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About NeedleandThread

  • Birthday 07/05/2002

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    Not Telling
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  • Interests
    Scouting, quilting, reading
  • Biography
    Accidentally sold my soul to a scout camp and don't regret it one bit

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  1. Hello! New to the forum, wanted to ask if anybody here had suggestions for activities for summer camp program. I'm an area director at a BSA camp in my council and we're dealing with some slight program changes (read: i'm losing most of my staff and have to reshuffle my schedule). I'd like to run some fun activities and games relevant to Cit in the World, Cooking, and Communication Merit Badges, but most of what I'm able to find online is either really short opener games (I have most of a 2-hour program block I want to work with here) or doesn't accomplish requirements. The precedent in other areas of the camps is that I don't strictly need to be running activities that complete requirements in this time as long as it's relevant, but I'd like to spend this to be an engaging way for them to get things done. Does anyone here have any ideas?
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