSA guidelines, then why do I care....but just looking for opinions, especially about the Cubmaster patch....or even my old rank patches (I still have them all up to Life!). Thoughts?
  9. Thanks! So my argument would not be that they CAN'T be CC and ASM, but rather, that they AREN'T CC and ASM (as I never appointed them ASM, nor are they registered as such). Semantics I guess at that point, but my guess is they won't care. We will be going the cake route.
  10. You are correct (and they were untruthful). They are NOT registered as both in my.scouting.org. Thanks!
  11. COR was engaged yesterday and he has asked me who I propose to replace the CC. ALL parents and scouters agree this is a problem. I've personally spoken to at least eight. All agree this is a problem. I am unaware of any parent that does NOT agree. It's painful. This person isn't a bad person, they're just unlike anyone I've encountered before. I'm not afraid of confrontation, but even confrontation doesn't seem to resolve it. I'm hoping the COR is able to facilitate a change, because yes, I cannot properly lead the SPLs (and therefore the troop) in these circumstances and will depart if things remain as they are. Last thing I want to do is let the kids down, so I truly pray that we can fix this. The last scoutmaster left for the same reason.
  12. If they were to JUST be Committee Chair, that would be just fine. They are incapable of staying in their lane though. Imagine an extremely dominating helicopter parent, coming into a troop and doing everything for the scouts, telling everyone where and when you will camp, straining noodles for kids, carrying gear for kids, rolling sleeping bags for kids...taking scoutmaster info packets at camporees and assuming the default leadership role, getting angry when asked to give said info to the scoutmaster, being extremely loud constantly. Babying the scouts (following them around handing out hand wipes, providing them with snacks even, and pretty much not allowing any learning to take place by allowing them to fail and learn...... Imagine all that, plus someone who is so unsafe driving that other parents refuse to allow their kids to ride with this person, someone who insists on handling all kids medication, but then screams at the top of their lungs "Kevin!!! Come get your ADHD meds!!!" with no regard for privacy. Imagine being entirely un-coachable and unchanging on any of the above behaviors.....and now imagine that person is ALSO your committee chair, advancement chair, training chair, and insists on being an assistant scoutmaster, even thought he scoutmaster never wanted them to be an ASM. These are my challenges. So the motivation of my post was to find out if, at the very lease, I could say "actually, despite you insisting, you CANNOT be an ASM...according to BSA rules". That's what I was looking for, and it looks like we've found it on page 14. The rest...well I'm hoping the COR will be tired of quitting Scoutmasters and make the correct change here. On the upside....our Scouts are AWESOME, and I love working with them. They just deserve better.
  13. OK, thanks for the clarification. But maybe I shouldn't have mentioned scoutbook at all. The point of my inquiry was whether or not a Scouter was allowed to hold all those positions. I'm much less interested in the technical workings of Scoutbook in this context.
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